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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Tramadol/150 mg)+(Celexa/40 mg)+(marijuana)


Jan 7, 2011
I decided to write a trip report for this since many wonder about mixing tramadol and ssri's. Warning: doing this is dangerous/risky please try to avoid this combo.

I was having withdrawls from oxycodone and hydrocodone but both were out of my system by this time of dosage. I really had nothing in the house but I found an old bottle of tramadol with 44 50mg pills or what not in it. I was like better than nothing even though my opiate tolerance is pretty strong. I asked on here how much I should risk I was saying 150mg to start and everyone told me that would be okay but risky and to tread lightly. I deleted the thread cause I was like fuck it I'm not going to risk it but then later I just said what the hell and popped two tramadol 100mg total. Ten minutes after that I popped another...I have consumed 150mg at this point. It took around 30 minutes to kick in and it wasn't even that strong. I felt a little different but not really. Then shortly after my chest felt heavy and my breathing was off. I'm not sure why that happened. I decided to smoke weed after even with trouble breathing (not smart but it helped make me feel better).

So I'm chilling listening to music trying to not pay attention to the chest pain. The pain wore off after about three hours...it was still slightly there when I finally decided to get some sleep. Yet the pain was worried me a lot when I was experiencing the tramadol that I almost wanted to call the hospital but then I just decided if I end up on the floor then I do.

The only point I felt high during this was when I smoked the marijuana. I didnt expect to get high from the tramadol...maybe I hoped but again I got nothing. In the beginning stages about 30 minutes after it made you feel as something was there but that feeling quickly diminished.

My conclusion is don't mess with tramadol on an ssri you could get weird side effects. You could have seizures and so on. By the way it wasn't even worth it. It just made me feel worse and I would rather go through the withdrawls than what tramadol put me through that night. If you're not on ssri's or have experience with stronger opiates then I believe you could get a "high" from tramadol other than that I would just flush them down the toilet.
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I use tram when I'm coming off OC's and it works. Then again, I use relatively low doses of OC but still enough to w/d for like 2 weeks.

One thing about ultram- if you take too much you'll really feel fucking weird- meaning bad. I never yake more than 2.5 pills of that shit at a time or else I'll feel kind of panicky. I can't imagine how it would feel if I was taking an SSRI. It would definitely suck.

For me, the combo of Paxil and pot was not a good combo at all either. It made me really anxious.
I believe it would of worked if I wasn't on ssri's. It was just a bad experience and I wanted it to be done and over with. Marijuana still works for me when on my ssri in my opinion it works better than the celexa. This situation was a live and learn type of experience and I definitely learned to never do this again.
ssri and tramadol is not really something to play around with..you're lucky you didn't get serotonin syndrome..believe me, its not pleasant..I would really recommend that you not use this combination again.
If you read through my whole post I knew that would of happened and I was never going to do it again. I already knew what could of happened but I said fuck it because my withdrawls were just getting too bad.
I really wasn't trying to be an ass..I'm gone through wds too and know how bad they suck. I just don't want to see someone get hurt..
I didn't mean for that response to be rude. I didn't think the person was trying to slam me but really if you actually read the post I noted all that.