Totally desperate because of panic disorder, please help


Nov 11, 2011
First at al my english skills are not the best please try to watch over it! <3

When i was young 11 or 12 my mom took me to a Doctor becaus my Teacher in school said some one is wrong with me.
I dont play with the other kids and dont talk much.
He diagnosed me Depressions but did nothing else. Later with 14 years I made ​​my first experience with magic mushrooms it was great but it schould be my only drug experience for a long while,

Two years later with 16 I consumed for the first time Speed with friends on a party, it was great.
Normaly Iam a very introverted guy but on Speed iam THE MAN! I consumed it very often and spend all my money for speed.

With 17 I consumed all upper i could get. (amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDPV, methylphenidate)
after a half year of daily use was my anxiety so great that I hardly even went out side. (at that time i did not understand that this is coming from the uppers)

Then i met an old school friend on a party he was a druguser since I know him but we have lost the contact for 3 Years the last time i saw him he started dealing with Weed he want to become like tony Montana :D
but now he was strongly cocaine addicted, He told me that he is big in Buisness selling 100g of Heroin every week.
He also took the heroin to come down
He offered me a line, It was great all futur fears was blowed away from my mind and all other bad things too i was laying on his couch and enjoyed the effects. I was addicted from the first Line not due the euphoria i got not much euphoria from dam but i was Fearless.
In school i hold a presentasion normaly i got Blackouts If I hold a presentation and begin to stutter but not this time, I told storys about the Third Reich show Pictures ang got good grades with uppers and Heroin i got Best Grades without doing anything for it i can talk to strangers like to my best friends no fear no anxiety!

I consumed about 4 weeks long irregular heroin, then i got my first cold turkey and started to consume daily for 6months.
Then my old Schoolfriend got caught by the Cops with 100g Heroin now he is in jail
then I had the hardest cold turkey i ever had but i stopt taking upper and so after 2 days of Insomia slept 22-23 Hours a day.
After that I was hardly depressed and got suicidal thoughts,
Iam stoped going to school because my anxiety was so great that iam very rarley leave the House and when i was doing it it was terrible i was thinkin all people looking at my and laughing at me.

So I was all day in my bed or watching TV i was unenployed and consoumed different drugs every day (GBL, (meth) Amphetam, codeine, various RCs as MPA, NEB, kratom, Phenazepan, MDV, methylone 2methyl2Butanol, a had an hard GBL Turkey.

Then I decided that it so can not go further
I applied for a job as social worker and got it, but in the first week i had gotten a panic attack it was my first.
I was sweating and my hands are trembling i was thinking i got an heartattack or anything else.
Then i went to the doctor and he prescribed me 900mg "St. Johns wort" and told me I should try it again.

But every day i went to work i got a panic attack i was very sad about that but my Doc told me with ervery try it gets less intens and stops after enought trials, But that was not true I was always alert to the warning signs of a panic attack (heartbeat, Heat, Sweating) and i was trying to avoid Situations in which I get a panic attack.

Situations like work ... :-(

My panic attacks became more frequent after a few days, I had such fear to get a panic attack that I can´t go to work i got panic attaks already on the way to work!

then I went to a neurologist,

he prescribed me Mianserin a sedative antidepressant (tetracyclic antidepressant) for the first week only 10mg in the evening to get sleep and for about to weeks he increased the dose to 30mg He has said the Panicattacks should stop but they dont stop, They are weaker but still I am sweating, my heart thinks it is on the racetrack and I'm still very confused and panicky when I get one.
I sweat so much that my clothes are wet and start to smell very unpleasant, awful as social workers. :(

So i went back to The doctor he prescribed me Ativan (lorazepam 0.5 mg(in German Tavor iam from Germany))
They Lorazepam helps much but I need 2-4 tablets a day sometimes 5 (i take on every time i get a panik attack or in Situations where I could get a panic attack but I can not take Ativan.

