Think I'm Borderline Schizo


May 24, 2017
Always looking at the corner of my vision because I think I see something weird
Delusions my old friends are trying to mess with me, delusions that people are trying to mess with me because they think I'm crazy.
Heavy nicotine addiction.
The list goes on, I just took a one hour nap and had a horrible nightmare.
Heavy suicidal thoughts. .

I think this stemmed from heavy DXM usage and I don't know if I can recover, I am 18.
Please fucking help me.
hey, there!:) Don't panic and don't assume. Your brain may be experiencing this from heavy DXM use and nothing more. Take care of all the basics (good diet, exercise, sleep) and work on your life interests. Stay away from drugs as much as possible. You are at a tough time in life so some stress is inevitable--and don't be fooled, just about everyone, no matter what they present on the outside, is experiencing the same inside. You can heal your brain and everything will be OK. Right now might not be the best time to tackle the nicotene addiction unless you are really motivated. As bad as smoking cigarettes is for your health, it can be a calming and grounding act as well so maybe give yourself a pass on that for a few months at least? Bottom line: don't complicate and compound everything by worrying about it. Just take good practical steps forward and try to cultivate a positive, encouraging voice to replace the negative voice of anxiety in your head.