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The War on Drugs Failed, so Why Isn't It Over?


Dec 16, 2015
Alternet said:
The War on Drugs Failed, so Why Isn't It Over?
Even former members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy call the U.N. system "increasingly divorced from reality."

[By Mike Ludwig / Truthout May 3, 2016


Photo Credit: deeepblue

This article was originally published on Truthout.

At the request of Latin American leaders who have grown weary of bloody battles over drugs, the United Nations held a summit last week on the "world drug problem" at its headquarters in New York City. For a moment, it seemed as if the global war on drugs was beginning to crumble under its own weight.

Before the summit even began, the UN officials were under fire for making concessions to powerful countries with harsh drug control regimes and failing to push the global discourse beyond the decades-old treaties that laid the foundation for international drug prohibition. Hundreds of political leaders and policy groups condemned the summit's guiding statement for refusing to recognize that decades of prohibition have done more harm than good, fueling mass incarceration, organized crime, infectious diseases and general bloodshed across the world while failing to reduce supply or demand.

At a press conference during the summit, Nick Clegg, a former deputy prime minister of the UK and a member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, said the UN system is "increasingly divorced from reality." Former Colombian president and commission member César Gaviria, whose country has been violently ravaged by the drug war, said the idea that governments can rid society of drugs is "totally unrealistic" because 50 years of prohibition have "totally failed." The commission, which supports drug decriminalization, is made up of current and former leaders from several countries, including Mexico, Switzerland, Canada and the United States.

Clearly, the global conversation around drugs has changed since the last drug summit in 1998. There, UN leadership declared that a "drug-free world" could be achieved within 10 years, a goal that now seems laughable. Since then, drug decriminalization in countries like the Czech Republic and Portugal has been linked to improvements in public health, and marijuana legalization efforts in major UN member states, including the United States and Canada, have caused political fissures throughout the stubborn institutions of prohibition. These efforts may well be undermining the international drug control framework altogether.

Calls for drug legalization are going mainstream, but millions of people continue to be arrested for nonviolent drug offenses each year, including 1.5 million in the US alone. Political leaders are only starting to catch up, at least on paper. Shortly before the UN summit, Democratic rivals Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, along with 1,000 political and cultural leaders, signed a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calling for "a new global response to drugs" and declaring 20th century drug control regimes to be "disastrous for global health, security and human rights."

The signatures of two major US presidential candidates on an international statement effectively condemning the global drug war mark a stark departure from decades of US policy. However, the letter appeared to have had little impact on the summit beyond a kerfuffle between UN security and activists dressed in prohibition-era costumes who showed up to distribute copies of it. The US served as the de facto leader of a global drug crackdown for decades after President Richard Nixon first declared the war on drugs, with the intention of crushing the black liberation and antiwar movements. Yet recent changes in policies at home have left the United States in an awkward position on the current global stage.

Daniel Raymond, a spokesman for the Harm Reduction Coalition, a US-based group that sent advocates to the summit, told Truthout that the US diplomats have found themselves in a "double bind." The US, Raymond said, must convince its international partners that a multibillion-dollar legal and medical marijuana industry in nearly half of US states can be reconciled with responsibilities to longstanding international drug control agreements.

"The US seems to have taken a middle-of-the-road approach in these negotiations: They are trying to play nice with everybody and keep all parties at the table," said Raymond, who added that the US is more focused on UN procedure than real policy goals. "Because the United States has skin in a lot of different games, they have taken a less proactive role in the UN negotiations and occupied the middle."

Hillary Clinton and Obama's Drug War Legacy

Beyond a handful of outspoken progressive Democrats and libertarian Republicans, drug policy reform never enjoyed much political capital in Washington, until recently. The movement for black lives and widespread protests against law enforcement have drawn national attention to the drug war's contributions to mass incarceration and racism in the criminal legal system. Meanwhile, the nation's "opioid crisis" has put a whiter, wealthier and more politically salient face on drug addiction.

President Obama has responded by reducing sentences for some federal drug war prisoners and declaring the opioid crisis a public health challenge instead of a criminal problem. His current drug czar, Michael Botticelli, has been praised for prioritizing treatment over incarceration, when it comes to people charged with drug possession, but the White House continues to support law enforcement crackdowns on drug trafficking, which can drag marginalized people perceived as dealers into the criminal legal system. The administration has also been less than transparent about efforts to allow certain addiction medications in prisons, where people with opioid addictions are often cut off from prescribed regimens.

If elected, Hillary Clinton is expected to take a similar path. President Obama has asked Congress to appropriate $1 billion to combat the opioid crisis with treatment and prevention, and Clinton has proposed to spend $10 billion over the next decade. Clinton touts her support for reducing mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses and has said she would prioritize treatment over prison time for low-level offenders, but she has said nothing about defanging drug war institutions like the scandal-ridden US Drug Enforcement Administration.

