Lost Tramadol Abuse


Sep 17, 2019
I apologize if this is the wrong forum to ask this.

It's amazing how this so-called weak opioid is so hard to quit. Several users watch my thread about quitting tramadol "cold turkey" but I couldn't. I feel like a failure. I have no money and I am selling everything I have to buy my little tram boxes. Isn't it pathetic? Soon or later I will start to steal money.

Anyway. I just wanted to know if anyone has been able to quit or at least cut back on the tramadol? What if you have any advice you can give me? I feel so lost.

I don't know if @Nicocastillo7 still posts on this forum, maybe he's in rehab or finally detox. He had an addiction similar to mine, maybe he can come forward and tell me his story. I don't know of any other user with a similar addiction (1000-2000mg. Every day. That's insane and plain dangerous.)

Some days ago, I have even drunk my pee, because I know tramadol is excreted mostly (70%) in the urine in its u-opioid metabolite o-desmethyltramadol. I know I hit rock bottom right there.

The thing is, I don't know if I want to stop. All my memories with tramadol are so happy and good (even when I was about to O.D.) and practically living without it would be like a punishment for life.

Thanks for reading me.
@supersonic89 did you not try to taper down?
I wouldn't feel bad for not being to quit an opioid cold turkey man, that's fucking hard ass shit. Can you not get help from the doctor?

What did your pee taste like? Part of me has always wondered
Yeah dude, I would highly advise against cold turkey off the amount of tramadol you are taking anyway. You need a taper plan to get down off those dangerous doses at least to start. Maybe you don’t want to quit yet but you’re taking a big chance every time you dose those high amounts. Tramadol seizures are not pretty and you can be left seriously messed up due to them.
How’s about just focusing on reducing your daily amount for now. Taper down and get to a safer level. Then you need to decide if you’re willing to start stealing to keep the tram habit. I guarantee it’s not worth it dude.
Plenty here with tramadol experience, you’ll get through this.
@supersonic89 did you not try to taper down?
I wouldn't feel bad for not being to quit an opioid cold turkey man, that's fucking hard ass shit. Can you not get help from the doctor?

What did your pee taste like? Part of me has always wondered

Oh yeah. The piss didn't taste that bad, like a not very good beer hahaha. It was also transparent because I drank plenty of water during the day. I don't know if was placebo or not, but after drinking it I was nodding off watching Tropic Thunder and laughing at anything. I love that movie. That night was something else.

I think I was able to do two cold turkey days. 0.25 mg of sertraline seemed to help a little and clonazepam, let alone, calmed my cravings a bit and helped me sleep.

But some bad personal news made me forget about the whole process and I took 500 mg. like there is no tomorrow. I wonder if there is any process (ECT? Drugs?) That can erase certain memories from our brain? Just like that movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I would erase the first time I took this drug and all of 2019 and 2010. I wonder if that could work out?

I spoke yesterday with the only detox center in my state (incredible but true) and they only attented patients who are part of the National Health Fund (FONASA). I am part of the Pension Health Institutions (ISAPRE), so I am seen as an upper class person. Switching from ISAPRE to FONASA is a real pain in the ass.

Anyway, the person in charge told me that when I had a crisis go to the nearest health center where they have plans in case of substance abuse. I just have to sign up and I don't know if it will be free but the price doesn't matter to me. I wish they give me some methadone or buprenorphine so I don't do this cold turkey craze.
Yeah dude, I would highly advise against cold turkey off the amount of tramadol you are taking anyway. You need a taper plan to get down off those dangerous doses at least to start. Maybe you don’t want to quit yet but you’re taking a big chance every time you dose those high amounts. Tramadol seizures are not pretty and you can be left seriously messed up due to them.
How’s about just focusing on reducing your daily amount for now. Taper down and get to a safer level. Then you need to decide if you’re willing to start stealing to keep the tram habit. I guarantee it’s not worth it dude.
Plenty here with tramadol experience, you’ll get through this.

