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Tolerance sucks.


Jul 8, 2021
Have reached the point where I'm definitely gonna have to take a break to lower my tolerance, because 4 pint cans of extra strength beer at a cost of £10 consumed in a single hour are now just barely getting me slightly tipsy.

I'm cut off from my heroin supply for which drink in any case for me is just a lame substitute, and I am majorly pissed off and generally unsatisfied.
Alcohol tolerance lowers relatively quickly compared to other drugs, about 5 days can reset tolerance. UNLESS you're an alcoholic and have been drinking for years, it can take 2-3 weeks or longer.
Hard nope. I just wanna cut it out until my body allows me to get decently drunk again without spending a fucking fortune and pissing in about equal time to the actual drinking.
For me and my tolerance it takes about a week to notice an appreciable decrease (to the point where I need 1 or 2 less beers to reach my desired drunkenness).

About 15-20 days for my tolerance to go down to near baseline.

2-3 day breaks seem to do nothing for me
The stress of dealing with my mom (who has dementia) being in hospital with Covid and now needs to go to an assisted living facility which I'm not even sure I can afford, plus she calls me 20 to 30 times a day.....well, I've been hitting the bottle pretty hard.

Once I get things squared away with her and get OKed at work I'm gonna have to detox in rehab for a week or so. I've rarely been successful at doing it on my own. I need medical detox. There was a time when I could do it with black market benzodiazepines....not anymore...the fentanyl and all that, ya know.

Wish me luck, y'all. I'm getting too old for this shit.

Love ya,
The Old Hippiebilly