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Game This or That?

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damn, jose; wtf? hahah
ladyboys i guess? not sure... have to see what they both about to make determination. :LOL:

with animal (pets or strays): gentle or harsh to them?

if you have a 3 hour drive at 11 am next day do you...

go to the party no sleep OR get blazed chill and sleep well?
In general. Like right now, is your go-bag packed? Could it be done quickly? Like that. 🙂

On deck from @dopamimetic is:
Rick or Mortyyy?

Oh and my answer would have been "mobile" then. Always be prepared. That's what the boy scouts taught me. That and never trust a boy scout. They sure are good at tying knots but they always seem to ignore my safe word!
steal elecronics and scream "yahoooooooo MFs, this shit MINE!" in a drunken stupor.

go back to school or get a job?
Was kind of shitty few days for me.
Been there many a time.
All good just was a little confused. Hope your new year brings happiness and comfort to you and yours.
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guess someone has to ask the hard questions.
pisser i reckon. 😬

dreadlocks or braids?
Spacial and on top: Being spacial (special?) helps me to see a broader spectrum and aids in putting shit together (on top of things).

Literal or figurative?

If I ask: What color is the sky?

AA: The shy has no color. (literal)
AB: The sky is blue, silly. (Figurative)
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