Yeah I am definitely lowering the doses. Some days I still fail but since last Thursday or Friday I have only taken 700 mg. maximum dairy (still a huge dose but much less than what I were taking). Yesterday I only took 400 mg. I think clonazepam makes me forget about tramadol a bit. I hope I am not switching one addiction for other.
Yeah I am definitely lowering the doses. Some days I still fail but since last Thursday or Friday I have only taken 700 mg. maximum dairy (still a huge dose but much less than what I were taking). Yesterday I only took 400 mg. I think clonazepam makes me forget about tramadol a bit. I hope I am not switching one addiction for other.
You definitely don’t wanna do that. Honestly that’s great you’ve got down a good amount. It’s just about focusing on lowering that. Have you made a physical taper plan out? Maybe having something physical you can look at will help focus and motivate you!
People piss all over tramadol but before I ever touched heroin or harder opiates, tramadol was my main love. Much better and longer lasting than codeine at least.
It gave me a clean feeling of stimulation where I could get things done (cleaning the house, go to work, all the boring stuff I didn't feel like doing) while also giving me a nod at the same time. It's a very unique feeling that I've only ever noticed in tramadol really. It was my heroin, until I found actual heroin. It use to be strong as hell on me too. I still have a blanket with burn holes all over it where trams would make me nod out while smoking a cigarette and by the time I was able to pick my head up, my cigarette had already burned a hole in the blanket. lol Maybe I was a good metabolizer though too.

I went through tramadol withdrawal every single month for around 8-10 years. So I'm no stranger to how awful the withdrawals really are. It's like withdrawing from an antidepressant and an opiate at the same time. You are no failure. It's one of the reasons I ended up on buprenorphine maintenance. It felt like no matter how long I tried to stay off of them, my motivation and joy in life just never returned, even after the initial acute withdrawal stage was over. My life became nothing but waiting to fill the tramadol every month and if the pharmacy/doctor would fuck around and not fill it right away, I would go into a suicidal rage. It was one of the hardest drugs next to heroin for me to quit. I'm honestly surprised I never actually went through with suicide, because that's just how empty my life felt without them.

So don't beat yourself up too much. The doses you are taking are rather high though. And as long as you have access, there really is no real reason to "quit". If it gives you positive benefits and makes your life more worth living, then by all means stick with it. But if you could taper your dose down and try to remain on a maintenance dose, the risks will go down as well.

I never got my doses that high. I was able to maintain myself on around 400-600mg once the initial high and nod went away and still got the mood lift from it and some positive benefits, while avoiding withdrawal. If you have no access to buprenorphine or methadone, I would try to taper down to a less risky dose and then stay there for awhile (weeks, months, years even, however long it takes). Here for you man! I know all too well what tramadol addiction/dependence is like. I'm not one to believe in absolute sobriety or feeling morally superior by being totally "clean". It just doesn't work for all of us. So don't think you NEED to be "clean" in order to be a good or successful person. I believe in better living through chemistry. But I do worry about the seizure risk at those dosages, which the clonazepam protects you from. But seizures are also a risk when in clonazepam withdrawal or when your levels of clonazepam are dropping in your system. So keep this in mind.
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You definitely don’t wanna do that. Honestly that’s great you’ve got down a good amount. It’s just about focusing on lowering that. Have you made a physical taper plan out? Maybe having something physical you can look at will help focus and motivate you!

Yeah, I should definitely go back to my past hobby. Fitness. I was crazy about it for quite some time (Even obssesed). I was counting calories and carbs from coffee and lettuce. THAT crazy. :ROFLMAO: I was always looking for new routines or workouts and crazy diets (keto, gluten-free, etc.). I was a really healthy guy. And my self-esteem was through the roof, because when you workout every day and watch your diet you'll looked better than ever.


I'm sorry to hear this. Never realized the extent of the problem or the dosage on your other thread. Sorry.

As noted on your other thread: if the one or two nights of hell I experienced was indeed due to my taking Tramadol for two months and then simply stopping because I didn't have any more well then I feel for you (they weren't prescribed for me and the reasons for my having them in the house are too emotionally painful for me to discuss and this over a year later). And that was only, maximum, 2 x 100mg Tramadol ER daily late afternoon or early evening (until as I say they ran out). So fuck knows what you're going to do about this. I don't think you have an option but to taper. Cold turkey from those high doses I doubt will be pleasant (if even possible). But then again: I'm no expert on opioids.

As for the Clonazepam issue? Didn't we have a deal (on your other thread on this topic)? ;) For what it's worth: sounds to me like Clonazepam isn't something to be worrying yourself about right now (based on this thread and your other one on this topic). Assuming you've not started taking it more often and increased your dosage: you should still have a good amount of stock left (more than enough to taper anyway and which was the plan if I remember correctly?). My advice would be to deal with the Tramadol issue and starting right now as in the moment you read this (and particularly the below). In other words: while you've still got stock of Clonazepam try get off the Tramadol first and deal with the Clonazepam fallout later. This being said and as much as I know about benzodiazepines: some say that benzodiazepine withdrawal is as bad, if not worse, than withdrawal from opiates or alcohol. I cannot vouch for this. But maybe something you want to bear in mind. Point is: you don't want to have run out of both and at the same time to boot.

