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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

I'm finding it very easy to taper this stuff down, some days I take 10-mg, others I take 5-mg, some I take as little as 3-mg, but I take it every day. I suppose my lack of w/ds is b/c I take 3-mg clonazepam daily. If I take 10-mg I wait 36 hours b/f I dose again - 6x the supposed half-life b/f I dose again, and I do not feel bad at that.

I've been posting a lot lately b/c I have time and hope I am of help to posters, as you've probably read I am both an experienced pharmaceutical chemist, work in harm reduction and the legal cannabis industry now, so I think I know more than I probably do, I try to caveat my responses esp., where I am unsure of the info I give. If I've been wasting space and time, repeating myself too much, etc.. go ahead and tell me, I'm a big boy. Thanks!

This doesn't have any cross-tolerance with clonazepam or any other benzos from my own experience and reading this thread.1mg kpin had me as tipsy the first day as it did a month later after dosing etiz multiple times a day all month.

Another observation I made was where I was eyeballing doses and they were likely 5-10mg sometimes more by my estimates I never blacked out or did anything stupid, Once I passed out but I just went to bed and went to sleep.
Etizolam is amazing when used responsibly.... I love how I don't black out and do stupid shit on this stuff.

1mg Of Etizolam = 0.5mg of Alprazolam/Xanax That's how i see it

So if I wanted to feel the effects of high quality 2mg Xanax, I have to take 4mg of etiz, that's just me tho
oh GHB is far superior to etizolam in every way imo...i have taken a lot of G thru the years and never got addicted..it is a very nice feeling though so i can easily understand how people fall into that trap..

I know your post is OLD but everytime I see/hear of GHB I have to reply to whoever that person is; G was always one of my fav. drugs and I have not touched or seen G in so many years; back in 01/02 when I was part of the "club" scene in NY G was everywhere; I loved it. I gave up most of the others drugs I was doing and stuck w/ G. after an arrest due to drugs, and many years passed, I was living in Boston and could not get GHB anymore - it was 2007. thats when I found Phenibut. I assume you heard of it since you mentioned G but just giving you a heads up if not.

Phenibut takes roughly an hour or two to "kick in" and its something you must drink, or just swallow the powder (which is what I do). but once that "feeling of well being" hits, you'll be shocked on what that drug just did to you. by no means am I saying its as good as GHB was/is, but its SOMEWHAT similar just w/o the same CRAZY RUSH, ya know!?
I know your post is OLD but everytime I see/hear of GHB I have to reply to whoever that person is; G was always one of my fav. drugs and I have not touched or seen G in so many years; back in 01/02 when I was part of the "club" scene in NY G was everywhere; I loved it. I gave up most of the others drugs I was doing and stuck w/ G. after an arrest due to drugs, and many years passed, I was living in Boston and could not get GHB anymore - it was 2007. thats when I found Phenibut. I assume you heard of it since you mentioned G but just giving you a heads up if not.

Phenibut takes roughly an hour or two to "kick in" and its something you must drink, or just swallow the powder (which is what I do). but once that "feeling of well being" hits, you'll be shocked on what that drug just did to you. by no means am I saying its as good as GHB was/is, but its SOMEWHAT similar just w/o the same CRAZY RUSH, ya know!?

Off topic again, i believe GHB is exactly the demon i'm looking for. More recreational than alcohol while being non toxic, god help me. The only thing i get off high doses or binging is a blackout, since i cannot remember or experience the black out it is the complete opposite of recreational, fuck this and fuck benzos, i hope i'm done.
Is there anyone here who has used before Etizolam and Klonopin and if so, how do you think they compare in their treatment of social anxiety?

Which do you find to be more effective for social anxiety and generalized anxiety and why?

In what ways are they similar and in what ways are they different?

Also, for anyone who has done both Etizolam and Phenibut which of these two do you think is most effective for social anxiety?

^Before my tolerance skyrocked etizolam was by far more effective for social anxiety than k-pins even if I had to dose slighty higher(3mgs of etiz to 2mgs k-pin). Phenibut is great for rebound anxiety during etiz w/d time but for regular S.A. etizolam is the best second only to xanax(imo).
How many days a week do people think it is possible to take Etizolam without becoming physically dependent on it?
I used to take it twice a week with the rare three times a week i left open just in case. did that for like 4 months and my tolerance didnt even really build much.

i say try and stay on the safe side and no more than 3 times in a week.
I get my Etiz today! cant fucking wait; been dying to try this shit! never a huge fan of Xanny.. even tho I was addicted before, but I also shot a ton of dope at that time, so that helped me love it. but yea, today I get my Etiz and was told these are good stuff, so lets see.
Is this stuff safe to drive on at a low dose?

