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top 10 drugs

Forgot to put cocaine in my list of 'days gone by' drugs, but I was pretty much in love with it for most of my twenties so it should be right up there.

I think it's only the abiding memory of coke turning shite that prevents me from being quite so nostalgic about it.
1. 2CB
2. Ketamine (very close 2nd)
4. Methoxetamine
5. Nitrous Oxide
6. Cocaine
7. Mushrooms
8. Diazepam
9. LSD
10. Mephedrone
1. Heroin
3. Cannabis
4. Crack
5. Diazepam
6. Alcohol
7. Methadone
8. LSD
9. Speed
10. Cocaine

That's my top 10 in order of preference. Apart from some MDMA this week and the odd beer now and again the only drugs on this list that I still partake in on a regular basis are methadone & diazepam
1. Weed (for all roundness)
2. Mescaline (San Pedro) (for best solo trip ever)
3. LSD (most versatile psych in terms of introspection/social tripping/eye candy/party-ability)
4. Shrooms (more fun and spiritual than LSD, but not as versatile)
5. Kratom (functional and nice in low-medium doses, nice for a midweek pick me up)
6. 6-APB (best all round clubbing drug - no shit comedown/midweek blues like MDMA)
7. MXE/Ket (good fun by themselves, excellent in addition to 6-apb/mdma at a club (with weed and booze too!)
8. MDMA (more fun than 6-apb but shorter duration and feeling like shit for a week after make me rank it lower)
9. Booze (basis for any night out)
10. Etizolam/Alprazolam (basis for the end of any stimmed night out)
Oh yeah forgot my sizzurp, sherm, pcp, cocopuffs/diablitos, chronic, butane and petrol. JustinBeiber
IMO once you've had 2cb and dmt your list will change ;)
In no order weed/good hash, nitrous oxide, oxycodone, opium, crack(occasionally), MDMA, lsd/lsz, MXE, DMT , DOI, 2cb/e/c.
I know that's more than ten. But they are the ones that stand out. I really like the combos you can make out of those.
I noticed a few of you put all-lad up there, if I'd read this earlier I think I would of had a tab. Been calling me since I got them. ;)
1. mdma - pure euphoria
2. cocaine - i am the king of the fucking world
3. 5-meo-dmt - i thought i was high before but now i know what high really is
4. nitrous oxide - nang nang nang
5. 5-meo-dipt - that awesome body load
6. marijuana - i am a duck
7. mushrooms - so much fun in brc
8. lsd - the story of magicglasses
9. alcohol - my old friend the booze
10. nicotine - especially in combination with #2 or #1

1. Mushrooms - just perfection. Emotionally cathartic, great music appreciation, great for walking in nature, watching films, laughter euphoria etc. Can get to sleep on the same night unlike LSD.

2. Mushrooms + moclobemide (best way of experiencing oral DMT with no nausea)

3. DMT + moclobemide (if it wasn't for the nausea this would be number one)

4. LSD - but this comes a lot lower because I can't stand the 10 fucking hours you're laid awake when the trip is long over.

5. AL-Lad - the headspace this takes you to is more confused than LSD but it's got a shorter duration so it doesn't take a full weekend to recover like it does LSD. Not as nice bodyhigh as LSD or as good music appreciation.

6. Mescaline - extracted from cactus A/B. Beautiful for music and a gorgeous bodyhigh but it's so much hard work to work with cactus snot that it's very rare I can be bothered.

7. DOM - nice replacement for mescaline.

That's about it. Not really anything else I'd bother with. Good MDMA - but only get good effects from it if you use it once every 6 months so it's a bit pointless.
Mushrooms + moclobemide sounds interesting Ismene, care to elaborate a bit more about it please? :) and good morning

Edit- not to worry, just found your trip report top of googling on the old google :)
DOM's nice, eh? Hmm, interesting, I've always been a bit scared by DOx type stuff because of the duration.

I noticed a few of you put all-lad up there, if I'd read this earlier I think I would of had a tab. Been calling me since I got them. ;)
It's still just about available.. whether the sites are now being *watched* is something I'm a bit paranoid about, though. But I was also surprised how popular it is.. tis lovely stuff though, once you stop trying to compare it to LSD.
Mushrooms + moclobemide sounds interesting Ismene, care to elaborate a bit more about it please?

It's certainly one to tell the children about scotch. Heartily recomend it for anyone curious about oral DMT but not that keen on the vomiting your own pelvis bone.
It's still just about available.. whether the sites are now being *watched* is something I'm a bit paranoid about, though. But I was also surprised how popular it is.. tis lovely stuff though, once you stop trying to compare it to LSD.

What do you mean watched swamp? It's still legal isn't it?

AL-lad is certainly a keeper. Oddly enough I now prefer it in low doses - 225 and above tends to leave me so confused I run round with my underpants on my head.
1) weed
2) LSD
3) K
4) DMT
5) beer
7) mushrooms
8) GHB
9) cocaine
10) benzos in that order I really like LSD best but weed is a good every day drug.