But I'll tell you this (which hopefully will put things into, albeit a painful, perspective):

If you think you're feeling shit now: wait until you beat this thing (which you eventually will whether it be by choice or forcibly) and then look back, sober, and see that you've got nothing left because you've sold everything and have to start over. Been there, and still there, and all I can tell you is that it's not a regret you want to have. And in my case: it wasn't even for booze, illicit drugs, or legit pharma. i.e. it was merely to survive. I cannot imagine how much worse I'd feel right now if the reason I had to practically give away everything near and dear to me away was because I was an addict (when you're desperate people see you coming and will fuck you over for every last cent they can just because they can) (and in my case I'm talking about friends let alone fucking drug dealers). From a psychological point of view: I reckon that had this all happened because I was an addict I'd simply have thought to myself "fuck this" and started using all over again in an effort to dull the pain and regret thus starting a cycle that would probably have been never ending.

As for some type of drug that will erase memories and sadness and regrets (permanently)? There's only one that I know of and it's called Fentanyl (and not the Chinese type either) and a heroic dose of it at that (which ain't cheap either to boot). You don't want to get to that point. Trust me on this one.

And for the record: I'm not preaching nor am I being judgmental. You don't strike me as the type to be posting if you were not worried or serious about quitting everything. And from what I gather: you're not (not yet anyway) at the point of creating a long term problem for yourself and one that will outlive your current problem. So if my input is a bit harsh: sorry but I'm trying to give you a perspective beyond the immediate problem. There's no point in getting clean and sober and having fuck all else left is my personal opinion.

Interestingly, when I took smaller doses (less than 400mg), my WD seemed much worse mentally at least. I wanted to die. I didn't want to talk or see anyone. I just locked myself in my room. Depression at its best.
In my case, tramadol was prescribed by a doctor after treating me for a herniated disc on my lower back. Really painful stuff. I was pretty underweight at that time (but that's another story). I could barely get out of bed or walk properly. Not to mention sleeping, hopefully 3-4 hours and I would always wake up from the pain. At first I didn't want to take the pills, because I've never liked being dependent on pills. Also, tramadol seemed like a painkiller with "some" addictive potential, so I really didn't want to put that in my body. But one night the pain and suffering was so bad that I had to take a 50mg pill. And that's how it all started.
About the fentanyl thing, luckily it hasn't get here (on the streets at least) but I don't think that will take that long. Sooner or later it will come. I know that.
People piss all over tramadol but before I ever touched heroin or harder opiates, tramadol was my main love. Much better and longer lasting than codeine at least.
It gave me a clean feeling of stimulation where I could get things done (cleaning the house, go to work, all the boring stuff I didn't feel like doing) while also giving me a nod at the same time. It's a very unique feeling that I've only ever noticed in tramadol really. It was my heroin, until I found actual heroin. It use to be strong as hell on me too. I still have a blanket with burn holes all over it where trams would make me nod out while smoking a cigarette and by the time I was able to pick my head up, my cigarette had already burned a hole in the blanket. lol Maybe I was a good metabolizer though too.

I went through tramadol withdrawal every single month for around 8-10 years. So I'm no stranger to how awful the withdrawals really are. It's like withdrawing from an antidepressant and an opiate at the same time. You are no failure. It's one of the reasons I ended up on buprenorphine maintenance. It felt like no matter how long I tried to stay off of them, my motivation and joy in life just never returned, even after the initial acute withdrawal stage was over. My life became nothing but waiting to fill the tramadol every month and if the pharmacy/doctor would fuck around and not fill it right away, I would go into a suicidal rage. It was one of the hardest drugs next to heroin for me to quit. I'm honestly surprised I never actually went through with suicide, because that's just how empty my life felt without them.

So don't beat yourself up too much. The doses you are taking are rather high though. And as long as you have access, there really is no real reason to "quit". If it gives you positive benefits and makes your life more worth living, then by all means stick with it. But if you could taper your dose down and try to remain on a maintenance dose, the risks will go down as well.

