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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

Okay thanks for the info. I was told by one of the more popular US vendors that he would stock any BZD analogue that was in blister (or otherwise professionally manufactured) form, but would not sell powders or pellets in the US market. This is the last guy left in this US etizolam market right now.

Phenazepam pills are available but I don't know if the Russian pharmaceutical companies that make them will work with a US vendor looking to make some cash. I'd say this is the end of the line for blisters unless you import them from the Singapore or Japanese sources at a much higher cost. Customs has locked onto packaging and location of both major Etizolam exporters in India.
I usually take 2-3mg's to feel nice

I have been taking a few pre gab's recently ... I the 600mg to feel nice, I only take them twice a week and only been doing that for 2 months if that.

Will this have affected tolerance? Just ordered some and wanna know before I get them...
Didn't for me.. than again i was only on gabapentin a month whilst using etiz.
But there is a feeling of something "missing" when you go back to just etiz after using the combo a while.
I filled that gap with phenibut like a retard.. balancing both is hard, glad im off etiz now.
Those who say etiz wds aint bad are either lucky, or didn't have a high tolerance.
Let us know how it works out for you.


BTW i am only assuming gabs means gabapentin
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Insane how they are accusing etizolam of being a 'date rape' drug. I feel that this is the end of etizolam. It will be swiftly banned everywhere because it has been associated with that. Canada will be next I fear. Perhaps I should stock up. I'm pretty sure the real 'date rape' drug that is used the most would be alcohol.

In the majority of cases I believe etiz is used by people who can't get a proper script from their doc. Having it illegal you are going to get a lot of benzo addicts who are having a tougher time getting their meds. Many people will be forced into an illegal black market, and paying higher prices. I highly doubt cases of 'date rape' will go down with the scheduling of this thing.

As if they said it wasn't researched. Then how do I know it increases prolactin levels and know to cycle it with other benzos that don't to avoid potential issues from that, even though I prefer etizolam to all benzos? It's got this uplifting effect, not overly sedating but total anxiety relief, great muscle relaxant effects, and lack of drowsiness that make it one of a kind... damn shame it's perceived in this negative light. Just what the fuck about alcohol, whoever is passing these laws: why not stop and think about that one for a minute dummies...
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"Date rape drug" my ass.. i haven't had even the slightest memory impairment or done anything that i regret later on this drug even at relatively high doses.
Such bull shit.

Just another win for alcohol.. i actually quit drinking due to this drug. Now what do i do?
Switch benzos, that's what imma do, fuck going back to the liquid poison.

Labelling this a 'date rape drug' is such nonsense.

I quit drinking alcohol due to this drug as well. I'll never have a sip of booze again so long as I live and I really needed to do that. I won't have so much as an alcohol infused chocolate. That stuff is disgusting, horrible poison, it sickens me to death yet I would always have many more drinks than I intended to because it turns me into somebody different after a drink or two and I don't think straight. Then I would get hungover as fuck, and the only way out was hair of the dog. Those were miserable times and my ability to function was significantly impaired... damage of the body and mind.

I have never, ever, not even once gone overboard with the benzos. I have never experienced any memory loss, felt out of control of myself, had cravings to take more if I was already medicated, and etizolam or any other benzo has never in any way impaired my ability to function normally at all... in fact they've been a life saver for my chronic panic attacks and severe chronic pain in my spine. If etizolam goes down then I've still got alprazolam, clonazepam, lorazepam, and diazepam so fuck 'em, I'll never stop.

This is complete and utter bullshit. These folks must really be fuckin' the dog if they have time to write out and pass legislation banning a really great skeletal muscle relaxant and anti-anxiety medicine, while expounding awful propaganda to the masses. Are there not more significant world issues for these clowns to tackle. Perhaps the news is just a bluff for the real reason behind this, that it's taking money away from the pharms. Then it would make more sense why anyone even bothered to do this, if there was a bribe from the pharms.