Bernie Sanders says that the war on drugs has "failed" and proposes to go even further than Clinton by eliminating mandatory minimum sentences and removing marijuana from the list of federally outlawed drugs, but his chances of winning the Democratic nomination are increasingly slim.

Critics of the drug war predicted years ago that state laws prohibiting marijuana would slowly fall like dominos despite federal prohibition. These state-level initiatives provide perfect political cover for Clinton and the Republican candidates, who fear alienating older, socially conservative voters but know that the majority of people in the US now support marijuana legalization.

Clinton does not support legalizing weed, but she has promised not to interfere with state marijuana reforms, and to direct federal agents to focus on violent criminals instead of pot smokers. Republicans Donald Trump and even archconservative Ted Cruz, who have said little about drug policy beyond the debate over securing the US-Mexico border, agree that states should be free to decide the issue on their own, even if they personally oppose legalization. Only Ohio Gov. John Kasich has expressed firm opposition to legalization.

Marijuana has long been the media's drug policy bellwether, but legal weed alone will not stop the violence ravaging Mexico, Latin America and cities across the United States. Allowing the vast marijuana industry to go legit would certainly put a dent in the profit margins of drug cartels, but it may also increase competition in black markets for drugs like cocaine and heroin, making those trades even more dangerous and bloody than they already are.

Still, localized marijuana legalization flies in the face of federal law and longstanding international drug control agreements, which continue to label marijuana as dangerous and illegal. US diplomats affirmed the three major drug prohibition and anti-trafficking treaties last week along with the rest of the UN, suggesting that these agreements are open to interpretation or can simply be ignored by policy makers on the ground.

"Once you start to say there is a place for legalization in controlled markets, then the [UN drug control] conventions can mean anything that you want them to," Raymond said. "At the same time, you are pretending that they say something solid."

How to End the War on Drugs

To end the war on drugs, the conversation around the uppers, downers and psychedelics with tougher reputations than weed must change as well. Politicians must accept a few facts, and not just behind closed doors, where drug reform lobbyists often find sympathetic lawmakers who claim their hands are politically tied.

First of all, humans have used psychoactive drugs for thousands of years and won't be stopping anytime soon. From caffeine to codeine, drug use is inevitable in all realms of society, whether drugs are legal or not. We know this because prohibition has failed so miserably at its stated goal. Criminalizing drugs does not reduce the amount of harm they can cause; in fact, it has the opposite effect. Proven harm reduction strategies and medical treatments for addiction, on the other hand, can help make drug use safer for everyone.

We must also change the way we view drug users, who are much less dangerous than the drug warriors, as it turns out. Last month, an international team of experts sponsored by Johns Hopkins University pointed to the UN's own data showing that only 11 percent of drug users worldwide are considered "problem users" because they have an addiction or drug abuse disorder. Drug prohibitionists, however, wrongly assume that there is no difference between use and abuse, and total abstinence is the only acceptable way to approach certain drugs. This mentality has fueled sensational and racist myths about "crack babies," "bath salt zombies" and "reefer madness."

Meanwhile, anti-drug laws have contributed to lethal violence, forced displacement, human rights abuses and an increase in the transmission of diseases like HIV and hepatitis C, according to the team sponsored by Johns Hopkins. The researchers called on governments to embrace harm reduction strategies like syringe exchangeand decriminalize all minor drug offenses, suggesting that doctors and public health experts, not cops and politicians, should be guiding our personal and political decisions about drugs. Every day, people use drugs of all kinds without seriously hurting themselves or others, while the police are busy locking people in cages and reinforcing stigma that drives users underground and away from social services.

Research continually shows that drugs become much less dangerous when users can access health care and knowledge about how drugs work. That's why honest public drug education based around reality, not just abstinence, is so crucial to ending the drug war.

Dr. Carl Hart, a neurologist who has studied the effects of illicit drugs for years, argues that drugs often deemed too dangerous to be legal could actually improve the quality of some people's lives if used correctly. Many artists and writers could safely use amphetamines, for example, to boost their creativity and focus, as long as they stay hydrated, remember to eat and get enough sleep afterward. If we replace stigma with science and common sense, drugs begin to look more like complex tools than vice when used properly.

The global war on drugs will end when all nations agree that drug users have human rights, including the right to get high if they want to, as humans have always done. What happens after that is still up for debate. Activists agree that decriminalization is necessary, but not all agree that legalization is advisable. Decriminalization removes criminal penalties for using and possessing drugs, while legalization allows for some form of drug market regulated and sanctioned by the government. Governments could choose to regulate drugs for quality control and divert tax revenues to health care and addiction treatment, but they could also set up corporate monopolies on production and distribution and use drugs as a source of profit and social control.