Last Monday i got the Ativan 20tablets and now i only have 8 tabletts left my Doc Told me that they are addictiv.
I think iam Straight on the way into a Benzo addiction but that is not the only problem.
they 30mg Mianserin makes me so tired that i cant get up in the morning, Ive boughte two more alarm Clocks they realy loud ones but i dont wake up. 8o

My Doc has told me that the Mianserin makes very tired so i should take i early enough to get up in the morning, he say i schould take it at 6pm with a meal, but i came home at 5pm and then i have to learn.
If i took it at 6pm Iam Sleeping at 7pm once I fell asleep on my desk. :X

there is no time for Lecture and Homework but I must repead the Lectures from my illtime.
So i learn from 6pm to 7-8 O´clock watch tv or surf around the web till 9 then i take the Mianserin an go to bet it makes no different if i take the Mianserin at 9 or 6 o´clock the wake up problem is there wehen i not wake up i sleep to 12 or simtimes 3o´clock there are no inprovments. The only anwser to this problem i know are uppers but i dont want to take them, uppers are guarannted that i get a panic attack coffein to

Every day when I'm at Work I work hard, my boss is fascinated from me. But Iam only 2 or 3 days at work per week.
Yesterday my Boss told me that this is not acceptable i love my Job and i Like my Boss, My boss knows about my panic disorder and supports me but he also told me that this can not be a permanent status.

I told him that I'm solid progressing and that it is over now because the Doc prescribed a new drug that work well, But this isnt True the Drugs didnt work well only the lorazepam but iam on the go to make my driving licens and I must stopp because i dont want to drive when on Drugs like benzos, :-(

I just do not know what more I can do! :( pls help, help me to find a way out of this crisis <3

Your despaired Drugfreak

Edit2: I found very little information about Mianserin is ist safe to took it with amphetamines or mdma ?
(Edit: Iam 18years old if this is important)
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My sister has a life like yours--have anxiety? Take this benzo. Sleepy all the time? Take this stimulant. Can't sleep at night? Take this. Can't wake up in the morning? Take that. Let's just keep throwing drugs at you and see what happens. That seems to be her doctor's idea even though my sister's life just gets harder.

There are alternatives or at least things that you can try in conjunction with meds. Meditation training, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, CBT and one that I have just learned about thanks to Bluelight :) EMDR. My son had good results for panic attacks from acupuncture. I don't know where you live or if any of this is available or affordable for you but I would definitely look for non-drug alternatives before allowing myself to get addicted to something that some doctor is recklessly prescribing that doesn't really help me enough to keep me functioning. The other thing I was going to suggest is asking for a medical leave from your job while you work on getting better. Is this possible for you?

Good luck. You are really struggling with huge issues so you should give yourself a pat on the back for doing as well as you are! <3
And by the way, your English is great--what's your first language?
Iam from Germany So my first language is german.

Yes you are right drugs are not the right anwser for long term but iam new to the job and i dont want a medical leave. Only two years then iam am fully schooled Social worker and can look further. I've played with the thought to make any type of Therapy. I will look for the Alternatives you showed me.
Thank you for your good words iam feeling much better now normaly people came only to me to complain.
I think my english is better than I thought. maybe some of my other skills too? :)
Your English is good; not Shakespeare, but we can all understand your meaning just fine.

Herbavore has hit the nail on the head. You are on the right path-- medication does not seem to be working for you very well. Also: you are still quite young, and have a lot of time to figure out what works best for you. Make good use of that excellent German health care system!

Wo in Deutschland wohnst du? Ich habe familie in der Sud: Baden-Wurttenburg, von Schwabisch Hall (Loewenstein), und ein bissle von Muenchen.

yes but my biggest problem is that i have no time i want to study chemistry and need the Job to get the qualification for a higher school

@Dave Bayern nähe Nürnberg :)
First things first.

You are very young and you have TIME. Do not put so much pressure on yourself or everything could come crashing down. I know that you want to get everything done so that you can properly start your career but first you need to take care of your health. Could you take a break from classes soon (a semester off)? Or at least take less classes?
They only break i can make is one year an start the schooling to a Socialworker again but i didnt want this all other things are going so great I go to the gym my drug consuption are rapidly reduced and the only reason for this is the new work.

I think when i make a break my exorbitant drug cosuption comes back.