I never got my doses that high. I was able to maintain myself on around 400-600mg once the initial high and nod went away and still got the mood lift from it and some positive benefits, while avoiding withdrawal. If you have no access to buprenorphine or methadone, I would try to taper down to a less risky dose and then stay there for awhile (weeks, months, years even, however long it takes). Here for you man! I know all too well what tramadol addiction/dependence is like. I'm not one to believe in absolute sobriety or feeling morally superior by being totally "clean". It just doesn't work for all of us. So don't think you NEED to be "clean" in order to be a good or successful person. I believe in better living through chemistry. But I do worry about the seizure risk at those dosages, which the clonazepam protects you from. But seizures are also a risk when in clonazepam withdrawal or when your levels of clonazepam are dropping in your system. So keep this in mind.

Yeah 400-600 mg still seems like a good dose to me and gives me a nice euphoria. When I'm sober or after a WD, I really realize and appreciate how 400mg of tramadol makes me feel. I'm totally another person.
But doesn't it make you want to compulsively redose? 600 mg? But why not 1000 mg? And so. I've always had that problem, even with nicotine (when I was smoking). I would rather smoke the last 2 or 3 than save them. Never with alcohol altough. I think only about 5-10 have I been really drunk and it was for social occasions, never I drank alone to the point of get wasted. In fact, I hate the taste of alcohol (except light beer or champagne).

Thank you all for your nice words. I really appreciate it.

My best regards to you all. @PrincessDiz @dalpat077 @DeathIndustrial88 @jhjhsdi
We all hit rock bottom from time to time. I can't recommend kratom enough. It helped me quit drinking and using harder opiates. You can become dependent on it, but it is so benign in comparison to morphine or any other opiates or opioids, tramadol included. Please no more drink urine!

Kratom is basically the cannabis of opioids. It does not cause respiratory depression, but it helps in many ways.
We all hit rock bottom from time to time. I can't recommend kratom enough. It helped me quit drinking and using harder opiates. You can become dependent on it, but it is so benign in comparison to morphine or any other opiates or opioids, tramadol included. Please no more drink urine!

Kratom is basically the cannabis of opioids. It does not cause respiratory depression, but it helps in many ways.

Yeah, I'm really interested in trying it. I think very few people become dependent on kratom (but the same is said about tramadol :LOL: ).
Anyway. I only have one Kratom supplier here and they have all the varieties out of stock.
Which one would you recommend (green, white, red)? I would like trying the most euphoric one.
I haven't ever used kratom so I can't attest to it but there are certainly people here who do and swear by it.

Aside from that, there's also buprenorphine. Depending on your usage and tolerance might be appropriate.

There's no shame though if you find you can't make it cold turkey. A lot of us find we can't.

The amount of tramadol you're on is quite dangerous though, I really hope that you taper down onto some other opioid if stopping isn't an option. <3

I was a heroin addict myself. By the time I decided I wanted to get off it (like you for the longest time I didn't really want to get off it) id lost pretty much everything and done some pretty horrible shit.

I still could never have done it cold turkey or even by tapering. I got on methadone instead and it helped improve my life enormously.

Methadone probably isn't the right opioid for you, but as I said buprenorphine or perhaps kratom might an acceptable substitute.

Good luck.

P.s. I'm like half asleep so I sincerely apologize if any of this post is hard to read or anything.
I haven't ever used kratom so I can't attest to it but there are certainly people here who do and swear by it.

Aside from that, there's also buprenorphine. Depending on your usage and tolerance might be appropriate.

There's no shame though if you find you can't make it cold turkey. A lot of us find we can't.

The amount of tramadol you're on is quite dangerous though, I really hope that you taper down onto some other opioid if stopping isn't an option. <3

I was a heroin addict myself. By the time I decided I wanted to get off it (like you for the longest time I didn't really want to get off it) id lost pretty much everything and done some pretty horrible shit.

I still could never have done it cold turkey or even by tapering. I got on methadone instead and it helped improve my life enormously.

Methadone probably isn't the right opioid for you, but as I said buprenorphine or perhaps kratom might an acceptable substitute.

Good luck.

P.s. I'm like half asleep so I sincerely apologize if any of this post is hard to read or anything.

I understood everything you said, so don't worry. I write and speak english like shit (i'm from south america) so no problem.

About buprenorphine, I don't think there's something like subutex here. Buprenorphine patches only. Interestingly, I used it for a week when I was off tramadol due to a long delay in my shipments, and it helped a lot. But, at that time, I wasn't taking as much tramadol like now, maybe 600 mg max. Anyway, it can be a good alternative, what do you think? They were 35mcg/h patches. I must say altough that I didn't use it properly, I chewed it like someone who chews tobacco :LOL: . It worked anyway.
I understood everything you said, so don't worry. I write and speak english like shit (i'm from south america) so no problem.