Luckily, there are people all around us who can inform our political decisions on drugs: drug users. People who use drugs are best positioned to explain their own needs and provide insight on the real-life impacts of drugs and drug policy, so we can all decide what's best for our own bodies and communities. Drug users and doctors, not diplomats and drug warriors, should be leading the conversation. Until that happens, the war on drugs—and on the millions of human beings who use, produce and sell them -- is certain to continue.
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War on drugs is a war on the poor, a cover for imperialism, i.e. a success.
Because downsizing law enforcement isn't something the State ever does. It needs to keep the chain of power flowing. Too many financial interests, especially corporate ones.
War on drugs is a war on the poor, a cover for imperialism, i.e. a success.

Yeah often times I think it's wrong to view the "war on drugs" as a failure, for this very reason. It made a lot of people very wealthy, it created an entire bureaucratic infrastructure and job sector, and is a useful means of social control.
Because if they admit that it was wrong to fuck people out of their freedom, belongings and chance of a better future, then people might expect reparations?

If it does end, it won't be in the form of a government admitting error. It will be made to look as if they are doing people a favour by not kicking doors in, denying people of their basic human rights and helping themselves to anything they can justify seizing.

Ever had someone borrow money off you and not pay it back for ages, and when they finally do - they act like they're giving you a gift that you should be thankful for? It'll be like that.
My name is Brian K Freberg and I'm an addict. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with bi-latteral forminal stenosis, cervical ridiculopothy, severe degeneration of my c3,4 and 5. I had bulging discs" meaning the liquid was popping out the sides of what was remaining of my very broken discs. I went to my doctor for help because I needed relief. Relief from no sleep, relief from the grueling and constant pain radiating from the center of my back all the way up through my neck with constant nerve pain shooting all the way down my left arm into my very numb fingertips . Who would have ever thought 90 oxycontin monthly which is a very strong 12 hour time release pain medication and a fast acting roxycodone "120 pills" wouldn't be enough? Not me. In the beginning those pills lasted almost the whole month. During the next year, they went faster and faster, leaving me in an absolute state of physical, psychological and chemical withdrawl. So I did what any normal person would do and told my doctor who kept adjusting the pain medication to a larger dosage. Why wouldn't I have trust in this person who had a medical degree?

You see, in the beginning I had no educational understanding of what was happening to me on a very psychological and physiologically fundamental level. I trusted the doctors and I believed them when they said I would not get addicted, because why wouldn't I believe this person with 15 years of education? The doctors never told me that these drugs we're going to hijack my brain. That they would rob me of the necessary chemicals to feel even the least bit of happiness unless I took another pill. They didn't tell me that I would be anxious and angry all the time and with the most soul crushing depression a human can face or that I would become a slave to these drugs and be stigmatized by every person around me that didn't understand. That I would not sleep through the night because i would wake up to horrible withdrawl symptoms and that I would need them just to wake up in the morning more than I needed a cup of coffee. They didn't tell me that I would feel sick all of the time and they didn't tell me that when I stopped it would be the single most difficult thing I had ever done in my 38 years of life.

Little by little and month by month as each prescription was swallowed, I sank deeper and deeper into oblivion. The doctors promised help through pointless procedures, such as at least eight or nine epidurals. They took a 17 gauge needle and plunged it into my spine all with the promise of relief. They performed procedures called radiofrequency ablation to burn the offending nerves so they would die, all causing even more nerve damage and constant chronic pain. All with the promise of relief. Nothing worked. Nerve conduction tests were done over and over again as well as useless MRI'S. I say useless because they knew after the first MRI that surgery was necessary.

But let me ask you a question. Why would a doctor who is prescribing pain medication offer a suggestion of surgery when every month they get to prescribe a lot more of the medication, do unnecessary procedures and line their pockets to buy their next house or Mercedes Benz? This is a sad but very true reality of the world and climate we currently live in. I didn't ask to become an addict, I was sold a faulty bill of goods.

My education through this has been the single most profound tool at my disposal. I needed to understand what was happening to me in order to get free of this nightmare.

You see, after I finally had the surgery, the surgery I should have had to begin with. I asked my doctors for help in the withdrawal process "trusting them again" but desperate for help. Their answer was to either increase the doses of my current drugs or I should take either methadone or Suboxone. Neither of which were appealing, but as an addict I didn't want to be so sick that I would have rathered die then be faced with that dilemma. Please let me explain.

