Positive Today I'm Thankful For vs. Still Standing and Keeping it Simple

Bashing subtlety over the head

Chronic pain - jk! Lol


Cute things

Donovan the singer songwriter
Thankful my son is fkn cool. Thankful for a nice xmas eve. Not much not to be thankful 4.
My nephew. It's pretty wild how a 2 year old can make me feel completely accepted and important.
Oh hey didn't realize you had to go in, but I did notice your absence. Glad you're back. :)
^^ this, aforementioned, also.

Connections with decent folk.

That Im over Monday's episode. Awful. Thank fuck its over.

Good people, aleviate all ills.:|
My parents, home, car, health and job... I am grateful to be alive. Most of my past friends aren't as fortunate. I'm grateful for God. He has a plan for my life.
For my lovely and wonderful girlfriend, and my friends, and family.
Bluelight. Fuckin' A, madness00.

Also, the people I work with. (I'm a kitchen bitch, 'chef' if you prefer). I don't communicate about my problems, and usually I cope fine at work, but some days, like yesterday, I just can't. Can't look at anyone, can't speak, can't smile. Can barely contain the loathing.

And they're So. Fucking. Patient. They've asked, they've offered all the help they can think of. They've got the message that I'm just not going to talk about it. And now, when I go down the hole they just put up with my shit. They find the filthiest jokes they can, and bring them to me as gifts. When I climb back out, they tell me they're glad I'm back and I try not to cry.

I love those dirty bastards.
Thank you. And congrats on being never sick anymore. I hope that's still true, and that you're proud as hell.