Will it leave you all tired and looking messed up or can you act normal on it?
I've never taken it but SHOULD have it today; I've taken benzos about 39393939 times. from what I've seen/heard, these are much like a benzo but w/ a little more pep to your step, so it keeps you awake all the more.
Well this isn't to do with Etizolam in particular, I ordererd like 60 of them one time right before they were made illegal in my state...why I really have no fucking idea, Arkansas is the other state. But the benzo's I usually take are klonopin or xanax. I was looking for one with a shorter halflife like etizolam/xanax, then remembered Pyrazolam, which I haven't heard to much about. How does it compare to etizolam/xanax. Really wish this stuff didn't get scheduled..think it had to do with everyone on the net saying it's just like xanax or better than xanax. Plus the two states that made it illgeal had the states name in the title(wtf were those dumbasses thinking) so that could be why. Anyway, pardon me if I'm not making sense had 4 footballs and 4mg of klonopin or 5mg...
Is this stuff safe to drive on at a low dose?

Will it leave you all tired and looking messed up or can you act normal on it?

It does play havoc on your short term memory, makes you forget simple things on the spur of the moment which is bad if you are driving. Would never recommend driving while under the influence of drugs, especially if you are using regularly. Even at one pill a day you will forget a famous person's name, suddenly forget what you even wanted to think about for a second.
This stuff is very insidiously addictive. I took a milligram a day for several years without ever acknowledging my addiction because I underestimated etizolam but coming off it was and still is a real bitch with lingering paws. The withdrawals are just as bad as any real benzo so keep your usage in check.
I am officially done with RC benzo's.. specifically Etizolam. I have proved to myself time and time again that I cannot be trusted to use them responsibly. Currently I have a liquid bottle of PG & etizolam and another of clonazolam sitting at a police station. It was seized over the weekend after I smashed my car into a curb and drove it two miles to a tire shop to get it fixed.. lol. They called the cops after seeing how gone I was. I should not have been on the road and luckily I was not behind the wheel when the cops came so I just got PC'd for a few hours and my car was impounded, but no citation. It's kind of funny that they actually have the benzo's and they think that it's vape liquid for my e-cig, which is apparently what I told them and they believed me. I also had a much more serious drug (re: schedule 1) on me inside of a tiny pocket in my shorts that they didn't see.. thank god.

Of course the events & story told above are purely for entertainment purposes. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
I am officially done with RC benzo's.. specifically Etizolam. I have proved to myself time and time again that I cannot be trusted to use them responsibly. Currently I have a liquid bottle of PG & etizolam and another of clonazolam sitting at a police station. It was seized over the weekend after I smashed my car into a curb and drove it two miles to a tire shop to get it fixed.. lol. They called the cops after seeing how gone I was. I should not have been on the road and luckily I was not behind the wheel when the cops came so I just got PC'd for a few hours and my car was impounded, but no citation. It's kind of funny that they actually have the benzo's and they think that it's vape liquid for my e-cig, which is apparently what I told them and they believed me. I also had a much more serious drug (re: schedule 1) on me inside of a tiny pocket in my shorts that they didn't see.. thank god.

Of course the events & story told above are purely for entertainment purposes. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

damn, that sucks. this is why I only order 20 pills at a time MAX! I just took 1MG before work today and around 3MG last night before bed; hopefully I do not NOD out while at work today. last night I had a major nod going because I did dope w/ my Etizolams.
I've read many accounts of how you should not use alcohol to come off benzos. Whilst I fully understand what people are saying I was wondering if it may be different advice for me....

I used Etizolam on and off no problems 2 years ago, then this year used them everyday for about 3 weeks then stopped 7 days ago. Withdrawal hadn't even crossed my mind as I didn't think I was doing enough. But 3 days ago at work I became highly irritable and started getting dizzy and paranoid. Anxiety kicked in as I could feel my heart pounding and I had to leave the building. It intensified until I was shaking all over and getting mild hallucinations and visual enhancement, everything was brighter and more colourful and things were moving and looking fuzzy etc. I spent the rest of that day twitching in bed, muscle tension and elevated heart beat. Trouble going toilet, but excessive peeing when I do (I'm drinking lots of water as my mouth is so fucking dry!) I can only describe it as almost exactly how I used to feel the morning after a heavy mdma binge.... not as extreme but actualy worse as I shouldn't be feeling this way. It's a very out of place feeling!