Day 1-5...Flu symptoms worse than any flu you have ever experience in your life. A restlessness in your entire body which can only be described as electricity running through every nerve in your entire Central Nervous system. Legs kicking and arms flailing. Your freezing in such a way as to describe it as being put outside in 30 degree weather without any clothes on and yet your sweating. Your hypothalamus has failed you!!! Diareah so bad that it can only be described as peeing out of your rectum every 2-5 minutes, so aware of the passage of time that your literally counting each second as though its an eternity. I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. Healthy, right ? But wait, it gets worse. You feel so emotionally wrecked because guess what, as it turns out we need dopamine and endorphins in order to feel happy and not sad. Depression worse then anything you have ever felt before in your life. As though all of the color drained out of life and their is nothing left to live for. Lets not forget about the anxiety which is because adrenaline is absolutely pumping through your body, leaving you incapable of one moments worth of sleep or rest and you feel the most incredible pain because your brain doesn't know how to produce endorphins " a natural pain blocker" and dopamine. The insomnia is the worst. I didn't sleep for almost 20 days.

And so I took the suboxone for 5 and a half month's. Well guess what. One day I asked him to lower my dose of the new "miracle drug" called suboxone. I came to the appointment armed with 4 year's of grueling research and a pool of knowledge that probably was more understood by me, "the lowly peon" without a degree then by this legal drug dealer. He wanted no part of this and from that moment on I knew I needed to take complete control. He didn't care and so I needed to stay in the drivers seat with my only tool and that's called education. I spent hours a day doing homework, taking notes and looking for ways to break these horrible chain of catastrophic rinse and repeat events and that is when I got the news that my insurance was dropping me. And that my doctor "supplier" was letting me go as his patient. I needed a plan and fast before I ran out of my suboxone entirely. With my new insurance I thought I could by more time. So I started calling other suboxone providers and out of the 45 doctors I called, would you believe that not one accepted my privately owned insurance ? Well believe it. They all wanted cash.

Lets put that into perspective. Suboxone doctors can only take 100 patients a month and they only accept cash at 200 dollars a visit twice monthly. That's 40,000 dollars a month for these untrained doctors who are not addiction specialists. But I digress, they care right ? Wrong!!!

It's a trap that millions of people fall pray to every year. 56,000 American's died last year becsuse of this epidemic. That's more than car accidents and gunshot victims combined and its because they were lied to.

The worst part is the post acute withdrawl syndrome which last for up to 2 years as our brains heal. I'm almost 4 months clean. Everyday is a fight kicking and screaming. But it does get better. This is my abridged version. I could write a book. The best thing people can do is to arm themselves with the truth. Knowledge is power.
^^ so true, knowledge and being informed on matters that doctors and governments would rather have stay hidden really shines a light on how this "war on drugs" is more of a cash making gimmick, a joke.

Suboxone really is a miracle drug that has helped save me in the past, but as you showed in you're post, the money making gimmick is there as well.
That's awesome bfreberg1978, good on you for educating yourself and getting clean.
My name is Brian K Freberg and I'm an addict. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with bi-latteral forminal stenosis, cervical ridiculopothy, severe degeneration of my c3,4 and 5. I had bulging discs" meaning the liquid was popping out the sides of what was remaining of my very broken discs. I went to my doctor for help because I needed relief. Relief from no sleep, relief from the grueling and constant pain radiating from the center of my back all the way up through my neck with constant nerve pain shooting all the way down my left arm into my very numb fingertips . Who would have ever thought 90 oxycontin monthly which is a very strong 12 hour time release pain medication and a fast acting roxycodone "120 pills" wouldn't be enough? Not me. In the beginning those pills lasted almost the whole month. During the next year, they went faster and faster, leaving me in an absolute state of physical, psychological and chemical withdrawl. So I did what any normal person would do and told my doctor who kept adjusting the pain medication to a larger dosage. Why wouldn't I have trust in this person who had a medical degree?

You see, in the beginning I had no educational understanding of what was happening to me on a very psychological and physiologically fundamental level. I trusted the doctors and I believed them when they said I would not get addicted, because why wouldn't I believe this person with 15 years of education? The doctors never told me that these drugs we're going to hijack my brain. That they would rob me of the necessary chemicals to feel even the least bit of happiness unless I took another pill. They didn't tell me that I would be anxious and angry all the time and with the most soul crushing depression a human can face or that I would become a slave to these drugs and be stigmatized by every person around me that didn't understand. That I would not sleep through the night because i would wake up to horrible withdrawl symptoms and that I would need them just to wake up in the morning more than I needed a cup of coffee. They didn't tell me that I would feel sick all of the time and they didn't tell me that when I stopped it would be the single most difficult thing I had ever done in my 38 years of life.

