time to stop before it gets out of control...


Oct 9, 2011
So I've been smoking bud daily for about a year and a half and have finally decided to call it quits. Before this past September I strictly smoked weed and that was it, never tried anything else and didn't intend to. Then one night, I went to the club and decided to roll for the first time. Then I did it the next 6 weekends in a row, then 3 weeks later, then 2 weeks later, then the next weekend, and then finally 2 nights in a row for NYE... In between all that, I was using any drugs I could get my hands on. Every weekend, I had to find something to get fucked up on. I did LSD a few times, DXM, I went on an oxy binge for the last few weeks, and even tried heroin for the first time last week... I loved the heroin so much, but luckily I haven't had a single craving to do it again and don't plan on it. I almost got myself addicted to oxycontin but it's been a few days and I honestly haven't craved it all, so I decided to stop while I can. I find no harm in LSD though, and will most likely continue to use. It's just a pain in the ass finding Lucy...damn near impossible.

But anyways, after rolling 2 nights in a row, I've decided to take a step back and try to look in the right direction. The drugs are changing me, and not for the better. I honestly feel stupider than before I started using drugs at all. I just need to slow it down and let my brain rest. I'm lucky to be where I'm at right now, not addicted to anything at all, still have a job, and my family still loves me. It's time for me to reconsider what is most important in my life, and that is not getting fucked up everyday... From now on I will only use psychedelics when I can find them (not very often lol), MDMA every 90 days, and only drink at parties. No more weed and no more pills/addictive drugs...

It was fun, but it's time to move on.
It sounds like you've taken a good look at your life and have resolved to change things before they get further out of control. Great! I'm wondering if it was all for adventure or if you feel like there could be other issues that you need to deal with that led to needing to get high so consistently. The only reason I ask is that something like that could derail your good intentions. You sound like a person that can look at yourself honestly so you've probably already thought of this.:)

Good luck with everything!<3
Thanks! But yeah, it was definitely an adventure. I enjoy experimenting with new highs. Other than loneliness, there is nothing in my life that I would need drugs to cope for. When I do need coping though, I go to alcohol and that is very rarely. But anyways, I just hope to continue living my life without abusing drugs. :)
Good call. Get out while you're still on top. Doing that much E, assuming that it was E (unless tested, one can never be sure), is rather bad for you if done for too long.
@Topmid,well done mate. I am so pleased that you have decided to get out of regular drug use now.
So many of us on Bluelight probably wish that we had got out while we still could.
I for one can remember realising that I had a choice to make of stopping the drugs or carrying on as I knew I was getting in too deep.
Like an idiot I decided to carry on taking drugs. I went from pot, speed, acid and ecstasy and finally on to Heroin. Now been an Heroin addict for over a decade.
I wish I had gotten out while I still could so a big CONGRATS to you for making the right choice now.