Today I Am Thankful For... Ver. 3: Earth, Wind and Fire!

My laptop.... people's knowledge n wisdom - and Bluelight!

Small thing but I've learnt how to do links by a word and am really pleased over it. Made a few errors at first like putting the = in wrong place but got there in the end and I feel happy over it. It's as important to rejoice in our small achievements as much as our big ones, I am learning.

As ever - my little girl; who is growing and learning so much every single day.

for truly good storytellers. Such a pleasure to hear. I like to read novels but a story told in front of an audience of one or an audience of one thousand by a really talented storyteller is even more satisfying.
I'm thankful that I am clean and finally feeling happy about it. I'm starting addiction counseling/therapy on Wednesday with someone who's supposed to be amazing. I haven't felt so strong since before I ever started doing drugs. :)

I'm also thankful for the life-changing experience of ibogaine that I had to help me come to this place. <3 It's helped me realize I need to be in shape and eat well, and since I have started doing that I have been feeling so much better. I'm getting up every morning before work to work out.
Brilliant, Xorkoth. Really happy for you n rooting for you that it all works out.

Thankful for learning, for knowledge n wisdom through the experience of "life."

Thankful for my wonderful dad who listens to my vents <3
hey, I'm about to go make Fathers Day cards with the kids at school. Moms get a lot of the glory but let's hear it for good Dads! Mines been gone for over 10 years now but I am thankful every day for the gifts of love he gave all of us when he was here.
I need to be in shape and eat well,

Fuck yes.

I am an absolutely solid believer in the 'healthy body, healthy mind' cliche, and the amazing amount of difference just eating a healthy balanced diet can make.

Glad to hear you're intergrating your ibogaine experience in to your mind and life nicely and just generally enjoying being clean. What happened with your boss?!=D
hey, I'm about to go make Fathers Day cards with the kids at school. Moms get a lot of the glory but let's hear it for good Dads! Mines been gone for over 10 years now but I am thankful every day for the gifts of love he gave all of us when he was here.

Good call! I love my dad too, best dad ever, he has ALWAYS been there for me and worked himself so hard for us. Totally selfless. He was recently diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), and he can barely use his arms anymore and is starting to have a hard time walking. It hasn't really sunk in yet that in a few years he'll be gone, unless they make a breakthrough quickly. He came to visit me yesterday and we went to dinner.

But in this respect I am thankful that he has such a positive outlook, it makes it much easier than he isn't emotionally suffering every day because of it.

Glad to hear you're intergrating your ibogaine experience in to your mind and life nicely and just generally enjoying being clean. What happened with your boss?!=D

Thanks, yeah, one of the big things the ibogaine has left me with is a strong desire to be healthy, eat healthy, exercise, good sleep patterns, etc. :)

My boss... heh... that was embarrassing. I wasn't being watched and I emerged on the 3rd day (last Monday) thinking I was mostly with it, but in reality I was dreaming while awake and only occasionally in reality. I got in my head that I was supposed to be working even though I had that day and another day off, and when I started trying to use my computer I was unable to figure it out. I started panicking that I was getting in trouble at work so I started trying to email people to get help, I thought I emailed a bunch of people but I only managed to get through to my boss. But, this was the email (so embarrassing when I went back to re-read it the next day, oh my god):

SUBJECT: Mesage youres, wmores. I can't seem to to successfulloy ay anuy out of tn afiriutes \urseomthing

I nees other taial been telling alice and you guysthat I was going to takje I ibogaine (whiuch rersch resseachatribe.) I have absolkutwly no rememberces almost al osyt herefix. I have weird occult type browser history stuff out too. It made hard to ewver cauf naughneat me to O have been inb a really hard place iuin lufe, Threre I almost to the

I have been littlending deeenon. I know you guys have been trying to a get em to m dork, but in today

Ibogaine ihas been of the two pictits fines, and I did that nut. The I have be.leieving everone at MARreseaeched any feeling feeling it all . Also because there eas a day I’m a quality says. My thumnbs almost; I feel that U have hidden em orieises that are hearding ftrom mepissibibly

Please give me right now I need to talk someone someone so badly right now.

I was trying to communicate that I had done ibogaine to combat addiction (my boss knew I was battling opiate addiction), and that I had broken my brain and needed to talk to someone because I was afraid I would die. Fortunately he was on vacation so he didn't answer right away, by the time he called my friend had come over to calm me and bring me to his house for the night, so he made me not answer (thankfully, that would have been much worse). My boss got back from vacation on Thursday, when I was sane again. All day he didn't talk to me about it, but then after work he kept calling me and leaving messages. Nervously I listened to one, and he sounded so nice and supportive, saying he was there to talk when I was ready. I called him back since he kept calling, and felt it out slightly and decided to just tell him the truth, the whole truth (except I said I was doing it at a clinic - he didn't even know what ibogaine was so I explained it as a spiritual medicine plant from South Africa that has a lot of success in treating addiction). He was very interested and asked me what it was like, what I experienced. I didn't even need to ask him not to tell anyone, and I actually feel closer to him now.

Turns out he had actually interpreted the message as me being unsatisfied with my joband being upset at him personally, feeling like I was being taken advantage of. I am really important to the company (I've developed the majority of our advanced programming solutions and I am the only one who understands how they work), so he was freaked out. When he told me that I just laughed and said "You're nervous?? You have no idea how nervous I was to tell you what that email was about!"
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SUBJECT: Mesage youres, wmores. I can't seem to to successfulloy ay anuy out of tn afiriutes \urseomthing

I nees other taial been telling alice and you guysthat I was going to takje I ibogaine (whiuch rersch resseachatribe.) I have absolkutwly no rememberces almost al osyt herefix. I have weird occult type browser history stuff out too. It made hard to ewver cauf naughneat me to O have been inb a really hard place iuin lufe, Threre I almost to the

I have been littlending deeenon. I know you guys have been trying to a get em to m dork, but in today

Ibogaine ihas been of the two pictits fines, and I did that nut. The I have be.leieving everone at MARreseaeched any feeling feeling it all . Also because there eas a day I’m a quality says. My thumnbs almost; I feel that U have hidden em orieises that are hearding ftrom mepissibibly

Please give me right now I need to talk someone someone so badly right now.


Fucking lolcano!!!!!!!!

Nice that it worked out in the end and even bought you closer together as a team both in terms of your employment and emotionally. Told you you shouldn't worry too much! That's another person totally onside with helping you in your recovery then, awesome news.%)