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Game This or That?

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Hot dog nose. At least it could be corrected.

Contacts, glasses, or eagle eyes?
none of the above.
need glasses to see within hands reach but use cheater ATM. Shit... guess it is glasses?

black-light, disco ball or strobe-light? or all?
Tennis - home run derby, or golf - hit the ball collector in the tractor. Hmm.. I guess golf.

Forget the past or remember it? Taking into account that the past takes up hard drive space in your mind.
Headset. Bose QC 3, specifically.

Meth and sex or weed, food and cartoons?

Meth and sex but only because I don't like weed or food lol.

Fuck the most repulsive person ever of the gender you are attracted to or the most beautiful ever of the gender you aren't? [bisexual need not apply...no offense! I'm one of you!]
The most beautiful of genre I aint attracted to

Would you rather have sex while music plays or while porn plays?


When you were a kid did you pig out on all your candy as fast as possible or try to make it last?

When you were a kid did you pig out on all your candy as fast as possible or try to make it last?

I was a binge eater as a kid. I had this weird combo of restrictive anorexia and binge eating disorder where I ate 500 calories a day Sunday through Friday and binged on like 4000-5000 on a Saturday. I did actually lose 25lbs this way when I was 12. Was kinda cool 'cause I did it over the Summer so I left school chunky at 105lb and returned thin at 80lbs (I was 12 and only like 4'10 so that's not overly thin).

If you have to lose one of your senses? (I know there are now about 20 recognized senses but I'm talking about the traditional 5)
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