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Benzos (thienodiazepine) Etizolam Megathread V2

You've got to be right on top of etiz and phenibut. *Always* be the one in control.
^ Do you get visual hallucinations in withdrawal? If so what kind? Idk why but hallucinating from withdrawals is a phenomena I've always found fascinating.Thankfully I didn't but I felt like they weren't too far away, tons of static, floaters, and sensitivity to light. I can't imagine what the could've turned into had I had a habit the size of yours 8(

The only withdrawal I've ever gotten real hallucinations from was Phenibut. Etizolam gave me some 'corner of the eye' shit like I'd see a cat run across the room in my peripheral vision when there was in fact nothing there. But man, when I closed my eyes to try to sleep when coming off Phenibut I seen some crazy shit. Not good trippy visions either. I believe Phenibut creates a DA blockade and when you finally come off it there is WAY too much dopamine causing psychotic symptoms. I'd see people getting murdered and eyeballs staring at me and other unpleasant hallucinations. Add to that the fact your GABA system is downregulated and you've got psychosis on top of a panic attack. Not fun.
Interesting, but only from an outsiders perspective of course lol. I'm sure it was very unpleasant while happening. Yeah, for some reason I failed to mention the corner eye stuff in my other post whih was the only "genuine" hallucination I got, though my vision was so damn staticy (sp?) I felt they were gonna form perhaps some sort of bugs reminiscent of amphetamine psychosis, thankfully it didn't happen... The corner eye visuals I got were a feeling of a prescence just beyond my FOV (paranoia, most likely) as well as say a chair or other objects looking like a person or something if I wasn't focused on it. I just wished this withdrawal didn't run over my GI with a bulldozer, really drew the shit end of the stick there... Both mild phenibut and etizolam withdrawal made kratom withdrawal look that much easier, for sure.
again i almost feel sorry for people looking to buy etizolam to get 'high'...they are going down the wrong drug pathway if they want to get high...at the most if you hit the sweet spot, etizolam will raise your mood a little bit but nothing close to a high...and yes, if i take etizolam earlier in the day i feel tired as hel on them...klonopin doesnt make me tired in that way..
Got myself over 500mg of the stuff, I always got it powdered. Mue cheapo, unlike the flubromaz that usually means cad to gbp conversion, but i'm getting both this one, the etiz has arrived. And as usual, this compound weirds me out. No amount will put me to sleep, well deep sleep anyway, if I just throw a 10mg valium or 1.5-2mg xanax into the mix, then I get all I'm looking for, cure for my lifetime (as early as I was 4 I remember being sleepless) insomnia. I'm curious as to how it will mix with the flubromaz, which I just adore, it's like bromazepam XR with a slightly more hypnotic touch.

But yeah, the fact that etizolam isn't really a benzo must come into play here, just like when I used Zaleplon or Zopiclone for sleep, Zaleplon works instantaneously cos you easily snort the water soluble contents of the tiny yellow gelcaps, that's why HC took it out I assume never really do it for me, zaleplon put me to sleep like a brick like I imagine triazolam did, but I'll never know about this either,it was removed from the country last year.

I've had really sketchy mornings full of speed comedown despair turned into absolute bliss by putting my tongue on a random dose of etizolam. So I know it can work, I had been using etizolam for a couple weeks then if not more, so maybe I gotta wait to get the real good effects again, works like a SSRI damnit (well, those don't offer anything good except destruction of emotions, I still feel while on benz, which took years for my psydoc to accept. I know all doses I take are under 10mg, I verified with someone else's precise scale, I had one really good scale, but one morning I woke up and it was on the ground and crackkkkkkkk, it was done with.:|
Well I bailed after 28 hours. Was more worried about seizure risk than anything. Muscles felt tight. Strange feeling that derealization...it came with waves of happiness ...happy to be 'free'!? I have no real incentive to come it at the moment but think I can do with a taper. And at least I know I can do 24 hours in the case of emergencies.

I made it through a really stupid decision once. I was out of clonidine, valium and clonazepam, all 3 legit scripts, that I had with my methadone. But they were hardass about it, in a bout of stupidity I ate all 60 .5mg rivos (clonaz) in 3-4 days and my valium, which is used as the GAD med (I was actually tapering the clonaz away then, now i'm on 20mg of val a day for GAD and 1mg of xanax prn (i get 20 a month) for panic). I also ate my valium and it was coicinding that in 12 days only could I renew my script, same with clonidine. I survived on a huge bottle of DPH and Seroquel 25mg's, the generic kind that worked, not the shitty ones i have now but that something else.