Little by little and month by month as each prescription was swallowed, I sank deeper and deeper into oblivion. The doctors promised help through pointless procedures, such as at least eight or nine epidurals. They took a 17 gauge needle and plunged it into my spine all with the promise of relief. They performed procedures called radiofrequency ablation to burn the offending nerves so they would die, all causing even more nerve damage and constant chronic pain. All with the promise of relief. Nothing worked. Nerve conduction tests were done over and over again as well as useless MRI'S. I say useless because they knew after the first MRI that surgery was necessary.

But let me ask you a question. Why would a doctor who is prescribing pain medication offer a suggestion of surgery when every month they get to prescribe a lot more of the medication, do unnecessary procedures and line their pockets to buy their next house or Mercedes Benz? This is a sad but very true reality of the world and climate we currently live in. I didn't ask to become an addict, I was sold a faulty bill of goods.

My education through this has been the single most profound tool at my disposal. I needed to understand what was happening to me in order to get free of this nightmare.

You see, after I finally had the surgery, the surgery I should have had to begin with. I asked my doctors for help in the withdrawal process "trusting them again" but desperate for help. Their answer was to either increase the doses of my current drugs or I should take either methadone or Suboxone. Neither of which were appealing, but as an addict I didn't want to be so sick that I would have rathered die then be faced with that dilemma. Please let me explain.

Day 1-5...Flu symptoms worse than any flu you have ever experience in your life. A restlessness in your entire body which can only be described as electricity running through every nerve in your entire Central Nervous system. Legs kicking and arms flailing. Your freezing in such a way as to describe it as being put outside in 30 degree weather without any clothes on and yet your sweating. Your hypothalamus has failed you!!! Diareah so bad that it can only be described as peeing out of your rectum every 2-5 minutes, so aware of the passage of time that your literally counting each second as though its an eternity. I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. Healthy, right ? But wait, it gets worse. You feel so emotionally wrecked because guess what, as it turns out we need dopamine and endorphins in order to feel happy and not sad. Depression worse then anything you have ever felt before in your life. As though all of the color drained out of life and their is nothing left to live for. Lets not forget about the anxiety which is because adrenaline is absolutely pumping through your body, leaving you incapable of one moments worth of sleep or rest and you feel the most incredible pain because your brain doesn't know how to produce endorphins " a natural pain blocker" and dopamine. The insomnia is the worst. I didn't sleep for almost 20 days.

And so I took the suboxone for 5 and a half month's. Well guess what. One day I asked him to lower my dose of the new "miracle drug" called suboxone. I came to the appointment armed with 4 year's of grueling research and a pool of knowledge that probably was more understood by me, "the lowly peon" without a degree then by this legal drug dealer. He wanted no part of this and from that moment on I knew I needed to take complete control. He didn't care and so I needed to stay in the drivers seat with my only tool and that's called education. I spent hours a day doing homework, taking notes and looking for ways to break these horrible chain of catastrophic rinse and repeat events and that is when I got the news that my insurance was dropping me. And that my doctor "supplier" was letting me go as his patient. I needed a plan and fast before I ran out of my suboxone entirely. With my new insurance I thought I could by more time. So I started calling other suboxone providers and out of the 45 doctors I called, would you believe that not one accepted my privately owned insurance ? Well believe it. They all wanted cash.

Lets put that into perspective. Suboxone doctors can only take 100 patients a month and they only accept cash at 200 dollars a visit twice monthly. That's 40,000 dollars a month for these untrained doctors who are not addiction specialists. But I digress, they care right ? Wrong!!!

It's a trap that millions of people fall pray to every year. 56,000 American's died last year becsuse of this epidemic. That's more than car accidents and gunshot victims combined and its because they were lied to.

The worst part is the post acute withdrawl syndrome which last for up to 2 years as our brains heal. I'm almost 4 months clean. Everyday is a fight kicking and screaming. But it does get better. This is my abridged version. I could write a book. The best thing people can do is to arm themselves with the truth. Knowledge is power.

Maybe I missed something but did the guy have an actual surgery that cured your pain allowing you to stop the meds?

Story sounds like journalist fabrication to be honest...many ppl nowadays with obliterated spinal cords can't even have codeiene so they have to deal with that pain by laying in bed disabled till they die. ld choose opiates over that
My name is Brian K Freberg and I'm an addict. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with bi-latteral forminal stenosis, cervical ridiculopothy, severe degeneration of my c3,4 and 5. I had bulging discs" meaning the liquid was popping out the sides of what was remaining of my very broken discs. I went to my doctor for help because I needed relief. Relief from no sleep, relief from the grueling and constant pain radiating from the center of my back all the way up through my neck with constant nerve pain shooting all the way down my left arm into my very numb fingertips . Who would have ever thought 90 oxycontin monthly which is a very strong 12 hour time release pain medication and a fast acting roxycodone "120 pills" wouldn't be enough? Not me. In the beginning those pills lasted almost the whole month. During the next year, they went faster and faster, leaving me in an absolute state of physical, psychological and chemical withdrawl. So I did what any normal person would do and told my doctor who kept adjusting the pain medication to a larger dosage. Why wouldn't I have trust in this person who had a medical degree?

