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Timothy Leary

Originally posted by THE WOOD:
DUNE by Frank Herbert. Yeah its a science fiction novel but it is based upon the rebellion of the lsd culutre of the 60s and early 70s.
considering it was written in 1963-64 and published in 1965, i seriously doubt it was about anything that took place afterwards.
well if anyone is willing to experiance/research DMT; Terrance McKenna's - The Archaic Revival would be ideal. I am about 1/2 way through it and it is great.
Terrence is a great read and i am glad i stumbled upon him. Alot of scientific based discussions and studies. My heart lies with science so i am a little bias.
good luck
Baba Ram Dass -- Be Here Now
Stanislov Grof -- The Holotropic Mind
Ken Kesey -- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
These books all helped me come to terms with some of my personal experiences with high dose hallucinogens.
check out Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, and 1984 by George Orwell.
awesome reading if you're under the influence of anything or not.
and yea man, i can relate to your first post.
mushrooms are good and all, but LSD is a true mindfuck in the sense that you somehow learn things about yourself you never knew before.
So far, the best text/explanation on acid for me is the last chapter from Hofmanns book.
Your brain is god is ok. I hated the writing style - total turn off. And when you read more ABOUT Leary I doubt you'd be buying more of his books. Although I AM planning to get "The High Priest" as it must be the most accessible collection of in-depth trip reports.
For the history of it, I've read Acid Dreams which is alright. Right now I am going through Storming Heaven by Jay Stevens - much, much better book.
Why the final trip? It has been noted that we live in the society where making a living takes most of your time. Achieving higher states is very time consuming. You have to pretty much devote your life to it.
cheers to all.
timothy leary

i always hear tim leary did so much acid with no probelmo and i just heard from my history teacher (who has in the past been very reliable and just seems like a good head on her shoulders type of lady) said he died from brain cancer and they determined it was most likely from doing all that acid... is this really fuckin true
It is called 'scare tactics' so you believe this for a minute and spread the new rumor that LSD causes brain cancer. BAM!! who wants to do anything that causes brain cancer?? I wish it were that easy to scare smokers like me, then I wouldn't get lung cancer :)

I have never heard of any kind of documentation that states this, nor have I ever heard of it.

Other opinions?
Timothy Leary died of prostate cancer. That could only be misconstrued as "brain cancer" by someone who has their head up their ass.
yeah he died from prostate cancer. upon recieiving the news that he had inoperable cancer he said he was "thrilled".
You should challenge the professor to cite her information, then when she can't, you tell her what really happened.
People, especially teachers, should be held accountable for the misinformation they spread.
The teacher probably is confusing Leary with Terence McKenna. Terence did die of brain cancer several years ago. But he wasn't a big LSD user; mushrooms, DMT and marijuana were his thing.
You should challenge the professor to cite her information, then when she can't, you tell her what really happened.
People, especially teachers, should be held accountable for the misinformation they spread.

Not only should the teacher be challenged for a source of this information concerning Timothy Leary. But the teacher should be challenged to find a credible source linking LSD to brain cancer - or any cancer, period.
Alright guys, lets not attack here; this kid seems to think pretty highly of this teacher, and the teacher might have simply been misinformed, like this kid was when he came to us. Let him/her tell his teacher what really happened, inform his teacher that there are no physical side effects to acid, and we'll have two more informed members of the community on hand.
huntmich said:
Alright guys, lets not attack here; this kid seems to think pretty highly of this teacher, and the teacher might have simply been misinformed, like this kid was when he came to us.
While this is true, the difference between smokie and his/her teacher is that smokie sought out to find the correct answer while the teacher just regurgitated what he/she heard. I think challeging the proffessor is in order. It is often assumed that what teachers say are true simply because of the position they hold. If anyone should be spreading the truth it should be them.

beta theory
please, please, please, do correct your teacher... and in front of the rest of the class so they see he doesn't know what he's talking about

LSD gave me soul-cancer
i died like 3 times from it already
now i'm all outta acid
so i'm still livin
(procrastinating, sorry)
ya i know i should correct this teacher she wont be pissed im sure she was a hippie prob just another victim of misinfo, i wouldve corrected her on the spot but shes my history teacher and i was thrown quite off guard, by the huntmich i knew the real deal with acid and ive been screamin it to my retarded friends forever, its just u know when a fuckin history teacher spits something u dont wanna challenge it in a class of 50 peers and look like some druggie (even tho i have actually neveer tried acid, and thats just a whole other story... sigh)
yea, i wouldn't mention anything about acid in any class of mine unless it was a neuroscience class or something...cause...i've done enough acid that I could easily be pinned as a "crazy drugged out guy" (and I have been...)

altho saying like "oh i think it was actually prostate cancer" would probably be ok...but i dunno which way the discussion was headed
If you don't want to make it confrontational, explain that it was a different researcher that died of a brain tumour (someone who didn't guzzle loads of acid - if the teacher's that interseated, they'll find out for themselves what McKenna did guzzle).

And teachers do get it wrong sometimes, it's just that some have ego's that won't allow them to admit that their mistake was spotted by a student (I'd been through a degree, post-grad, teacher training and a couple of years teaching before a 16 year old pointed out that we have 23 pairs of chromosomes, not chromosones as I'd spent years calling them. I said that I was most probably in need of my ears syringing!)
smokie said:
ya i know i should correct this teacher she wont be pissed im sure she was a hippie prob just another victim of misinfo, i wouldve corrected her on the spot but shes my history teacher and i was thrown quite off guard, by the huntmich i knew the real deal with acid and ive been screamin it to my retarded friends forever, its just u know when a fuckin history teacher spits something u dont wanna challenge it in a class of 50 peers and look like some druggie (even tho i have actually neveer tried acid, and thats just a whole other story... sigh)
thats the time i like it best, doin it itn chem class makes me feel so smart, trhen after takin 8 beans in a ight an losing all my la works i am once again stuoid, cycles cycles