About buprenorphine, I don't think there's something like subutex here. Buprenorphine patches only. Interestingly, I used it for a week when I was off tramadol due to a long delay in my shipments, and it helped a lot. But, at that time, I wasn't taking as much tramadol like now, maybe 600 mg max. Anyway, it can be a good alternative, what do you think? They were 35mcg/h patches. I must say altough that I didn't use it properly, I chewed it like someone who chews tobacco :LOL: . It worked anyway.

If you use buprenorphine be careful, it can trigger withdrawal if you take it after having taken another opioid. So if you take a tramadol and then a bup you might quickly find yourself sick.

Taking opioids after taking bupe doesn't carry the awake risk though, it just doesn't work.

I don't know if you have proper bupe/subuxone programs there, but if you don't but plan to use bupe anyway, you need to wait till you're feeling sick to start taking it (same reason as above). Once you do you should try to just stay on it rather than continuing to use tramadol.

You also wanna be cautious with the dose to ensure you done overdose or anything. The usual concerns.

I don't know about there but here subuxone is given as a sublingual film for opioid substitution. I've never been on bupe though. I almost started it some years ago but in the end I went on methadone instead.

I wish you lots of luck though. <3
Yeah, I should definitely go back to my past hobby. Fitness. I was crazy about it for quite some time (Even obssesed). I was counting calories and carbs from coffee and lettuce. THAT crazy. :ROFLMAO: I was always looking for new routines or workouts and crazy diets (keto, gluten-free, etc.). I was a really healthy guy. And my self-esteem was through the roof, because when you workout every day and watch your diet you'll looked better than ever.

Interestingly, when I took smaller doses (less than 400mg), my WD seemed much worse mentally at least. I wanted to die. I didn't want to talk or see anyone. I just locked myself in my room. Depression at its best.
In my case, tramadol was prescribed by a doctor after treating me for a herniated disc on my lower back. Really painful stuff. I was pretty underweight at that time (but that's another story). I could barely get out of bed or walk properly. Not to mention sleeping, hopefully 3-4 hours and I would always wake up from the pain. At first I didn't want to take the pills, because I've never liked being dependent on pills. Also, tramadol seemed like a painkiller with "some" addictive potential, so I really didn't want to put that in my body. But one night the pain and suffering was so bad that I had to take a 50mg pill. And that's how it all started.
About the fentanyl thing, luckily it hasn't get here (on the streets at least) but I don't think that will take that long. Sooner or later it will come. I know that.

Yeah 400-600 mg still seems like a good dose to me and gives me a nice euphoria. When I'm sober or after a WD, I really realize and appreciate how 400mg of tramadol makes me feel. I'm totally another person.
But doesn't it make you want to compulsively redose? 600 mg? But why not 1000 mg? And so. I've always had that problem, even with nicotine (when I was smoking). I would rather smoke the last 2 or 3 than save them. Never with alcohol altough. I think only about 5-10 have I been really drunk and it was for social occasions, never I drank alone to the point of get wasted. In fact, I hate the taste of alcohol (except light beer or champagne).

Thank you all for your nice words. I really appreciate it.

My best regards to you all. @PrincessDiz @dalpat077 @DeathIndustrial88 @jhjhsdi

Tramadol was always pretty long acting for me, so the compulsion to redose was never there I suppose. It usually came on in stages, that stimulating "clean the house" come up that slowly fades into the opioid part of the buzz after a few hours and I would nod out on and off for about another 4-8 hours & then I would usually feel so tired that I would go to bed and then repeat my dosage upon waking up the next day. I can remember some times tho wanting to take more in the evening but always tried to be reluctant since I knew of the seizure risk and redosing didn't always do much for me for some reason besides make me feel like I was on the verge of a seizure.

I think bupe would help, if anything to at least taper, as I find bupe + trams really play well together. Bupe is also similiar somewhat to tramadol in that it's one of the more stimulating and long lasting opioids & has some antidepressant qualities. I have used both together and intermittently and have found that the percipitated withdrawals from trams and then bupe is almost mild to none. I'm assuming because technically buprenorphine is much stronger than trams in a sense and I'm on bupe maintenance, so I always have some level of bupe hanging around inside me. This may vary with others though.
I so regret abusing Tramadol! I did get off it though. It was a BITCH to get off of. You know what I think makes it worse? The SNRI component. You might be better off getting some antidepressants to alleviate some of the symptoms. That’s what I did anyway. Cos boyyyyyy do you get low!!! Ugh. Good luck.
I so regret abusing Tramadol! I did get off it though. It was a BITCH to get off of. You know what I think makes it worse? The SNRI component. You might be better off getting some antidepressants to alleviate some of the symptoms. That’s what I did anyway. Cos boyyyyyy do you get low!!! Ugh. Good luck.

