• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Tianeptine and neuroleptics


Mar 1, 2015
A coerced neuroleptic injection (invega sustenna) won't stop releasing into my system for another 2 months, and then the half life is over a month. So anyways, unless I find something that works - I will be non-functional for up to a year.

Do the pleasurable effects/anxiolytic effects/ Anti-depressant effects of tianeptine work while on neuroleptics? Also, is opiod euphoria reliant on dopamine?
So anyways, unless I find something that works - I will be non-functional for up to a year.

You keep saying this, and yet you somehow find the drive to seek drugs and complain on the internet. I think you're being rather pessimistic about your situation.

The simple answer is: there's no reason it shouldn't, so try it and find out? Just because you're on an antidopaminergic doesn't mean you will be categorically unable to experience pleasure: there are more than 5 types of dopamine receptor (and the different types can work differently depending on where they are localized in the brain) and they aren't all blockaded by antipsychotics. Notably, if they were, you'd get Parkinosnian symptoms.

If you get pleasurable effects from dopaminergic stimulants... your dopamine receptors are just fine. When you get high that way... that's the same dopamine that supposedly "doesn't work" normally.
dopaminergic stimulants can be used a few times a week to give me a slightly below baseline feeling for a few hours. They don't make me feel good. They do, for a couple hours, make me almost functional.

I'm able to type on a laptop but it is hard to think and compile posts.

Seems this stuff blocks a lot of different receptors: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone

Thought I would report back on effects.

The best part of tianeptine is that it takes away the akathisia and extreme restlessness that invega induces. Rocking back and forth for hours is not fun. I do not know how often i will be able to use it for this purpose. It does not produce any type of euphoria, even at 100mg, but its anxiolytic properties are very beneficial. I recommend tianeptine to anyone going through the same thing, but I don't know how fast the anxiolytic effects will go away. I wish I could take it every day. I might order etizolam and cycle.

Thanks for your help, sekio
the anti-anxiety effect is taking larger doses rapidly. It is cheap, but I am taking 100mg+ at a time every 3 hours. While this is sustainable financially, idk how safe it is. It will definitely need to be cycled. I'm thinking one week on/one week off? I could get 20g, but I am afraid to. I don't want to be in an even worse situation later. That is why I didn't get etizolam at first.

It is hard not to take it because without it, I rock back and forth all day and feel terrible. Akathisia, adhedonia, no energy, extreme depression..common effects of this "treatment." I learned a lot from this experience. I didn't know they were still tormenting those they deem mentally ill, and just how easy it is to be deemed mentally ill for life. I feel bad for those who are truly suffering from mental illness and will be cycling in and out of psych wards, because the ones who are supposed to be helping them are just hurting them - and a lot I should add. It has always been that way, but I thought it changed for some reason. There will be a lot of people in my situation, and many of them will want to know about tianeptine. It provides valuable relief. However, people in my situation will not get euphoria no matter how much of any drug they take and they should be aware of that. Overdose is a real risk. In fact, I guarantee many people have died from this. It is sad. They don't even warn you at the psych ward, where they themselves state that most people there are substance users and/or abusers. Almost seems like a eugenics program.

Does anyone know how safe it is to take these doses, and how often I should cycle? I don't want an addiction and I don't want to do harm.