Those 12 days, even if I had all my methadone takehomes, were hell on earth, thats why I easily proclaim benzo wd is worse than opi withdrawal by far. I even showed up at the pharmacy where the done and everything else is dispensed, there's like 2 teams there, one that hates me, one that likes. I walked all the way through the snow storm just to get some clonidine a bit early. I was scolded about not following indications and i said, I took more because someone took my valiums and put them down the toilet (stories i actually heard happening), so I just wanted something to calm down while I was going through this whole ordeal. It's kind of funny how I felt closer to what "normal" should be without too much panicking as long as I kept myself occupied, but for the best part of this forced wd, I was bed ridden from the wd AND from bronchitis. The ER doc who wouldn't help out my valium situation scripted me an antibiotic that is dangerous with methadone though...my pharmacist couldn't believe it.

Even after telling her that whenever I see my lung doctor (asthma, chronic bronchitis...which i dont feel too much since i fell into the tar pit trap...) was Cefzil (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cefprozil) she insisted on that fucking dangerous fluoroquinolone, which was probably overkill.

Anyways, I made it, alone in my apartment, with no one to called to ( I live about 600 km from anybody I know since years now, job related), I just couldn't believe that I made it. Having those 60 10mg diazepams (which helped me get rid of the clonazepam althogether after that episode...)

Still, there was many times i felt like i was gonna die, another comfort med I used was home brand robaxacet, you can just cut out the APAP part from the methacarbamol, it gave me 2 nights of sleep at he beginning of the 12 days but after that it didnt do shit, which is normal i guess.

But if you really need help, my ex girlfriend was shooting up people on Versed (midaz) all the time for panic attacks and they didn't ask people to sit quietly in the triage zone when such a thing was impossible. I got help a couple times from scripts that were ending at the ER and that the ending of the script didn't coincide with my doc appointment, which was unfortunately true, they wouldn't give me clonaz or valium, it seems they have 1mg sublingual and 2mg ativan press in the back, it's what I was usually given until I could see my doc, except old school docs who are more than happy to script you diazepam until your appointment ).

If you have an online-only caused benzo tolerance withdrawal thing going on, all I can say is show up as you feel, if you don't feel extra panicked, don't nurses are good at detecting fakers, most of the time, go there, explain the situation, unlike somebody who would go to the ER and say he's an opi addict and he'd like a script to low dose morphine (15mg-10mg XR) orally or codeine pills (60mg then 30mg, something I pulled off once, cos I told her I couldn't afford not working and staying at an inpatient for a week before being released on the much stronger poison that is methadone. She agreed, got 30 15mg M-Eslons), didn't shoot them, then it was the Empracets 60's, which i then cut in two, and a month and a half later I was withdrawal free). uh...oh ok, I was saying there's nothing like that that can be done with someone on the edge while on benzo wd, you'll normally get a shot of Versed or Ativan, maybe Valium, then wait until you see the doctor so you can explain your whole ordeal. I know many people who did it, might be more complicated when you bring up etizolam, flubro, diclaz, pyrazolam etc. if it's all you ever take, but just pretend you had found a large bottle of Nitrazepams 10mg in your grandpa's stuff when he died cleaning up the house and you got hooked on that, plus some other benzos.

Even if you're american, it seems obamacare covers people who don't work too, in a much more complicated and hassling way, obviously, but thats all I can say. If you don't want to raise alarms (because you signed, or didn't because you weren't offered the "oppurtunity") to sign this thing that goes on in western countries lately, the Health Ministry of my Province wants to database everyone's med info. Which isn't too bad when you think of it, but it's like, doctor patient confidentiality takes a hike, every and every small pharmacy chain even (only the 2 big ones know what you get scripted at the other through their LANs) to nurses to doctors, all of them see your medication history. I signed no to the goddamn thing, which I guess puts me on a naughty list, but fuck it, I'm having eyes everywhere in my shit.