Really agree.

The WD opioid symptoms I can bear (diarrhea, stuffy or runy nose, yawning, rls) but the SNRIs are devastating (extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, extreme fatigue).

I have this crazy idea that venlafaxine can work after 1-2 days of stopping tramadol. At least it's structurally similar and even has a low affinity for opioid receptors.
Tramadol was always pretty long acting for me, so the compulsion to redose was never there I suppose. It usually came on in stages, that stimulating "clean the house" come up that slowly fades into the opioid part of the buzz after a few hours and I would nod out on and off for about another 4-8 hours & then I would usually feel so tired that I would go to bed and then repeat my dosage upon waking up the next day. I can remember some times tho wanting to take more in the evening but always tried to be reluctant since I knew of the seizure risk and redosing didn't always do much for me for some reason besides make me feel like I was on the verge of a seizure.

I've always had this self-control problem. All or nothing mentality.
During my fitness freak days it was also either exercising every day or doing nothing for the whole week. Eathing healthy all day or piging out.
It's really something I hope to fix sometime. Because if it's not for the tram, I'll always have a problem with something else.
I've always had this self-control problem. All or nothing mentality.
During my fitness freak days it was also either exercising every day or doing nothing for the whole week. Eathing healthy all day or piging out.
It's really something I hope to fix sometime. Because if it's not for the tram, I'll always have a problem with something else.

I use to be quite similar. When I couldn't get trams or heroin, it turned into all or nothing for me. I'd go steal DXM & vodka from the store and drink the fuck out of both at the same time. Anything to stop the agonizing pain of withdrawal and post acute withdrawal. And then I'd usually prostitute myself for more money and more drugs (which often times meant smoking crystal meth on top of being high on dxm and vodka) and then on the come down I'd usually eventually find some heroin or get my trams and I would use those to land softly. But oddly, once I had my heroin/trams, I never really craved for the other stuff (except maybe weed) and didn't go crazy. I have major depressive disorder and borderline personality disorder, along with anxiety/panic disorders and I always found opioids, especially tramadol in the beginning would level out my moods and stop my suicidal ideation. Where as when I didn't have them, I was emotionally unstable and suicidal all the time, which turned into self destruction and lead to me getting that 'all or nothing attitude'. So of course I enjoyed the high from the opiates but they were also my life line to sanity.

Not sure how old are you are but I feel like I've grown out of those days, somewhat. I've been maintenance for about 4-5 years now. After being on bupe this long, it's rendered tramadol almost useless as the magic disappeared from it. Which I was able to keep the magic with trams going for almost a decade. I'm assuming it's because bupe is more powerful, therefore raising tolerance to a level where trams just don't do much.

I still crave heroin deeply tho, on bupe. Nothing will ever compare to it for me. It's the only opiate that still gives me itches, makes me rub my nose raw and feel like I'm going to be okay, if I do enough, but I lost all my heroin connections. Still have access to trams and bupe but they just never satisfy that desire for heroin....

Maybe if you were on maintenance long enough it would render tramadol boring for you like it has me. :p lol but in the end, it hasn't solved my want for heroin. I've noticed in the world of addiction that the only way to really stop drugs is with other drugs, or at least that's been my experience. I think I will always be on drugs and god help me the day I have no more opiates, I will have to just lay down and die, especially knowing I would then be in withdrawals from years and years of daily use.
I just wanted to point out that I have not taken tramadol for a week. I quit cold turkey *, I did not suffer seizures or anything strange, but the worst thing is the depression and lack of motivation that this drug leaves you. I think my neurotransmitters definitely screwed up. I will ask a doctor for an hour to see if he can prescribe venlafaxine or something that can lift my mood a little.

* Of course, this is not the correct way to quit this drug, due to the high probability of seizures, but this is how it works for me, the taper has never helped me.

That's it.

Best wishes to all Bluelighters. <3

And to the users or guests who read this, don't abuse tramadol or any other opioid, it's not worth it.