You see, in the beginning I had no educational understanding of what was happening to me on a very psychological and physiologically fundamental level. I trusted the doctors and I believed them when they said I would not get addicted, because why wouldn't I believe this person with 15 years of education? The doctors never told me that these drugs we're going to hijack my brain. That they would rob me of the necessary chemicals to feel even the least bit of happiness unless I took another pill. They didn't tell me that I would be anxious and angry all the time and with the most soul crushing depression a human can face or that I would become a slave to these drugs and be stigmatized by every person around me that didn't understand. That I would not sleep through the night because i would wake up to horrible withdrawl symptoms and that I would need them just to wake up in the morning more than I needed a cup of coffee. They didn't tell me that I would feel sick all of the time and they didn't tell me that when I stopped it would be the single most difficult thing I had ever done in my 38 years of life.

Little by little and month by month as each prescription was swallowed, I sank deeper and deeper into oblivion. The doctors promised help through pointless procedures, such as at least eight or nine epidurals. They took a 17 gauge needle and plunged it into my spine all with the promise of relief. They performed procedures called radiofrequency ablation to burn the offending nerves so they would die, all causing even more nerve damage and constant chronic pain. All with the promise of relief. Nothing worked. Nerve conduction tests were done over and over again as well as useless MRI'S. I say useless because they knew after the first MRI that surgery was necessary.

But let me ask you a question. Why would a doctor who is prescribing pain medication offer a suggestion of surgery when every month they get to prescribe a lot more of the medication, do unnecessary procedures and line their pockets to buy their next house or Mercedes Benz? This is a sad but very true reality of the world and climate we currently live in. I didn't ask to become an addict, I was sold a faulty bill of goods.

My education through this has been the single most profound tool at my disposal. I needed to understand what was happening to me in order to get free of this nightmare.

You see, after I finally had the surgery, the surgery I should have had to begin with. I asked my doctors for help in the withdrawal process "trusting them again" but desperate for help. Their answer was to either increase the doses of my current drugs or I should take either methadone or Suboxone. Neither of which were appealing, but as an addict I didn't want to be so sick that I would have rathered die then be faced with that dilemma. Please let me explain.

Day 1-5...Flu symptoms worse than any flu you have ever experience in your life. A restlessness in your entire body which can only be described as electricity running through every nerve in your entire Central Nervous system. Legs kicking and arms flailing. Your freezing in such a way as to describe it as being put outside in 30 degree weather without any clothes on and yet your sweating. Your hypothalamus has failed you!!! Diareah so bad that it can only be described as peeing out of your rectum every 2-5 minutes, so aware of the passage of time that your literally counting each second as though its an eternity. I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. Healthy, right ? But wait, it gets worse. You feel so emotionally wrecked because guess what, as it turns out we need dopamine and endorphins in order to feel happy and not sad. Depression worse then anything you have ever felt before in your life. As though all of the color drained out of life and their is nothing left to live for. Lets not forget about the anxiety which is because adrenaline is absolutely pumping through your body, leaving you incapable of one moments worth of sleep or rest and you feel the most incredible pain because your brain doesn't know how to produce endorphins " a natural pain blocker" and dopamine. The insomnia is the worst. I didn't sleep for almost 20 days.

And so I took the suboxone for 5 and a half month's. Well guess what. One day I asked him to lower my dose of the new "miracle drug" called suboxone. I came to the appointment armed with 4 year's of grueling research and a pool of knowledge that probably was more understood by me, "the lowly peon" without a degree then by this legal drug dealer. He wanted no part of this and from that moment on I knew I needed to take complete control. He didn't care and so I needed to stay in the drivers seat with my only tool and that's called education. I spent hours a day doing homework, taking notes and looking for ways to break these horrible chain of catastrophic rinse and repeat events and that is when I got the news that my insurance was dropping me. And that my doctor "supplier" was letting me go as his patient. I needed a plan and fast before I ran out of my suboxone entirely. With my new insurance I thought I could by more time. So I started calling other suboxone providers and out of the 45 doctors I called, would you believe that not one accepted my privately owned insurance ? Well believe it. They all wanted cash.

Lets put that into perspective. Suboxone doctors can only take 100 patients a month and they only accept cash at 200 dollars a visit twice monthly. That's 40,000 dollars a month for these untrained doctors who are not addiction specialists. But I digress, they care right ? Wrong!!!

It's a trap that millions of people fall pray to every year. 56,000 American's died last year becsuse of this epidemic. That's more than car accidents and gunshot victims combined and its because they were lied to.