I wanted to say, if the system is like that where you live, try taking a drive to another city, a bigger one, with bigger better known names, these people laugh often and sometimes can't believe how crappy services are out of "big centers", my city is almsot 200 000 people, but yeah its kinda nowhere, nothing after it, first time I saw a neurologist, he asked me how come I was in Qc City for this "there's only 2 neurologists in my city" and he was like, that's unbelievable. Point is, nurses and docs who dont know you, who cant have access to your medical history on the spot is what you want, start from scratch.

Sorry for the overly long and detailed post, etizolam is kinda stimulating like that to me, well benzos are, before they put me asleep they put me in the best of moods.
hi not sure if this has been mentioned before but iscit safe to mix tramadol with etizolam? I have only took 2mg etizolam with 2 tramadol tablets and some ibuprofen as I got bad flu and ache all over so needed help getting to sleep pain free
Can any of yall take etizolam during the day and not be falling asleep by 8pm. I love etizolam but it makes me so groggy after about 2 hours...

One positive about etizolam is I ien using it at least once a week for the last 2 months except for now since I am out, been maybe 8 days since I last took tiz and feel fine. For comparison, I did this exact same schedule with phenibut but when I used 2-3 days in a row BAM insomnia and weird brain zaps that are hard to explain.

Same with me,don't like sedatives in the daytime, feel tired enough without....good for sleeping. If I take etiz for sleep I need to take next night too, on account of rebound insomnia the following day(though I don't always get that). Or I'll take it on a thursday night knowing I'll want to stay up anyways friday night, makes it easier to stay up late. That's what you call creative pharmacology. I get insomnia once or twice a week regardles of what I take anyway...

Maybe those symptoms as regarding phenibut is due to phenibuts much longer half-life? Etiz has a much shorter half-life.
so got 50 of these coming on blotters not had them like that before any noticeable difference ? hoping this form will help me control my binge tendency no crushing and snorting the main problem i seem to have once i lose control

p.s. this is the start of a taper
hi not sure if this has been mentioned before but iscit safe to mix tramadol with etizolam? I have only took 2mg etizolam with 2 tramadol tablets and some ibuprofen as I got bad flu and ache all over so needed help getting to sleep pain free

Keep your dose low if you do this, tramadol is a weak opioid but it's still an opioid. I've done it a few times with low doses and I've been fine but I wouldn't push it.
so got 50 of these coming on blotters not had them like that before any noticeable difference ? hoping this form will help me control my binge tendency no crushing and snorting the main problem i seem to have once i lose control

p.s. this is the start of a taper

etizolam laid on blotter ? hope everyone knows its a downer on it, cos white on white unperf exists a lot and it's not psychedelic looking or anything

And good luck on your taper my friend, I know i'm gonna feel like a ubermensch when I finally do the 1mg less per every week thing (at 20mg valium, xanax prn and only 15 a month so it factors very little in my tolerance).
hi not sure if this has been mentioned before but iscit safe to mix tramadol with etizolam? I have only took 2mg etizolam with 2 tramadol tablets and some ibuprofen as I got bad flu and ache all over so needed help getting to sleep pain free
That kinda dose/mix will just knock you out (im aware this advice is belated but its worth re-hashing) but as wilson wilson said, it is a possibly dangerous mix so dont be tempted to experiment with higher dose. People with more experience and a larger tolerance have succumbed to this combo (opi's and benzos).

A good rule of thumb if you have to mix them is to only take a third of your usual dose of each one and work up from there.
Rather worryingly I seem to have developed blepharospasm's in the nose area. I've had them on and off in the eyes before but not in the muscles on my nose. Anyone else experienced this?
That kinda dose/mix will just knock you out (im aware this advice is belated but its worth re-hashing) but as wilson wilson said, it is a possibly dangerous mix so dont be tempted to experimh higher dose. People with more experience and a larger tolerance have succumbed to this combo (opi's and benzos).

A good rule of thumb if you have to mix them is to only take a third of your usual dose of each one and work up from there.

I only use it for stim comedowns and never took more than 4mg at time or more than 3 days in a row but after getting a really bad case of man flu needed something to aid sleeping and the tramadol for the pain. it seemed to help anyway
Also let me add that for some reason never have had a seizure (that I remember).

Do the neuroleptics you take raise the seizure threshold or lower it?

Can any of yall take etizolam during the day and not be falling asleep by 8pm. I love etizolam but it makes me so groggy after about 2 hours...

