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Tramadol vs. Darvocet: Crappy Opioid Showdown!!

ChemicalSmile said:
both = epic suck

end of discussion.

and btw ^ ^ fukhead.... lol I love being able to call you fukhead legitimately. :D WTF would you take 14 darvocet!? Thats horrible for your body and would not even give you a high! Dont ever do that to yourself again!

Because I had a really high tolerance and it was the only thing around. duh huh huh huh huhhh huhhhh his name say fukhed huh huhhh uhhhh uhhh huhhuhhuhhhuhh, BE CAREFULS!!!!! yeah wise guy i thought darvocets got vitamin c in it, n i needed a boost to my immune system. and for the record i got extremely high on it.

sonic said:
Nevermind the APAP, darvocet itself can cause significant CNS depression. A lot of people die trying to get high off darvocet. We're not proud of you and we DON'T think you're a bad ass. Please remember, this board is about harm reduction.

Gee whiz it really bums me out that sonic the hedgehog don't think I'm like fonzy. 8) ,No shit a lot of people die tyring to get high off of it. I never said it was smart, or that you should do it. I am saying, when I have done it, I take a few weeks off of taking high doses of things like that. I never advocated it, and it is pretty dumb. Unwind your panties fer chrissakes.
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hexxx said:
DHC is quite strong and lasts very long in comparison to codeine. A 200mg dose is quite a lot and fatalities have been reported at 300mg. As an analgesic it's in between codeine and morphine. It has claimed 3:1 analgesic strength ratio on a mg to mg comparison with morphine whereas codeine is 10:1.
Well maybe not right "in between" since codeine and dihydrocodeine are qualitatively considered to be respectively a weak and a moderately weak opioid.As for the analgesic strenght ratio, considering that -depending on individual metabolism - dihydrocodeine is thought to be 100 to 150 (1:1.5 ratio)percent as strong as codeine... and the analgesic strenght ratio between ORAL morphine and ORAL codeine will be more like..around 1:7 (the IM/IV morphine being around 20:1)-the ratio uyou were referring to should be somewhat around 1:10 so pretty much the same as codeine or maybe just a little less.
Tramadol is so much better than propoxyphene (for me). Tramadol probably mimics morphine in action (phenolic moiety largely responsible for opioid binding), and gives similar body high to the really strong opioids. Also, it has a slightly psychadelic aspect (just like high dose codeine/morphine). Tramadol also can give an initally speedy effect, not unlike a single line of good coke. If tramadol doesn't work for you, because of your genetics, oh well. Tramadol is a synthetic analog of codeine, and is processed by the liver (O-demethylated) into its morphine analog (O-desmethyl-tramadol).
Im not a fan of pill popping or any other daily drug use, ive never tried darvocet but 400mg of trammies spread out throughout the night is all i need for rec use. oh and usually 20-30mg valium hours before administration:)

I treat myself on fridays and saturdays only so my stash will last quite a while:p
Neither! as ive had adverse reactions to both even at the minimal dose.

But why is tramadol so unpredictable, one day i can take it without problems but then the next time it will cause me difficulty breathing, muscle spasms, itching and all sorts of odd symptoms.
fukhed14 said:
Because I had a really high tolerance and it was the only thing around. duh huh huh huh huhhh huhhhh his name say fukhed huh huhhh uhhhh uhhh huhhuhhuhhhuhh, BE CAREFULS!!!!! yeah wise guy i thought darvocets got vitamin c in it, n i needed a boost to my immune system. and for the record i got extremely high on it.

Gee whiz it really bums me out that sonic the hedgehog don't think I'm like fonzy. 8) ,No shit a lot of people die tyring to get high off of it. I never said it was smart, or that you should do it. I am saying, when I have done it, I take a few weeks off of taking high doses of things like that. I never advocated it, and it is pretty dumb. Unwind your panties fer chrissakes.

Maybe you should re-read what ChemicalSmile wrote...he wasn't trying to be a dick to you in any way and it's fucked up you responded like that. If you don't want feedback, don't post.
tramadol is really shitty
take enough of it to get high and you are at high risk for a seizure. i had one doing this. stupid, stupid, stupid.

i've never taken darvocet so i can't compare them though :[
shitty opioids are darvocet, lomotil, and motofen, "opioids" with as much analgesic properties as aspirin (literally).

tramadol is actually a narcotic and my doctor has a few patients who were (and some still are) heavily addicted to tramadol because they were told it isn't addictive. the one's who are off it are now on suboxone... i've tried 50-150mg doses and i'd say it's unique and synthetic feeling but is much better than darvocet, lomotil and motofen.

i'd say the levels of opioids goes lke this... from weakest to strongest (by mg) of commonly prescribed opioids:

Level one
lomotil - darvocet - motofen - paregoric

Level two

tramadol - codeine - dihydrocodeine

Level three
hydrocodone - oxycodone - meperidine - morphine - heroin

Level four

hydromorphone - oxymorphone - fentanyl - buperenorphine
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I really like tramadol. I think if it wasnt for the seizure risk it would be pretty recreational. I also love how long it last, and it always gives me a little euphoria.

