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Took 1 hit of dabs from a stranger, normal reaction?


Sep 26, 2013
8 days ago I had almost a life changing experience with weed and I'm now wondering what caused this. This was my 4th time doing weed and all my highs have been really different. Something that might be important, is that I took 30mg adderall 4 hours before this event. I actually have ADD and take addy as prescribed.

So as I was about to go to my next class (I'm a sophomore in college), I stopped in the restrooms and found two guys holding a pen close to their mouths. I asked if it was dabs and if I could have a hit and they said yes to both. So I took 1 hit and within 5 minutes, I knew life was very different from usual.

Time slowed down so much. Like I was able to think 10x more than usual. I could analyze every part of a song I was listening to, not just the general beat and within 10 minutes, I found myself in a dream while I was completely awake. I did the "reality check" thing to see if it was dream or not, and it was definitely a dream. I could slow down time even more and my imagination was going off crazy. I explained all of this to myself by telling my brain was the fastest brain in the world and weed just allowed me to slow down. Then I discovered pleasure. I realized that anything I felt with my body or thought of, I could feel 100% stronger in my dreams. I discovered if I focused on that feeling of pleasure, it would just keep getting higher. Well, I did this and wow. Lets just say that I taught myself to surf on waves of feelings and manipulate how I felt. All this time the inner voice inside me (like the voice you hear when reading to yourself) kept shouting at me all these different things I discovered. I guess it didn't talk normal because I was pretty damn excited about all the things I was discovering every second. Some of the things I yelled at myself in my head were like "everything is in 3d!" and "wow, did I just feel that??".
All this time I was sitting in a comfy chair and I was staring at my computer screen with gmail open. When I was looking at the gmail window, I felt like I was inside a video game which was happening literally inside my head. Like I thought myself that the video game I was in (that was also happening in 3d), was happening inside a open area that I had imagined to be in my head.

I literally viewed the world with new set of eyes. I was discovering all aspects of life again but this time I FELT all the feelings inside me. And I could focus on anything. I was able to imagine I was outside during summer and it felt 100% real. I kept doing reality checks and I confirmed it was a dream while I was awake. Then I told my body I needed to feel like this all the time, like I should do everything in my power to keep feeling this way. Like this is how I want to feel. And all this time I had been surfing on the feeling of pleasure, it felt pretty damn good. I thought to myself I had discovered how to release dopamine in my brain by being able to focus on the subconscious thoughts. It didn't feel weird in the moment but I knew I always wanted to feel that way.

Then I started having fear. I became tired and then I started thinking that I was abusing my brain. By slowing time down 10 fold and making my own reality, I was using my brain so much more than usual. I was seriously overthinking everything. Whenever I smoke with my friends, they keep telling me that I'm overthinking everything and I agree with them. I just don't enjoy the high, I analyze everything around me. I became seriously tired, started sweating, and thought I might die. I just told myself to relax and try sleeping hoping it would help my paranoia. It eventually did but the awesome feeling had gone away.

I've smoked during 4 different days past week. Once I took just 1 hit to see how I would feel. World felt different and I knew I wasn't feeling normal. One night I also took 5-6 hits from bowl but couldn't just feel the same as with dabs. So here are my questions:
Has anyone else had an experience close to mine?
Was the dabs laced with something or did my addy make it even better?
Is my tolerance up the roof and how long will it take it to go down?
The fact that you got so high with one hit tells me your tolerance is actually pretty low...why do you think your tolerance is up the roof after doing weed 4 times?I wouldn't know if your medication had anything to do with it. What I can tell you though,is that I've had some pretty big sessions while having a very low tolerance,and I've got high as shit.it's normal, and I don't think that dab was laced with anything.what you described is pretty normal. I myself love listening to music while high,it gives you this huge ability to listen to every track individually. you no longer hear the whole song as a whole,but rather you can focus on each track (or instrument) and really hear details you have never heard before. it's normal;)
I haven't been able to get very high after the dabs. 4 days after dabs when I got high, it was more like "I don't feel normal but this isn't that great". Maybe I just need to start packing bigger bowls :p
First off, I loved reading this. It reminded me of the first time I smoked, I was so happy/excited and everything was amazing. You should be happy that you had that opportunity, and that you're only just starting out.
What you experienced was completely normal. You did a dab with a very low tolerance. Dabs are very concentrated, I've been smoking every day for years, and 1 or 2 dabs are enough to get me stoned. If you aren't always comfortable with bud, then dabs are something you should avoid until you feel ready.

The adderall probably increased the anxiety near the end of the high, and this is completely normal as well. Whenever I combine the two I get anxious near the end, but once I associate the anxiety with the drugs, it dissipates (a little bit) and I can calm down.
I loved your post OP, I'm glad cannabis was able to give you those thoughts. Now use them to better your life :)

About the tolerance thing, I think it more has to do with you associating being high as adderall + weed as opposed to weed by itself.
Thanks for the response guys. Seems like most of you made it all the way through, so I'll add some detail on how the high felt like in a sec.

I think the reason why weed is really appealing to me is the fact it allows me to focus on 1 thing only. And I will physically feel the thing my mind is focused on. Because of this, I could make myself uber high after I had dabs. 5 mins after taking the hit, I remember thinking to myself that my throat felt like something its never felt before. Then I felt a sensation go through my body and I decided to focus on what it felt like. Apparently this feeling I was then focusing on was like pure euphoria, and I remember almost waking up in a sense as the feeling of euphoria kept getting more intense.

Then I told myself that the thought in my head was literally the greatest thing I had ever come up with. The thought in my head being "just keep focusing on the feeling of pleasure, and it will keep getting more and more intense." Well, it actually worked and I remember thinking to myself I always want to feel like this and I need to do everything in my power to keep feeling that way. I had some thoughts about addiction, but I knew trying to get that feeling back would be worth it since it was just weed. I never felt anything close to that before and I thought I could feel dopamine being released in my brain. During this time I was listening to melodic trance and everything just felt right.

I was able to create vivid mental images in my head and would consider the experience as a lucid dream that was being created by the music and my imagination. My thoughts moved 5-10 times faster than usual but I can't remember any of deeper ones. I was able to switch between the dream like state and reality by conciously thinking different things. I kept telling myself that my brain was like the fastest brain in the world, and my ADD and imagination allowed me to have this experience.