I don't actually think I have experienced all that bad a symptoms compared to some people and that would make sense with the relatively short intoxication period. I'm eating normally and sleep is fairly easy with a little weed. I'm certain what I am experiencing is withdrawal from the Etizest Etizolam but can only describe it as feeling high off an amphetamine type drug but with added anxiety as I haven't taken anything and I don't want to feel like this!

I'm almost certain the worst of it is over, the morning I came home from work was intense and it's improved rapidly since but seems to of stopped getting better.... that's what worries me. Certain things will set it off again but I'm relatively back to baseline, just quite anxious as its weird feeling twitchy as fuck when you haven't taken anything!

As for the alcohol, I drink everyday and have done for years. Usually 4 pints of stella which is 10.8 units daily but sometimes more. I have experienced little problems as a result of this although I know it's not good for me. With regards to Etizolam withdrawal the alcohol completley takes symptoms away after 1 stella and for the rest of the day if I continue up to my usual 4. When I wake up the symptoms gradually come back and quite possibly worsen especially if I'm doing something I don't want to be doing (like go to work as I had to this morning but thankfully I'm on 10 days holiday now)

Now everyone says alcohol is dangerous during withdrawal and I fully understand the reasons why but as someone who drinks everyday and has done for years don't you think it would be more dangerous to stop drinking? I'm thinking it would be. Maybe to keep my drinking habit the same then once the Etizolam withdrawal passes to address the alcohol problem?

I've never stopped drinking long enough to find out if I have a physical dependency but I've managed about 36 hours a few times with nothing more than feeling slightly agitated. I know alcohol withdrawal typically show's before that time frame but in some people it can have a delayed onset and with my pattern of use I could well see this being the case (no drink all day whilst at work, a drinking phase of about 6 hours and then nothing again until after work the next day. That means my body is already used to 18 hour breaks inbetween and so I could see withdrawal being delayed for me).

I'm certain it's the benzos (technically thienos) that has triggered this and I don't want to do a taper on them, I'd rather never put another one in me! If my symptoms were severe then I'd go doctor explain everything and get something prescribed but I think I'm past the worse considering my very limited use/abuse of Etizolam.... 3-4 weeks absolute maximum. Any advice?

I'll happily stop the alcohol, definitely if it's making things worse but I think as someone who has drank so much, about 80+ units a week for 6 years, I should address these issues seperatley and wait for the Etizolam withdrawal to even out. Any advice?

I have 500 etizest and I don't even care they are there. I've never craved them and I stopped them out of choice, I just never expected physical dependency withdrawal symptoms to show days later. I feel pretty out of it and it's very strange feeling high as fuck when you're sober. The only thing that helps is the beer but am I dragging it out and making it worse?

Thanks any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Also stay away from benzos or similar drugs. If you're just thinking of taking them for the sake of it then don't! They are rarely prescribed for life threatening conditions and the problems they cause are just not worth it! If you haven't started already trust me don't, I'd never wish this on anyone and I was quite sensible with my use.... 3 weeks of mild to moderate dosing with a couple of days heavy and I temporarily lost touch with reality and it's still not back 3 days later. I've had worse comedowns but they were expected, this is out of nowhere and has massively disrupted my daily life. Just stay away is the best advice!
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neilbome, what dose were you on when you stopped? You were fine for 4 days before the symptoms showed up?

I'm on .125mg/day now and am thinking of jumping in a week. The fuzziness comes and goes but am I little concerned that things may intensify whenever I stop. Although, I think my dose is pretty low.
Scarfo, that dose is really low in my opinion. It depends on how long you've been using it? Symptoms in long term low dose users isn't said to be all that different to short or even long term high dose users. My doses were sensible at first..... 0.25mg 2-4 times a day. Making doses of 0.5mg-1mg/day, that went to 2mg/day but there were odd days of up to 6mg. The day before my last dose I had 4mg and 1mg on the final day. This was over a period of about 3 weeks only so it happened quick!

Probably more like 2-3 days my time perception is completley gone. The day I got sent home from work I kept asking how many weeks I'd been off... it was the same day! It may have a short half life but it builds up in your system. I was irritable for 2 days previous but thought nothing of it, that was the start of withdrawal I guess, 2-3 days was the peak.... I bloody hope!
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