300 milligrams and a muscle relaxer has me feeling as good as 25mg of vicodin.
If i could take around 700mg it would be awesome, but i wouldnt risk that because of seizures.
I've tried both of them;

Darvs are pretty worthless unless you really focus on a placebo effect, then you may convince yourself you feel something, plus the APAP.

Tram isnt an incredibly euphoric drug, but it gives a nice relaxing warmth, has a nice length of duration, and doesnt have the APAP (unless you have the ultracet stuff) to fuck with yer liver.

Tramadol > Darvocet
the title is correct both of these opiods are crappy

IMO tramadol>darvocet
but fuck it, it's a shitty day either way if thats all i can get.....Haha

(by shitty day i dont mean to imply that i use opiods/iates everyday, i just mean if im lookin for a buzz im not lookin for either of those drugs)
tramadol is not scheduled why is this

Because it sucks.

I've got a tolerance so high that I cannot feel oxycodone anymore and have to resort to fent or morphine. And I can still catch a small buzz from 4 Darvocets. Weird, I know. I don't even feel ultram except some speediness and nausea.
Darvocet > Ultram
note that there is world of difference between brands.

I've had Ultram and I've had original bayer's tramadol intendend for sublingual use (with delivery device ie squirter) and it is a world of difference. Bayer's is better then stupid ultram about 10 times. I also sampled at least 5 other different brands and I must say that everything that came from US sucked when it comes to tramadol whereas european products can give you a decent feeling, especially if you combine it with weed+benzo.

Ofcourse I prefer shooting H, but Tramadol can save your ass sometimes.
I would take tramadol if i was in wd's from other opiods, but my advice is stay away from both if you could. Tramadol is ok if you in wd's because it would help, but no plus they took darvocet off the market i thought cause it sucked so bad and it could kill you. I would give my doctor a script for a uppercut if here would tell me to take those i quess thats why i dont have a primary doc.
i'd say the levels of opioids goes lke this... from weakest to strongest (by mg) of commonly prescribed opioids:

Level one
lomotil - darvocet - motofen - paregoric

Level two

tramadol - codeine - dihydrocodeine

I don't really think its fair to rate paregoric alongside propoxyphene and diphenoxylate, paregoric may be dilute but its still opium. I'd sure as hell take a bottle of paregoric above lomotil or even codeine anyday, even good old Billy Burroughs claimed 3 ounces of paregoric stopped his WD from an IV heroin habit.
Interesting thread. I would have never expected to see a decent sized group of other individuals who prefer tramadol over hydrocodone, considering the flack tram gets on the other boards. At least with tramadol, you don't have to deal with the APAP crap.
when i first started using opiates i actually preferred tramadol over vicodin. it lasted way longer and gave me a nice mood boost and a great high. after a while tho it just made me feel crappy and tense.. i dunno what happened there, vicodin still gives me a pretty good buzz but i prefer OC over anything.
I couldn't imagine anything being lower than Darvocet, I tried it twice and it blew hard, wasn't worth the gut rot from the APAP or the effort of a CWE, my friend still has a full script though and they do beat the hell out of your average Tylenol for headaches. Never tried Tramadol though.
I've always had a strange relationship to be honest, when I had a very high tolerance and was doing a lot of fent, tramadol was the only opiate I could feel besides the fent. I still enjoy doses as low as 75mgs, gives me an "opiated" floating feeling, large doses of codeine (400mg in my non-tolerant state ATM) dont give me that feeling remotely as much as tramadol, which boosts my mood as well via other mechanisms in addition to the classic opiate feeling. I remember doing a 400mg IR dose of oral MS solution (almost a weeks worth) when I was on PM and not feeling anything and then getting "high" (or at least buzzed) the next day on just 300mg of tramadol - I don't know if that rules out enzymes as an explanation for why tram feels subjectively stronger than codeine to me. 500mg/day of it was enough to keep my out of w/ds but strangely ony if i did it in at most 2 doses. Splitting it into safer doses wouldn't work.

Darvocet doesn't really work now, never did really for pain or anything besides minor sedation. Although I know a girl who gets wasted if she takes 75mg d-propox so maybe it works well on certain people, although they probably forget about the pain because they're spaced out more than anything else.