The worst part is the post acute withdrawl syndrome which last for up to 2 years as our brains heal. I'm almost 4 months clean. Everyday is a fight kicking and screaming. But it does get better. This is my abridged version. I could write a book. The best thing people can do is to arm themselves with the truth. Knowledge is power.

Good post. The sub Drs around here are basically the same. CASH DUE AT TIME OF TREATMENT! Back like 06 my Dr had me pay like 60 to go 2 weeks untill she would write a months worth(didn't have insurance anyways and she didn't take any as did practically every dr). I'd go on and she'd weigh me, do the basic checkup...she was a good doc tho, I've heard some relief horror stories w/sub

but she ended up putting me on 16mgsna day plus clonidine. Way too sedated..she was like half retired anyways so she was prob doing it to buy a new Jaguar. This was sometime back so she's prob def retired.. but man that 16.gs fucked my tolerance switched to meth and it was like 120 to keep me feeling right. Happy to say I'm now down to 50mg and hope to be off by years end. Also Rx kpin so I know I'm addicted to them but I want to have the benzoswhen I detox off meth so it makes it easier.
So long I am using nsfw tags
My name is Brian K Freberg and I'm an addict. 4 years ago I was diagnosed with bi-latteral forminal stenosis, cervical ridiculopothy, severe degeneration of my c3,4 and 5. I had bulging discs" meaning the liquid was popping out the sides of what was remaining of my very broken discs. I went to my doctor for help because I needed relief. Relief from no sleep, relief from the grueling and constant pain radiating from the center of my back all the way up through my neck with constant nerve pain shooting all the way down my left arm into my very numb fingertips . Who would have ever thought 90 oxycontin monthly which is a very strong 12 hour time release pain medication and a fast acting roxycodone "120 pills" wouldn't be enough? Not me. In the beginning those pills lasted almost the whole month. During the next year, they went faster and faster, leaving me in an absolute state of physical, psychological and chemical withdrawl. So I did what any normal person would do and told my doctor who kept adjusting the pain medication to a larger dosage. Why wouldn't I have trust in this person who had a medical degree?

You see, in the beginning I had no educational understanding of what was happening to me on a very psychological and physiologically fundamental level. I trusted the doctors and I believed them when they said I would not get addicted, because why wouldn't I believe this person with 15 years of education? The doctors never told me that these drugs we're going to hijack my brain. That they would rob me of the necessary chemicals to feel even the least bit of happiness unless I took another pill. They didn't tell me that I would be anxious and angry all the time and with the most soul crushing depression a human can face or that I would become a slave to these drugs and be stigmatized by every person around me that didn't understand. That I would not sleep through the night because i would wake up to horrible withdrawl symptoms and that I would need them just to wake up in the morning more than I needed a cup of coffee. They didn't tell me that I would feel sick all of the time and they didn't tell me that when I stopped it would be the single most difficult thing I had ever done in my 38 years of life.

Little by little and month by month as each prescription was swallowed, I sank deeper and deeper into oblivion. The doctors promised help through pointless procedures, such as at least eight or nine epidurals. They took a 17 gauge needle and plunged it into my spine all with the promise of relief. They performed procedures called radiofrequency ablation to burn the offending nerves so they would die, all causing even more nerve damage and constant chronic pain. All with the promise of relief. Nothing worked. Nerve conduction tests were done over and over again as well as useless MRI'S. I say useless because they knew after the first MRI that surgery was necessary.

But let me ask you a question. Why would a doctor who is prescribing pain medication offer a suggestion of surgery when every month they get to prescribe a lot more of the medication, do unnecessary procedures and line their pockets to buy their next house or Mercedes Benz? This is a sad but very true reality of the world and climate we currently live in. I didn't ask to become an addict, I was sold a faulty bill of goods.

My education through this has been the single most profound tool at my disposal. I needed to understand what was happening to me in order to get free of this nightmare.

You see, after I finally had the surgery, the surgery I should have had to begin with. I asked my doctors for help in the withdrawal process "trusting them again" but desperate for help. Their answer was to either increase the doses of my current drugs or I should take either methadone or Suboxone. Neither of which were appealing, but as an addict I didn't want to be so sick that I would have rathered die then be faced with that dilemma. Please let me explain.

