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Stimulants Trazadone and adderral yeh or meh? Co


Dec 10, 2022
Does it help or no? I thought I read somewhere people on here saying it aucks to use as a come down aid. And boy am I coming down and got like some two year old trazadone I’ve had in my storage cabinet.

It may be somewhat weaker cuz it’s old but I have a lot. Thing is everyone in my life I wished that I go back on adhd meds more than insisted and I told them the risk. I told them I didn’t want to. Give is twice now
This has happened. God I look like a fool.

Anyway, I tried…to take it as prescribed and didn’t even make it a day…so I told my wife I flushed it all so that she is not supporting me to get a refill at my refill appointment next month. That was my goal if that but think I should flush the rest? Not have about 18 out of 60 left. Yeah I apparently took 42 - that would be 420mg. There is no way.

So I guess just a few things. First, I didn’t intend to get high on my meds…I would not have got them..:figured low dose would t cause euphoria and my adhd symptoms are being complicated by lo. Significantly and everyone insisting I take it…mom wife therapist

Therapist was conflicted but the end she said she wanted me to go back on them.

Anyhow, it’s my fault. I’m the one who put the pill in my mouth but damn this is the second time I told them I can’t be in ADHD meds and I got push back to get on adhd meds and then I relapse. Happened both times…different names of meds/composition but yeah amphetamines (vyvanse)

I really just want to go to sleep and definitely can sleep I think maybe now but my wife gonna be home n a few mini and she’s gonna want me to hang out with her
For hours after work and I have no energy but I have some 10mg adderal left. I didn’t get a lick of sleep last night but I have a feeling I’m going to be moody and I’m in a decent mood it’s just the no sleep. Well I kinda took a 45 min Power Nap closer to 30.

But still so tired and add low T to that so yeah I think I extremely but I don’t want to take any. Well I took like 30mg and that was around like 7am and nothing since. I want to sleep tonight

Maybe if I just took a half one (5mg) or at this point my tolerance should be back up to where it used to be nearly. I build tolerance fast so maybe I take the whole pill or maybe none at all? Idk…

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trazodone ?
Yeah. Damn it’s so hard typing on a phone right now. Can’t really see the little letters that well to see I made a mistake right away. Going to have to start rereading them

So if you had to take anything for mental energy after an all night amp binge and haven’t slept would you take Kratom? 5-10mg adderall? Small hits of sativa, or caffeine?

Don’t really trust my brain right now, but what I really need is to sleep but that’s a gotta wait a few hours like 3

Really I just want to take some Kratom but not sure how safe that would be after taking about 400mg since yesterday all but 3 were done yesterday and other three at 7am

I would t mind kratom if I hadn’t take. A crazy amount test unintentionally (hit high and dunno what happened type shit)but never stayed up all night out of my mind and then took Kratom after extremely high amp usage..

Also been getting alot of jaw clenching but I think that’s serotonin? Does that mea. I’m close to SS if I were to take 5mg? (Baby dose)
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Sorry about the posts yesterday ya all. I was in an extremely altered state. I’m good today…still have about 20 adderral left but probably should throw them away…I’m not getting another RX but damn it’s so hard to throw these away…so addicting…

I specially because I have extremely low energy drops throughout the day mostly from Low T. So I think I might try this again at 5mg(shouldn’t trigger me at that dose) because I start T next week but really need to be productive…but maybe I’m lying to myself. I mean you aren’t in my head ladies and gents but maybe you see something I don’t
I start gurning even on the simplest stimulants that have no serotonin activity. Excluding caffeine solo.
I am occasionally very unresponsible and do not always take threats seriously but I don't think any of your suggestions being dangerous. I don't really know much about trazodone tho. You have never had seizure or SS, right?
Can you mostly work semi-successfully and maintain yourself bare minimum without stims? If answer is yes, I seriously question the opinion of people around you pushing you to addictive medicine. If answer is no, I maintain same opinion because addiction often renders medicine just useless.
I am occasionally very unresponsible and do not always take threats seriously but I don't think any of your suggestions being dangerous. I don't really know much about trazodone tho. You have never had seizure or SS, right?
No. But I have never taken trazadone while coming down and or at all with amps…and I was on like 400mg adderral in one day so I’m glad I didn’t take it now because I think I may have got SS adding the trazadone? I am not well versed with trazadone pharmacology and by no means am I any kind of expert in the field. Just a layman…

But my understanding is SS is extremely rare but extremely dangerous and possible with trazadone just not sure with amps but likely so I’d guess depending on dosage. The dose is the poison and all that.

I ended up just taking chamomile and smoking weed…stil sucked but much less. I did take a 10mg adderral when my wife got home but that’s cuz she’s gonna want to talk my ear off and will get suspect if I tell her I don’t feel like it right now or I am sick and not feeling good. To be clear I don’t like lying to her about my use. But I had one slip and I’m not going to get it prescribed anymore because for ME (others on here seem to be able to exercise control better over amps) there really is too great of a risk. But my wife just had her first psychotic break in December doesn’t do drugs ever and what triggered it was the stress of my relapse. So I don’t want to trigger her and I solved the problem.
Can you mostly work semi-successfully and maintain yourself bare minimum without stims? If answer is yes, I seriously question the opinion of people around you pushing you to addictive medicine. If answer is no, I maintain same opinion because addiction often renders medicine just useless.
My exact thoughts.

