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Took far too much mdma at the weekend and now I'm in a bad way

It gets bloody irritating when you're trying to sleep haha... Do you recon I should avoid drinking alcohol whilst I'm recovering too?

Depends on the situation. Few beers down the pub with friends can help chill you out about the whole situation. Doing the typical English thing and getting smashed and then going to some shite nightclub - probably not such a good idea...
Depends on the situation. Few beers down the pub with friends can help chill you out about the whole situation. Doing the typical English thing and getting smashed and then going to some shite nightclub - probably not such a good idea...

I was considering the latter but I won't bother. Since alcohol is a depressant, lots of it will surely just worsen the comedown.
Since alcohol is a depressant, lots of it will surely just worsen the comedown.

What they mean when they refer to a drug as a 'depressant' is that it generally slows down the speed of systems and that's how it produces effects. Alcohol is a depressant because it slows down systems in the brain, hence why our coordination becomes sloppy, we slur our words, can't walk straight etc etc. A depressant doesn't mean it makes you feel depressed. A stimulant is the opposite to a depressant, and tends to increase the speed of systems. Hence why stimulants are often good for studying, increase focus, motivation etc.
What they mean when they refer to a drug as a 'depressant' is that it generally slows down the speed of systems and that's how it produces effects. Alcohol is a depressant because it slows down systems in the brain, hence why our coordination becomes sloppy, we slur our words, can't walk straight etc etc. A depressant doesn't mean it makes you feel depressed. A stimulant is the opposite to a depressant, and tends to increase the speed of systems. Hence why stimulants are often good for studying, increase focus, motivation etc.

But surely there is a link between drinking heavily and feeling depressed?
But surely there is a link between drinking heavily and feeling depressed?

Yeah, but there's also a link between heavy MDMA use and depression. MDMA isn't a depressant. I was just clarifying an oft-cited misconception about 'depressant' drugs making someone depressed. Alcohol is recreational because it 'depresses' your systems, lowering your inhibitions etc etc.

Do make sure to keep us posted about how you're recovering.
Booze will not make you depressed but can be a major catalyst for depression. You have to ask yourself why you are drinking (or taking any drugs). If you drink to have fun, that is one thing. If you are using it as a crutch to mitigate your other problems, it can contribute to depression.
Booze will not make you depressed but can be a major catalyst for depression. You have to ask yourself why you are drinking (or taking any drugs). If you drink to have fun, that is one thing. If you are using it as a crutch to mitigate your other problems, it can contribute to depression.

The reason I suggested that booze is linked to depression is because whenever I go on a bender, the next day I will wake up with a racing heartbeat and my mood will be sh*t. Plus, if I go on consecutive benders, I'll start to suffer from insomnia.
I dont understand why you do frequent huge mdma doses and work out? are you bipolar?? ok you are stupid so that explains the ridiculous mdma abuse but how can same brain also decide to excersise?? go to the gym for health benefits? thats smart but how can that same smart brain do something so retarded with MDMA

you are like IQ 140 and IQ 70 person in one body,this is really bizzare....

no offense but why dont you just go one way in life,extreme mdma abuse? ok you life your choice but why even bother with weightliftin,just be fucked up wreck........ fit lifestyle? weightlifting?? well thats great but you should srsly drop like 100mg mdma max per three months IMO to be still considered healthy lifestyle
The guy made a mistake dude, no need to insult him, that's childish. He's paying the price, shit happens. Take a benzo and calm down...
The reason I suggested that booze is linked to depression is because whenever I go on a bender, the next day I will wake up with a racing heartbeat and my mood will be sh*t. Plus, if I go on consecutive benders, I'll start to suffer from insomnia.

Just a classic alcohol hangover. I get that shit too.
From the responses I've had, it's clear I need to test my gear from now on. I'm looking at getting a couple of EZ test kits. If I were to get a couple of grams of E crystals and test a tiny amount, would it indicate if the stuff was cut with speed, ket etc. by going a mix of blue and another colour? Or would you need to test a significant amount to establish this?
What's very important, equally important if not more so than the final colour, is watching for other colours than dark blue/black (result for MDMA) during the colour change. Your test liquid will have a certain base colour (clear to light pink/red for marquis reagent/EZtest ecstasy and bright yellow for mandelin reagent/EZtest ketamine) Now when you drop a bit of sample in there, making sure to hold it under a bright white light, it's going to change colour if there's a detectable drug in it. The result for MDMA is dark blue into black, so it overpowers other possible colours because it's so dark. What you need to do is look for indications of other colours during the color change. Suppose I have some speed mixed in my MDMA pill. Speed is an orange to brown-red colour on the marquis/EZtest ecstasy. So I would hopefully notice that colour during the transition to the final colour, which is going to be dark blue/black for MDMA if there's any in there

Testkits are never 100% foolproof, with a mixture of MDMA and another drug you have to pay very close attention to the colour change, speed of the reaction (it should turn dark blue withing just a few seconds, it's a fast reaction) and other colours present. It's something you get better at the more you do it. If you want to be closer to 100% sure you could buy a full testkit with marquis, mandelin, simons, mecke and perhaps robadope reagent. Those should all give perfect MDMA results, except robadope which should show no reaction and then you can be pretty sure you have unadulterated MDMA. If you have pills, use your testkit in conjunction with pillreports to get an idea of not only purity but also potency by reading the pill reports and comments on there. I always test with at least marquis and mandelin, but most of the time with a full testkit. Sorry for my long reply, I tend to over-explain when I'm baked =D
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Hi all,

Really appreciated your inputs last time around. I've been behaving myself since then but want to take MDMA this weekend (and MCAT). Please take a look at the thread I posted if you find the time.
Saw the thread title. You'd be an idiot, and wouldn't deserve any further support should you choose to use releases multiple days in a row again. Sorry to be blunt, but there's nothing more to it.
Yeah, it's a bit too soon to change your mind. You should keep up with the healthy lifestyle you posted about.

