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Harm Reduction Tips for IM injection for the first time? Ketamine


Oct 9, 2019
Hello, I need some advice on IM injection of ketamine, I have little ketamine left, I have been snorting too much, I suppose my tolerance is somewhat high, I need approximately 300mg at one time and I am not close to a k-hole, I was looking for some post about IM injection and I am sure I can do it, I am in a pretty nasty tramadol wd and I need to get distracted with something and I know that snorting ketamine will not do anything, considering that my tolerance is somewhat high and that I do not have so much liquid to waste 50mg IM ketamine wouldn't be that different right? Considering the tolerance I mentioned, would I need a second injection? I want to inject only 50mg or maybe a little more, but I think I will be disappointed, I suppose that the tolerance in general increased regardless of the route of administration?
I IVed it a couple times and I dont think I needed much IDK if that's stronger or safer than IM though, probably less safe unless you are expierienced
I have no experience injecting anything, so I assumed that IM injection would be less risky
IM injection does have some risks, but they are minimized by using clean water, boiling the solution to sterilize it, cooling to room temp before injection, and cleaning the area used as an injection site before and after with an alcohol wipe.

You would be suprised how much more effective IM ketamine is. 50mg will not be a super intense exepeience but I guarantee you will feel it. If you are comfortable with maybe getting a little wonky, 75 or 100mg may be better. You can in theory inject repeatedly but it's not the same as doing one larger injection, it would be less intense and longer duration basically.
Doooooooooooooooon't use syriiiiingeeeeeees!! Noooooo.
Just kidding
I drank 4 liters of sangria today. Might do you better than getting into shooting.