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Game This or That?

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Vinaigrette or ranch dressing?
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Caesar, if prepared properly.

Breakfast of champions or dinner of winners?
Vinaigrette, preferably balsamic

dinner of winners because I don't eat breakfast even if I am a champ.

Parmesan on top of salad or generic shredded cheese?
Kurt Vonnegut, although I favor cannibalism when it includes either winners or champions.

Self-exile or ex nihilo?
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Parmesan if freshly grated and neither Scrofula!

It's awesome to see you! <3

Okay bacon or ham?
Ok bacon beats great ham every time.

Runny eggs or soggy toast?
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Ugh. Pence, although he's backward and vile in his own ways.

Would you rather: Trump, Trump Jr., or Eric?
Rum is what I got hooked on growing up and it still holds a special place in my heart (liver?)

jagermeister or nah?
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