tired of eating,loss of appetite


Nov 18, 2007
after my stomach flu that i had month ago i dont have apetite like before.I am tired of eating,i am delaying eating and overally not eating enough to bulk,its making me depressed.Its like that homework u just avoid

first thing i am poor,i can rarely afford anything thats joy to eat,but before i was forcefeeding 150g carbs in one meal no problem

if i just followed my hunger instinct and ignore my nutritional plan i think i would eat about half as much i need to bulk

wtf happened to me,i want to be this blackhole that just devour any food around 24/7,now i am like these anorectic hoes.,not bearmode bulker that i was before
Did you use to smoke weed to stimulate your appetite back when you were eating like you used too?

I find that after a few days consistency of eating your required calories your body adjusts and it is easier to get it in... if your on a 3500 calorie diet and for 3 days you eat whatever, your going to find it hard to chow down 3500 calories on the 4th day whereas if you were day in day out eating the same calories you'll find it easier as your metabolism is used to it.
Don't know if you already are, but try smoking a little weed. Always gives you the munchies
Have you fully recovered from your virus, or do you still feel a bit off? I had a stomach virus around Christmas time as well, and just now I'm starting to get over it. Appetite isn't there for me either, and I'm normally stuffing down 3500-4500 cals per day.