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the ups and downs of heroin

It's simply beacuse it's been around for a while. You see, the people that get really hooked on it can get themselves in a really sorry state, while other drugs like methamphetamines are "new" in comparison, so the stereotype of the lowlife junkie, is that of a person addicted to heroin. I'm sure that you'll see methmonsters have the same status as the herojunkies.
It just the same like if you're an old chinese, you're probably an opiumsmoker, if you're a hippie you use acid, and if you wear screaming 30 year old jackets, have a mullet and weak knees, you're on heroin.
So once again, i wonder why the majority singles out heroin as causing the most damage, when it is used and abused like any other drug.

I'm gonna guess...

it's one of the few drugs that is physically addictive not just psychologically. You kill yourself very, very slowly. My father lived 20 years being a fully functioning daily using heroin addict. Mullet free I might add. You learn to lower your standards of living over the years. I mean you're living and you're numb so who cares if you smell or got roaches in your food. I didn't.
Dazzle said:
I'm gonna guess...

it's one of the few drugs that is physically addictive not just psychologically. You kill yourself very, very slowly. My father lived 20 years being a fully functioning daily using heroin addict. Mullet free I might add. You learn to lower your standards of living over the years. I mean you're living and you're numb so who cares if you smell or got roaches in your food. I didn't.

all the other opiates are capable of being physical dependant --what makes heroin so different than them?
(btw... I posted from work and boss walked in, so it wasn't complete. So I may add to it.)

all the other opiates are capable of being physical dependant --what makes heroin so different than them?

Heroin is cheaper and easier to get.

It is hard to find good opium... even harder to find it on a reliable, steady basis. It's just not available on street corners where I'm from. Same goes for pharmies. So figure the majority is going to turn to whats easiest to get.

And also the easiest to get popped coping. It also carries stiffer penalties then lets say getting busted with bottle of codeine. So you're likely spend at least little time in county. Right along side a wide variety of other drug users. drunks, and the poor old hippie who got popped with a hit of acid and a roach. Now after 48 hours who's making the spectacle of themself? The drunks been released, the crackhead is finally sleeping, the hippie is sitting quietly in the corner...

and you're withering around on the floor moaning.... dope sick.

so now EVERYONE knows you're a junkie. The fellow inmates, the cops, the judge, and if you've been shipped out to a "correctional rehabilitation center" your family (and if you have my mother, half the damn world) now knows to. You've been labeled because you've physically withdrawn. EVEN THOUGH the crime that put you in jail in the first place wasn't any different from the guy sitting next to you... wether it be buying drugs to stealing to prostituting yourself... drug addicts of all kinds do what they gotta do to get by, not just heroin addicts. But we've got this stigma attached to us.
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u gotta remember that 'cheap and easy' are relative. A rich fuck may find pharm opiates very cheap and easy to acquire, a less fortunate may find heroin obscure to find thus more expensive to acquire.

i was wondering what made them different in terms of effects
i was wondering what made them different in terms of effects

doh! that's a different thread all together.

[there goes 20 minutes of my life editing my reply I'll never get back.]
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