At this time i think a break after the 2year schooling i want to pass this two year if it is necessary with a benzo addiction.

there are so many people that said I am a loser and a junky, but I'll show them who is doing more, who is living his dream

The other thing is how will i handle the panic attacks when i make a break i got them only at work
I understand how difficult it is to have to live with panic disorder. I have been dealing with this for approximately 25 years now. First, let me tell you that stimulants are perhaps the worst things to take when you have panic disorder. You can greatly help your life by avoiding stimulants completely- this includes cigarettes.

Do you exercise regularly? Daily aerobic exercise has helped me more than any drug I have received to help with panic. If you don't exercise, now would be a good time to start. You will notice the positive effects almost immediately, however, the real benefits of aerobic exercise take about a month to appear. Put as simply as possible, exercise helps 'wire' your brain so that it is harder to feel anxiety.
yes but my biggest problem is that i have no time i want to study chemistry and need the Job to get the qualification for a higher school

@Dave Bayern nähe Nürnberg :)

Glad you want to study chemistry, it is a great field, best of luck to you , hope you get to feeling better
The misineran will lose its sleep induceing propertys after a while, im on 40 mg @ nighttime from starting @ 10 mg have been for about a year now i think, that drowsy hungover feeling will go in time also, But as regards to my panic attacks and chronic anxiety im medicated 6mg xanax a day so unless i dont take the benzo i rarley suffer them anymore, I'm just hooked on the benzos now and may have to take them for the rest of my life, I pray not but the misinerin effects will weaken over time. I can relate to the shittyness of the inital effects of that piticular trycilic but it will pass.
Hope things get better sooner rather than later for you:\
What will happen if i got to my Doc and told him iam out of lorazepam an addictive ?
I found some information about Mianserin and Mianserin withdrawl this drug comes from hell 0.0
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What will happen if i got to my Doc and told him iam out of lorazepam an addictive ?
I found some information about Mianserin and Mianserin withdrawl this drug comes from hell 0.0

It all depends on your doctor DF, You may get cut off and thrown into detox, or if ur situation is dire he/she may just write you another script. It's clear that im dependant on my xanax, but i dont overuse it to any extreme (sometimes if im still up and jittery @ 3 am il have one extra tablet and my doc deems that ok due to the fact that the mianserin is no longer knocking me out. And yes stopping mianserin ubruptly is not advisable, when the time comes you will be tapered off so try not worry about WD's with it hey. Stay strong man, Also with past substance abuse ur heads gonna be a bit messed up for a while, i did all sorts of shit includeing some pretty sketchy RC's. Things will get better in time I'm two years on the meds maybe more after my little binges and still having trouble at times. Hang tough will keep an eye on this thread feel free to PM me (after uve posted to bluelighter i dont think greenlighters can PM) if you eva wanna chat with someone in the same kind of boat eh.;)
DF: Your drug use would not need to go up if you take a break. You have gotten into some excellent habits now, and while it would be hard at first to continue the habits upon taking a break, if you are determined I think that you will be able to do so.

Now, when you say 'socialwork', you mean your mandatory work for the state in lieu of military service, yes? Social work means something a bit different in North America, so I just want to make sure that I'm clear on that. Also, you mentioned that you only get your panic attacks at work: is this at your current work, or when doing the socialwork? If you only get them at your current job, then it may not be an issue; do your socialwork, and at the same time do what you need to get into a chemistry program. I don't know too much about the educational system in Germany, other than the fact that it can be hard to change into an advanced stream if you did not start out in it when you were young. Why would you need a job for that-- would you not need to take more courses instead?

Also: the people who speak ill of you... forget them. They are not worth your time. You are doing all of the right things now, and while it will take some time to get to where you need to be (drug-free, doing work or school that you love, living well), it is your life to live, and you need to do it in the way that works best for you. Don't fear a little failure every now and then either, that is how people learn. From the Quotes thread: "Success is going failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm" - Abraham Lincoln.
No with Socialwork i mean a full job respectively Schooling for that job. Mandatory work was abolished last year in germany. the Schooling takes 2 years and wehn I finish it with grades above 3,0 i can go to a further school (Berufsschule) spend here 2 another years and then i can go to the university and study what i want. A long way but iam sure to take it. :)