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Thousands of verified reagent reaction HD videos !!


Oct 10, 2013
We are just releasing today, in collaboration with the Bunk Police, thousands of videos of different GC/LC-MS verified substances reacting with the following reagents: Marquis, Mecke, Mandelin, Ehrlich, PDMAB-TS (Hofmann), Simons, Froehde, Robadobe, Liebermann.


We just uploaded a large chunk of them, still more to be uploaded in the next few weeks.

Mods please let me know if this is cool, I tried contacting a mod that I talked to a couple of years ago but he didnt answer me.. I do think this is important for harm reduction, so:

Also, finally we released some TLC-based testing kits for people to check for adulterant mixtures which simple reagent reactions may miss. It may seem complex but its very very easy, anybody can do it, if you are using reagents to test drugs, you can also use the TLC kits. Explanations of how to do it are in the link above, but feel free to ask me questions too.

Here's a calculator I've been working on which is complementary to the kit, which tells you where a substance should be on the plate versus where caffeine is (which can be easily purchased legally or even just pure coffee beans can potentially be used as a standard).


This is the same technique we've been using at festivals such as Boom and others. We are also developing a system where different people can upload their own results so we collect in a database, and also help people interpreting their results. Stay tuned for a lot more coming. I seriously hope this reaches people to help them and potentially save lifes!
Love it! Thanks!

This is a pretty incredible resource. Shame there aren't more for the froehde reagent but still an amazing database.

How will you ensure the same standard (you have set a new standard for reagent test videos here) for user submitted videos?
Thanks for the comments!

Regarding Froehde and missing videos, that's only temporary. We already have many many froehde videos done, we are just rendering them and uploading, so expect big changes and additions in the next weeks. Also, I forgot to mention, please feel free to suggest videos (substances and reagents) you would really like to see in this table, so we can add to our 'to do' list.

As for the standard regarding user submitted videos, we will work this out through a 'reliability filter' . This means that when you search for a video, you will be able to search for categories based how reliable the results are. So for example you will be able to select 'official tlconscious/bunk police results only' (all gc/lc-ms confirmed), or 'partner organizations' (who will also have access to our gc/lc-ms testing to confirm results), or 'trusted users' (who might or might not have access to testing), or 'all other users' (which may or may not be reliable). Or something similar. Does that make sense?
Revolutionary stuff! This should definitely be stickied.

What kind of testing liquid comes provided with the kits? Different eluents will yield different spot heights, correct?

Also can you tell us more about the Hoffman reagent and how it compares to Ehrlich?
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The eluent is with methanol and ammonia. Yes if you'd use another eluent it would change the height of substances, but the calculator linked above is only for the methanol ammonia eluent.

With the kit you can also get a selection of different color reagents, many new ones up now which help narrow down identifications.

The hoffman may be useful to differentiate between 5-meo-dmt and dmt (fast green to dark green) (yellow to slow green), also works well for lsd (purple) versus other substances. There were a few instances where it was useful to differentiating between other substances I dont remember now.

Thanks for the good words :)
Can any of the reagents test for Psilocybin / Psilocin or any Substituted tryptamine that maybe in a mushroom bodies / fruit
Yes, the ehrlich reagent goes purple when exposed to indoles. It may give false positives for fungal products with non-psychedelic tryptamines