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Miscellaneous Those retreats where you pay to trip

I think there are a few people running ayahusca retreats in the UK - obviously it's hush-hush but I think one got busted not too long ago.
I agree with the general idea of the thread. But the tone.. y'all are using the jungle as yer whipping boy, lol.

I know of one spectacular case of ayahuasca use. It started in the jungle, then the use continued in incrementally smaller doses, I guess at home. That's about all I can say without breaching confidentiality.. but in many ways the fruits of that process dwarfs our bluelight methods. I have tried my best to argue against it for reasons summarized in this thread, but in the end I can't but admit redeeming qualities of jungle ayahuasca.

It's only one case, yes. Therefore I cannot recommend it. But I can see the significant impact it's having on the entire planetary future nevertheless.
I've been watching a few of the docs on youtube about that place in Costa Rica where people go to trip on either ayahusca or mushrooms. I was struck by how many come out after the trip saying shit like "This isn't recreational drug use, this isn't fun (as if fun is bad) - this is serious stuff that can change your life in one trip". I understand that they've paid a fortune and really, really want to believe but there's nothing that can change your life in one trip. Life just doesn't work like that. And it creates false expectations - there's a film of that dildo "James English" doing it and afterwards he says "I don't think it's changed my entire life in one night" - as if that means ayahuasca is bullshit. No James, the bullshit is believing you can change your life in one night.

Perhaps it's because they see this Costa rica place as some big once in a lifetime thing and they have to believe with all their might that it changed them permanently. If you only take psychedelics once every ten years then you have a distorted idea of what they do.

If you're taking psychedelics regularly you understand it's not about one day - it's a path you can follow for your lifetime.
There’s a group in my local that offers meo-DMT. I’m really tempted to join. I’m not sure if I should be waiting for some crossroad in my life before joining or whether it’ll benefit me in terms of personal growth no matter what?