I use to get weird looks too because I work and out and run for miles, yet I smoke cigs like a chimney. I'll go to the gym once a week and get a lot of work in, then I'll go right out and have a cig.
All sorts of smart people do dumb things. But I'm not saying I'm smart, so yeah. It's the only bad habit I've never been able to break even once.

What BlueBull says is extremely important. Test kits allow you to identify what you're taking, so at least if something really bad happens the doctor will know what you took, and therefore how to help you. And of course, so you know what you have is legit. There are cases of mild serotonin syndrome possible, but for your case it doesn't sound as bad as that either. However, you are risking your health even more so than the last time, if you decide to take the substances you mentioned so soon. If an mdma binge like that wrecked you, then you might get wrecked even worse if you don't allow your body to heal properly. At least a month or two (or three?) is generally recommended among harm reductionists.

Personally, I've done worse idiotic abuse of mdma a while back. But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell people it's okay to do that. I'm just lucky to have gotten through it with almost no ill effects, most likely due to being able to combat depression easily, and keep up the few good habits that I had. Which is what you posted; stay physically healthy as much as you can.

Think positive too. You can always save your stuff and take it next time.
Yeah, it's a bit too soon to change your mind. You should keep up with the healthy lifestyle you posted about.

I use to get weird looks too because I work and out and run for miles, yet I smoke cigs like a chimney. I'll go to the gym once a week and get a lot of work in, then I'll go right out and have a cig.
All sorts of smart people do dumb things. But I'm not saying I'm smart, so yeah. It's the only bad habit I've never been able to break even once.

What BlueBull says is extremely important. Test kits allow you to identify what you're taking, so at least if something really bad happens the doctor will know what you took, and therefore how to help you. And of course, so you know what you have is legit. There are cases of mild serotonin syndrome possible, but for your case it doesn't sound as bad as that either. However, you are risking your health even more so than the last time, if you decide to take the substances you mentioned so soon. If an mdma binge like that wrecked you, then you might get wrecked even worse if you don't allow your body to heal properly. At least a month or two (or three?) is generally recommended among harm reductionists.

Personally, I've done worse idiotic abuse of mdma a while back. But that doesn't mean I'm going to tell people it's okay to do that. I'm just lucky to have gotten through it with almost no ill effects, most likely due to being able to combat depression easily, and keep up the few good habits that I had. Which is what you posted; stay physically healthy as much as you can.

Think positive too. You can always save your stuff and take it next time.

I haven't touched drugs in over 2 months. The binge that I refered to in this thread was on the 29th/30th August, it is now November.
Saw the thread title. You'd be an idiot, and wouldn't deserve any further support should you choose to use releases multiple days in a row again. Sorry to be blunt, but there's nothing more to it.

Fair enough. Would doing LSD one night and MDMA the other have the same bad consequences? Surely doing LDS the first night and MDMA the second would be alright, as LSD doesn't deplete serotonin stores like MDMA, but rather mimics the effects of it?
MDMA triggers the release of serotonin, while LSD only activates serotonin receptors. The only thing to be concerned with when taking one soon after the other is cross-tolerance from receptor down-regulation. I believe when it comes to MDMA and LSD on consecutive days, it's usually advised to take the LSD before the MDMA, as it doesn't cause the same kind of down-regulation and won't severely dampen the roll as a result. Doing it the other way around however apparently will dampen the LSD effects.

I can't confirm this to be absolutely correct though, just from what I recall reading on here.
^ Indeed. Also if you take LSD after an MDMA roll you will go into a trip while on a comedown from the MDMA, this is probably not the most ideal situation as for LSD (and any other drug of course, but LSD in particular) your mindset is extremely important. You might be a bit depressed and strung out from the MDMA and this will likely impact your LSD trip
MDMA triggers the release of serotonin, while LSD only activates serotonin receptors. The only thing to be concerned with when taking one soon after the other is cross-tolerance from receptor down-regulation. I believe when it comes to MDMA and LSD on consecutive days, it's usually advised to take the LSD before the MDMA, as it doesn't cause the same kind of down-regulation and won't severely dampen the roll as a result. Doing it the other way around however apparently will dampen the LSD effects.

I can't confirm this to be absolutely correct though, just from what I recall reading on here.

I feared you might say this. It's a damn shame because I definitely want to do MDMA at the gig (it's drum and bass), and the next day everyone at the party will be wired. Can't imagine taking supplements in between will make much of a difference really either.
No supplements won't help in this case (if at all, I'm still not convinced).
Everyone recommends doing the lsd then the mdma. I don't think think there's a notable cross tolerance due to different method of receptor activation, but the reason for suggesting that order is what BlueBull mentioned that it's not a good idea to trip on a comedown. However if you can get enough sleep the second day and you usually wake up to having some nice afterglow then go ahead and drop the acid.