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Tramadol - watch out!


Apr 28, 2009

I have been going through something which I thought I should share with the rest of you.

When it comes to drugs, I can usually go "over-the-top" and combine everything with anything. I'm one of those people who NEVER get sick, and whose friends say, "when there's an apocalypse, you will be the only survivor."

I use drugs regularly, but not daily. I use everything, uppers, downers, whatever I can get my hands on. Around every 3-4 weeks I shoot heroin with some friends, although I prefer club-drugs (speed, ecstasy, LSD).

I have had encounters with Tramadol before, and before recently had not taken more than 100mg. Tramadol never did much to me, but I decided to give it a try once more.

The first three days, I took 2 Tramadol's (50mg), so was infesting 100mg daily. Once again, nothing. I got my hands on a bottle of the stuff, 20 pills of 50mg each. I was popping them, around 4-5, and felt a little stimulated (it felt more like speed than any opiate I have tried).

Anyway within a few days I had finished the bottle.

And right after, the next day, I have a headache! I get headaches often, and don't think much of them, I usually just take a painkiller and it's gone.

But no!

This was the kind of headache which painkillers DONOT KILL!

It's some sort of annoying intense headache behind my eyes, and I couldn't get rid of it! And the worst thing? It's lasted 5 days! This is the 5th day and I've still got the damn headache! And I feel like SHIT! I've NEVER had a headache this long! Today I woke up without the headache, until my brother threw a cigarette box at my head, and the headache jumped back at me biting my eye sockets! Shit! And my stomach, OMG! My stomach has NEVER FELT LIKE THIS. It HURTS. I start SWEATING at the tiniest physical effort! No sexy-time for me this weekend! I'm really not impressed. And I start trembling for nothing, and cold waves pass through my body at RANDOM INTERVALS.

Anyway, this is a warning to those who wanna play with those shitty pills! Don't! It's not worth it! As this is a harm reduction side, IMO I think it's a better, safer idea just to slam some H periodically rather than take these bastards! I'll do meth, heroin, E's, whatever, but I'm not TOUCHING Tramadol EVER AGAIN. And for what? For nothing! A good mood, that's it! Please.

Tramadol is not worth it. I've never felt this shitty in my goddamn life, so from my experience, watch out - stay away!

to be honest bro it sounds like your withdrawing...tramadol sucks man stick to good stuff
Is it normal to experience withdrawals from such a short period? It's not as if I was using them for a month or so, only like a week or so?
It depends from person to person how quick withdrawals set in - they shouldn't come that fast, but mild symptoms might be noticable, so you might be in a tiny patch of withdrawing. Also, I have found that due in part at least to its long duration, tramadol has a noticeable 'hangover' effect, so it might be just that. Tramadol withdrawals are notoriously unpleasant and lengthy in comparison to other opioids, especially relatively in terms of the strength of the substance, but I used it for way longer with bigger doses and didn't get ALL that much in the way of withdrawals, so don't get too worried.

I'd hazard a guess that it's just not a suitable drug for you (people love it or hate it) and you've got hangover effects, maybe very slight withdrawal.
tramadol is a shitty opioid in my books... as for the headaches they sound more like migraines... you should have gone to the doc, and they prescribe something special for migraines, its not a regular painkiller...
For me it's not good for anything but pain relief. It's a great pain killer for my chronic pain. I can always count on the stuff to work but it doesn't have too much recreational value. It is definitely not worthless just not that recreational. Even thou there are people out there who get a really nice high off the stuff without experiencing as much pain as you did. Sorry to hear that, tramadol is just not your drug. But there are many people that do like the stuff.
Thanks guys.

I didn't find it that recreational at all, causes more pain than any painkiller I know, but that's what comes with experimenting!

Thanks again!
tramadol is a shitty opioid in my books... as for the headaches they sound more like migraines... you should have gone to the doc, and they prescribe something special for migraines, its not a regular painkiller...

Solmitriptan, sumatriptan and a few other tryptamine-based medications are meant for migraines. If your pounding heacache responds to painkillers (unless we're talking anesthesia-grade painkillers) it is not a migraine. Migraines are neurological problems and don't work by the same mechanism as normal pain.
I wish they would just take tramadol off the market, doctors prescribe it when they think the person will like opiates or something to much, to me its an insult and a bad call on any physicians case. It has horrible side effects and doesnt do shit for pain