If you've got children, watch out! There's a new menace in town that every parent should be aware of - the devil etizolam! Kids are blacking out and getting date raped left, right and center... yeah, with booze as their tool of abuse. You're hard pressed to find a young individual who drinks alcohol and doesn't use it to get fucked up and out of control, this is perfectly socially acceptable though. Puking your guts out, random and regrettable acts of violence etc., and blacking out with no recollection is just part of growing up. Everyone does it so it's fine, you're weird if you don't and you're not living it up. If a whole bunch of people decide to drive drunk, and the odd innocent person checks out from a hit and run... that's ok, we'll just brush that under the table. To think that poison filth is marketed in fancy bottles, promoted on tv, and is associated with adulthood and responsibility. The majority of the time - not always - it is used immaturely as a tool of abuse.

Ubiquitous wise words of the parents: "I don't care how much you drink tonight, so long as there aren't any drugs."
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There's a lot of fear it's being pulled over here in the UK too.

A well known online vendor is shifting their stock at half price and replacing it with deschlroetizolam... Just bought 1,000 tablets as they had 50% off.
Lol, I think the media will name any sedative as a date rape drug. That said, are you all surprised at the ban? Big pharma ain't letting that shit go down, they gotta seal the money leaks if you will. They could care less about people benefiting or not, health hazard or not, it has to do with money flat out, and nobody fucks with big pharma's $$$!
I never liked etizolam anyway, it would seemingly give me anxiety/withdrawals for days from just one dose, weird serotonin feeling withdrawals too, kinda like after abusing empathogens. India or wherever can keep that shit imo!
i pray it stays around

but oh noh, my package is a day late and just took last dose. lets see where this goes

i couldnt edit, if i swish water in the vial i had it in, though not soluible, will ip pick up the bits left behind to be drank?

idk why but i cant edit again. went throuhh 250mg in 5-6 days btw =/ party days are done, as opioids arent in excess, back to ytaper down and theraputic use
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I've been saying this right along.
Whenever we find something good we ruin it for ourselves by doing this.

no, not WE, THEY ruin it for us...wtf at taking enough benzos to completely blackout and take multiple blisters without realizing it or taking enough to have a seizure...thats idiotic behavior and the biggest etiz dosage i have taken is 4 mgs, not enough for anything scary or stupid to happen..
Lol, I think the media will name any sedative as a date rape drug. That said, are you all surprised at the ban? Big pharma ain't letting that shit go down, they gotta seal the money leaks if you will. They could care less about people benefiting or not, health hazard or not, it has to do with money flat out, and nobody fucks with big pharma's $$$!
I never liked etizolam anyway, it would seemingly give me anxiety/withdrawals for days from just one dose, weird serotonin feeling withdrawals too, kinda like after abusing empathogens. India or wherever can keep that shit imo!

taking one dose of etiz would give you anxiety/withdrawals for days!?!?!

the thing is, i have taken other popular benzos and tbh i like etizolam for short runs over xanax and valium..etizolam has a different feel and anxiety relief than xanax, valiu and klonopin imo..i have always hated xanax and although klonopin is great for anxiety relief, i find it causes a zoned out feeling and tbh, it lasts too long..that may sound like a weird complaint but i dont want to take a benzos and feel it 8 hours later..etizolams was perfect in this manner, it lasts 2-3 hours and thats it...
Oh well, fuck etizolam anyways.. was good while it lasted, that's why every time i ordered i would act like it was the last time i would be doing so. I just KNEW it was too easy to last.
Back onto a different benzo now, one i dont need to dose more than 2x day. Working fine so far.. been weeks since etiz.

There's a lot of fear it's being pulled over here in the UK too.

A well known online vendor is shifting their stock at half price and replacing it with deschlroetizolam... Just bought 1,000 tablets as they had 50% off.

Half price diclazepam now...

Don't know why this is happening in the UK.
Oh crap, I just ordered a shitload there, without tracking... It better be here soon :s

Just got 200x2mg from the UK!
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So I got the last of the Etiz today. They are Etizest-MD (mouth dissolvable) ..can I just swallow them or do I have to take them sublingually?
So I got the last of the Etiz today. They are Etizest-MD (mouth dissolvable) ..can I just swallow them or do I have to take them sublingually?

Shouldn't make a difference but if you don't swallow it fast enough it might dissolve in the back of your throat. I don't know, haven't had them.