Day 1-5...Flu symptoms worse than any flu you have ever experience in your life. A restlessness in your entire body which can only be described as electricity running through every nerve in your entire Central Nervous system. Legs kicking and arms flailing. Your freezing in such a way as to describe it as being put outside in 30 degree weather without any clothes on and yet your sweating. Your hypothalamus has failed you!!! Diareah so bad that it can only be described as peeing out of your rectum every 2-5 minutes, so aware of the passage of time that your literally counting each second as though its an eternity. I lost 10 pounds in 2 days. Healthy, right ? But wait, it gets worse. You feel so emotionally wrecked because guess what, as it turns out we need dopamine and endorphins in order to feel happy and not sad. Depression worse then anything you have ever felt before in your life. As though all of the color drained out of life and their is nothing left to live for. Lets not forget about the anxiety which is because adrenaline is absolutely pumping through your body, leaving you incapable of one moments worth of sleep or rest and you feel the most incredible pain because your brain doesn't know how to produce endorphins " a natural pain blocker" and dopamine. The insomnia is the worst. I didn't sleep for almost 20 days.

And so I took the suboxone for 5 and a half month's. Well guess what. One day I asked him to lower my dose of the new "miracle drug" called suboxone. I came to the appointment armed with 4 year's of grueling research and a pool of knowledge that probably was more understood by me, "the lowly peon" without a degree then by this legal drug dealer. He wanted no part of this and from that moment on I knew I needed to take complete control. He didn't care and so I needed to stay in the drivers seat with my only tool and that's called education. I spent hours a day doing homework, taking notes and looking for ways to break these horrible chain of catastrophic rinse and repeat events and that is when I got the news that my insurance was dropping me. And that my doctor "supplier" was letting me go as his patient. I needed a plan and fast before I ran out of my suboxone entirely. With my new insurance I thought I could by more time. So I started calling other suboxone providers and out of the 45 doctors I called, would you believe that not one accepted my privately owned insurance ? Well believe it. They all wanted cash.

Lets put that into perspective. Suboxone doctors can only take 100 patients a month and they only accept cash at 200 dollars a visit twice monthly. That's 40,000 dollars a month for these untrained doctors who are not addiction specialists. But I digress, they care right ? Wrong!!!

It's a trap that millions of people fall pray to every year. 56,000 American's died last year becsuse of this epidemic. That's more than car accidents and gunshot victims combined and its because they were lied to.

The worst part is the post acute withdrawl syndrome which last for up to 2 years as our brains heal. I'm almost 4 months clean. Everyday is a fight kicking and screaming. But it does get better. This is my abridged version. I could write a book. The best thing people can do is to arm themselves with the truth. Knowledge is power.

Maybe I missed something but did the guy have an actual surgery that cured your pain allowing you to stop the meds?

Story sounds like journalist fabrication to be honest...many ppl nowadays with obliterated spinal cords can't even have codeiene so they have to deal with that pain by laying in bed disabled till they die. ld choose opiates over that

This also crossed my mind.

Good post. The sub Drs around here are basically the same. CASH DUE AT TIME OF TREATMENT! Back like 06 my Dr had me pay like 60 to go 2 weeks untill she would write a months worth(didn't have insurance anyways and she didn't take any as did practically every dr). I'd go on and she'd weigh me, do the basic checkup...she was a good doc tho, I've heard some relief horror stories w/sub

but she ended up putting me on 16mgsna day plus clonidine. Way too sedated..she was like half retired anyways so she was prob doing it to buy a new Jaguar. This was sometime back so she's prob def retired.. but man that 16.gs fucked my tolerance switched to meth and it was like 120 to keep me feeling right. Happy to say I'm now down to 50mg and hope to be off by years end. Also Rx kpin so I know I'm addicted to them but I want to have the benzoswhen I detox off meth so it makes it easier.

This has not whatsoever been anything like what I have experienced working with six various physicians trained and licensed to prescribed buprenorphine. By contrast, the majority of those ive encountered understand fairly accurately how to use the medication and were willing to work with me to meet my needs with it.

I'm not at all discounting the possibility, as predatory and exploitive practices are incredibly commonplace when dealing with the recovery industry. Far more than a few isolated incidents, we can be absolutely certain about that. It has a whole lot to do with the legacy of Synanon actually, and of course the war on drugs :\ that and the prioritization of profits over treatment efficacy, as most of these places are businesses with bills to pays and, in many cases, sharehold interests at play.
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So long I am using nsfw tags

This also crossed my mind.

This has not whatsoever been anything like what I have experienced working with six various physicians trained and licensed to prescribed buprenorphine. By contrast, the majority of those ive encountered understand fairly accurately how to use the medication and were willing to work with me to meet my needs with it.

I'm not at all discounting the possibility, as predatory and exploitive practices are incredibly commonplace when dealing with the recovery industry. Far more than a few isolated incidents, we can be absolutely certain about that. It has a whole lot to do with the legacy of Synanon actually, and of course the war on drugs :\ that and the prioritization of profits over treatment efficacy, as most of these places are businesses with bills to pays and, in many cases, sharehold interests at play.

That's true. She was kinda notorious around here for being so cheap. Some Drs were like 250 1st visit