It is not a very strong hynotic personally, in fact it never makes me fall asleep, it can just help if I can't sleep and am laying down, other wise at 2-3 mg it just provides a nice relaxed but motivated feeling that I enjoy. It's the only benzo(thieno) that I can be pretty responsible with. I've had a blackout or two from being too lazy to find my scale (it's been lost for a while) Now I take a micro-scoop (7-10 mg if it's a level scoop) of it and dissolve it in say 3 ml of PEG and titrate it up doing .2-.3 ml at a time with an oral syringe. I'm proud that I can take good breaks from it without any trouble; it's been about a week since I used any of it.

again i almost feel sorry for people looking to buy etizolam to get 'high'...they are going down the wrong drug pathway if they want to get high...at the most if you hit the sweet spot, etizolam will raise your mood a little bit but nothing close to a high...and yes, if i take etizolam earlier in the day i feel tired as hel on them...klonopin doesnt make me tired in that way..

At those dosages it should be fine, just don't increase it from there, and don't take it daily or you will end up increasing the quantity. Tramadol is less sedating than other opioids (it has norepinephrine action!), but it is still an opioid.

so got 50 of these coming on blotters not had them like that before any noticeable difference ? hoping this form will help me control my binge tendency no crushing and snorting the main problem i seem to have once i lose control

p.s. this is the start of a taper

Do you really trust someone to lay it out like that? If you're tapering, you think that they got it even enough so that have a blotter piece is 1/2 the mgs? Why not go for the powder and a mg scale and PEG? The control issue? You could buy a bunch of little 1 ml amber bottles, and make up 1 for day (in 1 ml of PEG each) for a planned taper schedule, and label them, you can then reduce each one by .2-.3 mg per bottle and label them by day and quantity in the bottle. Then you could give a friend the powder in a lock box with 28 of the 30 bottles. You'd have a far better form for titrating, then you could easily knock off .1-.3 mg a day.

I know it seems tedious, but it would be a perfect taper schedule, the dose would be reduced in a perfectly linear fashion. Good luck!

hi not sure if this has been mentioned before but iscit safe to mix tramadol with etizolam? I have only took 2mg etizolam with 2 tramadol tablets and some ibuprofen as I got bad flu and ache all over so needed help getting to sleep pain free
I only use it for stim comedowns and never took more than 4mg at time or more than 3 days in a row but after getting a really bad case of man flu needed something to aid sleeping and the tramadol for the pain. it seemed to help anyway

What's man flu? Opioid withdrawal? If so, it sure doesn't feel like 'man flu' it feels like psychological mess of a little girl ebola.
I didn't have blepharospasms and I went through a 1g+ of etizolam powder over a year. In fact I had eye blepharospasm (so fucking annoying) when I was a wee young lad just starting college, last. Never had anything but weed or alcohol then.

So I assume this condition isn't permanent in most people. I know it can be, they do those botox injections.
This stuff is great. Even after a HUGE phenazepam binge by accident, I was still able to attain euphoria from these little fuckers, very cool. The only reason I dont fuck with them much
is because of the prolactin shit, I already bitch tits from being fat. Anyway Im glad this stuff is around because XANAX makes me violent and do some stupid ass shit.
I have recently started using etiz and I definitely like it. I am also prescribed 2mg xanax and 2mg klonopin so it works out well. Xanax binges make me really out of it and do violent and stupid things, but i haven't noticed anything like that with etiz or kpins. I really enjoy the feeling, but I don't take nearly as much as you guys. 2 mg tops, and not even daily at that. Does the reverse tolerance thing only matter if I'm taking it hourly, or daily?
so ive got some liquid etizolam i wanted to try out last night, two bottles labeled 150mg etiz 15ml propylene glycol. That means 1 ml = 10mg etiz correct? So I put 0.2ml into the syringe expecting that to be 2mg and just squirt it into my mouth. it's been awhile so i have no tolerance but that's where i start with no tolerance anyways.

BUT 15 mins later im like i think it's starting to work. another 15 mins later i'm like yeah it's starting to work. that's the last thing i remember.

no way i blacked out on 2mg etiz. ive done 4 1mg pills before with low tolerance and i never forgot 100% of what happened.

what did i do wrong? after i squirted the etiz into my mouth I noticed there was still a tiny bit in the syringe, so i sucked it out. cant imagine that being enough where i thought i coulda done 4mg and been fine. or maybe that was a no-no? idk im just a rookie for christ's sake.