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Game This or That?

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droogs means friends in nadsat and knives means drugs. Its a fake language from A Clockwork Orange.

deep sea diving or sky diving
Deep sea.

Misunderstanding or confusion.

Lol droogs was just a way of saying drugs in an old social group of mine, we were stupid as hell.
since both Grandmas are long gone and I'm desperately holding onto each day left with my mom, I'm going with Grandma.

pitbulls or labs?
Skiing... with extra powdery snow;)

Ice skating or roller skating?
Roller skating I guess cuz falling on your ass on ice sucks.

Facial hair on guys (obviously) or clean shaven?
Depends. Usually a little scruff unless it's not appropriate.

Long or short hair on guys?



No hipster haircuts tho!!!
Sorry, brain's not working...

Tigers cuz they look more bad ass imo.

Straight black coffee or milk/sugar/flavoring added?

newports or marlboro

Edit: I feel like black's an acquired taste. You're forced to deal with it long enough that you like it lol
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