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Tramadol and Adderall


Mar 2, 2009
Hey guys. First of all I know tramadol is a hit or miss kinda drug. You either like it or get no effects from it whatsoever. For me, I think it's great. Subtle but can definitely feel the effects at about 100mg-200mg. This might not be the best post because I'm actually on 350mg right now :)

Anyway, on topic. Last year I've used adderall to cram studying. I usually crash very hard on amphetamines, the worse symptom being anxiety and mental depression. But I found out that when the adderall is actually wearing off, if I pop about 100-150mg of tramadol, I feel that they synergize. I feel motivated again, the anxiety disappears, and my body becomes relaxed. It's like extending the effects of adderall with a very slight opiate like effect.

I know that it lowers the seizure threshold so it's good to have a very small dose of benzo depending on your tolerance.

Has anyone tried this combo? Are there any dangers besides the seizures?