The World Would Be A Better Place......


Dec 18, 1999
I've just spent hours reading and re-reading threads. I can't believe how much love there is in this place. I really wish the whole world could experience even half the love we share here. I really think it would make such a difference in everyone's lives if they tried E even just once. I've never seen something that is supposedly so bad do so much good. It has opened me up more than ever. I love it, I love everything.
E not war!!
Just think about what it could do for worldpeace?!?!

If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
Luv2Luv is on a bit of a tab right now. Huh.. did ya eat a few disco buiscuts for dinner? Code red on the sentamentality alarm!!!
We all luv2luv ya too kido
peace and knowledge AcidBurn
Right back at ya babe.
The Doctor
If it seems as if I can roll harder than others, it is only because I have rolled on the shoulders of giants
While I agree with most of what luv2luv said, E is definitely not for everyone. To fully experience the effects of E you have to at least know a little about it and have some concept of PLUR. I am sure you know this, just wanted to point it out.
I agree with you 150% about how much love there is on this board. Wouldnt it be mindblowing if everyone could meet just once and put a face to all the names. Something like a "Bluelight rave" where all people on here get together and have an insanely cool night together. Damn, shouldnt have started talking about this cuz now I wanna organize it!

Anyways, much love for everyone here and please everyone, BE SAFE! How bad would it be if somebody had to post a message saying a fellow bluelighter got messed up or died. PLEASE BE SAFE!
luv2luv: right on! love n hugz to ya and everyone else here, yer the best.

Ok love this love that. but have any of you had a REALLY bad trip? I mean bad bad not like feeling sick but being mad and angry at everything even your closests friends.....NOT fun. ok sure E makes you love everything around you. I love that too, just wanted to say that there's times when it ain't too fun to have taken the drug...
I do love all...
I've had some really bad trips. I completely lost control one night. I was getting sick and I couldn't breath, blah, blah. Not fun!! I thought my E days were done, but I still had so much in me(not talking the drug itself physically) that I couldn't let go of it or the scene. I guess you take the bad with the good. Sometimes it's great other times it sucks, just the same as some times we have a good day and sometimes we have a bad day.
I also think sometimes maybe a bad trip is a warning. Kind of a reality check - is this really what I want to be doing?? It gives you a chance to say "hey - I've had my fun, now I'm done." Personally, I took it as "too much of a good thing can be bad" My really bad trip taught me that I needed to slow down. Love is still all around even when you're not on the drug!!
As you would use a good trip to perceive the world as a better place, use a bad trip to see things aren't always going to be perfect. Use it, don't abuse it - life, E or anything else!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
hehe ... just imagine the whole world having their post-E depression on a wednesday after taking their E the weekend before ... =)... definitely not a good thing.
And yes, it is definitely true that E is not for everybody, your mindset and your expectations are critical and can make or break your roll. Just make sure to do E in a positive environment and it will change your life for the better, to a point where you won't need the chemical any more.
Cool post luv2luv. I agree w/ you for the most part, but Skippdogg is completely right in that it all depends on the persons emotional and pyschological state of being. Hypothetically speaking, you could prolly give a person w/ a psychotic disorder and they might go completely haywire, ya know? And yes, Bluelight is the opitomy of love and positivity. Lots o' love here, I guess thats why I stay. And a metric ton of positivity.
Youre all gooey mushey sentemental e-tards!!:p
peace and knowledge AcidBurn
Love does not just exist when it's convenient, when people are looking, when there's something in it for you, or when you've got enough chemicals in you to fuck up an elephant.
What is more sinister? Those who make no attempt to mask their true selves, good or bad...or those who lie not only to others but themselves as well about their undying kindness? Those who speak of love but when push comes to shove do not show it?
There's a difference between trigger talk and actually pulling the trigger. Mother Theresa never knew what PLUR stood for. Many acts of love occur without a moment's fanfare or recognition, without a catch phrase, when no one expects it, and when no reward will be offered for showing it. Be wary of what you believe you see. Those who seek to deceive others and themselves about their true nature stand to benefit from such lies, but those who believe their lies only stand to have their hearts broken when they realize their hope was used against them.