If addiction is a great risk, it doesn’t matter what benefits stimulants provide for me. I am a better employee when I am consistent and even if I am forgetful and stuff

I am not reliable when I am on amps because one day, maybe not tomorrow or the next, or a month from now, I will give in to the call of addiction if I take adhd meds. I’m done with them when these are all gone. I may have like 20 left I’m guessing. Just taking one when I need to and it’s not really a lot to cause a huge binge and I exposed that the meds weren’t safe for me long term to my wife so I cant go back and get a refill at my next appointment. The difference is I didn’t tell her I gave in to the call that day. For good reason tho.

See people don’t understand the concept of moral flexibility. Sometime I have to do bad for the greater good. In this case lying to protect her from the stress that can trigger a psychotic break. And of course because I’d rather not deal with a lecture but mainly I swear it’s to protect her. I despise lying to her.

People look down on people with moral flexibility generally but I am the guy they come to when they want to get stuff done and they know that I will do whatever is necessary if the outcome is for the greater good enough
Sorry about the posts yesterday ya all. I was in an extremely altered state. I’m good today…still have about 20 adderral left but probably should throw them away…I’m not getting another RX but damn it’s so hard to throw these away…so addicting…

I specially because I have extremely low energy drops throughout the day mostly from Low T. So I think I might try this again at 5mg(shouldn’t trigger me at that dose) because I start T next week but really need to be productive…but maybe I’m lying to myself. I mean you aren’t in my head ladies and gents but maybe you see something I don’t
You absolutely should NOT mix trazodone and Adderall.

Amphetamine is an MAOI as well as a serotonin releaser and re-uptake inhibitor.

Trazodone is an SSRI and serotonin mixed against/antagonist but increases serotonin levels in the brain.

Depending on dose Adderall inhibits the enzyme that metabolizes serotonin.

This interaction can and has resulted in serotonin syndrome.
You absolutely should NOT mix trazodone and Adderall.

Amphetamine is an MAOI as well as a serotonin releaser and re-uptake inhibitor.

Trazodone is an SSRI and serotonin mixed against/antagonist but increases serotonin levels in the brain.

Depending on dose Adderall inhibits the enzyme that metabolizes serotonin.

This interaction can and has resulted in serotonin syndrome.
Well, I’m glad I stayed away from it. I guess ppl using it to come down probably were not taking doses that were very high. I take easy 100-200 mg of adderral in a day. And did for three days…


But been clean since and I called my doctors office and told them I can’t take adhd meds anymore AT ALL and that I flushed the remainder down the toilet because I was scared I wouldn’t stop. And you know, they had the audacity to reprimand me for flushing my meds and lectured me about the environment. This was a receptionist at that!!!

Probably because it’s an addiction treatment center and she looks down on addicts thinking she’s smarter and better than them. That’s how she acts anyway. Just can’t believe I didn’t get a “glad you got rid of them so you didn’t hurt yourself” or something. No compassion. No inderstanding. Just straight to reprimanding me about fishing my meds.

I’m sorry but my life is more important to me than possibly impacting the water filtration system in an advanced civilization major city.

Sorry didn’t mean to rant just meant to say that i cut myself off from access.
Well, I’m glad I stayed away from it. I guess ppl using it to come down probably were not taking doses that were very high. I take easy 100-200 mg of adderral in a day. And did for three days…


But been clean since and I called my doctors office and told them I can’t take adhd meds anymore AT ALL and that I flushed the remainder down the toilet because I was scared I wouldn’t stop. And you know, they had the audacity to reprimand me for flushing my meds and lectured me about the environment. This was a receptionist at that!!!

Probably because it’s an addiction treatment center and she looks down on addicts thinking she’s smarter and better than them. That’s how she acts anyway. Just can’t believe I didn’t get a “glad you got rid of them so you didn’t hurt yourself” or something. No compassion. No inderstanding. Just straight to reprimanding me about fishing my meds.

I’m sorry but my life is more important to me than possibly impacting the water filtration system in an advanced civilization major city.

Sorry didn’t mean to rant just meant to say that i cut myself off from access.
That can be good or bad.

If you need stimulant therapy for ADHD to function, you will gravitate to other forms of self-medication, or back to Adderall but clandestinely.
That can be good or bad.

If you need stimulant therapy for ADHD to function, you will gravitate to other forms of self-medication, or back to Adderall but clandestinely.
Ive thought about that because you are right. The thing is do I really have adhd tho? Sure I have the symptoms and have had them severely for the past year since I have a stroke from propylhexidrine abuse.

I wonder how much of it is PAWS from stimulants and how much is from low T and I also have PTSD. That one is a certainty.

So I say, I treat the T and see if symptoms resolve and give it time. Already day 2 of T therapy and symptoms remarkably improved.

So, I agree with you but I do t think I truly have adhd tho they insist I do…