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Opioids The Ultimate Opiate Potentiation Thread

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^its the right dose if you enjoy it or it potentiates it for you... I believe what he meant by overdoing it was thinking you could enjoy it MORE if you take more antihistamines but after a certain point it just becomes overly sedating, possibly uncomfortable, increases anticholinergic side effects, etc.
By far the best potentiation combo is oxycodone 30 mg used with 2 mg levorphanol - after 11 years on pain meds, this is BY FAR the best, the only mrphanan isomer of the morphine molecule, levorhpanol hits brand new receptors no one has been using, it's like your very first dose! But to really get HIGH from it, take a roxy 30 - both oral.
^How does taking another opioid potentiate an opioid? The point of this thread is to increase the opioid effects without increasing the opioid doses.
Hi. New here. I joined because of this thread.

I have been using oxycodone for 3 years now and lost the ability to feel euphoria at almost any dose. I get a script from pain management for degenerative disks and am an addict so it lasts a few days. Doesn't matter what ROA I use, dosages of up to 600mg in one pop won't get me off.

What's odd is 80mg of methadone will but it isn't the same.

I found several online pharmacies with Proglumide. They have green checkmarks from Norton's website safety check thingy so I am assuming they aren't scammers. I am going to give it a shot and report back.

Is there a recommended dosage anywhere to be found?
Methadone shouldn't give you a 'high', it should give you a 'stoned' feeling. Sorry you already mentioned it's different.

Perhaps tell your doctor the Oxycodone isn't working as well as it has been - you've obviously developed quite a tolerance.
Methadone shouldn't give you a 'high', it should give you a 'stoned' feeling. Sorry you already mentioned it's different.

Perhaps tell your doctor the Oxycodone isn't working as well as it has been - you've obviously developed quite a tolerance.

That's what I meant by not the same. No euphoria but still a good feeling. Oxymorphone does get me off. I may see about switching to that. I don't want to go deeper on to this addiction. Want to try the Proglumide to see if it can bring my tolerance down. It is almost like popping sugar pills now except they relieve withdrawal. Otherwise it would be no different.
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Never heard of Proglumide, what it it?

Oxymorphone is nice :)


An interesting side effect of proglumide is that it enhances the analgesia produced by opioid drugs, and can prevent or even reverse the development of tolerance to opioid drugs. This can make it a useful adjuvant treatment to use alongside opioid drugs in the treatment of chronic pain conditions such as cancer, where opioid analgesics may be required for long periods and development of tolerance reduces clinical efficacy of these drugs.

this here is really interesting on how the mind can alter the perception of pain:
Proglumide also works as a placebo effect amplifier for pain conditions. When injected visibly to a subject, its analgesic effect is bigger than a similarly administered placebo. When injected secretly, it doesn't have any effect, whereas standard pain drugs have an effect, even if they are administered without the subject's awareness . The supposed mechanism is an enhancement of the neural pathways of expectation.
Ok I have a sort of off the wall question. I have always done a bit of medium aerobic exercise a few mins after chewing up my oxycdone pills. My base theory is that as aerobic exercise gets blood flow moving and releases a lot of different chemicals from the brain, blood flow moves faster through the body, to and from the brain, etc. that it would offer a bit of a potentiating effect.. thoughts?

I have also noticed this with percocet. I was laying in bed a few hours after taking one and felt it wearing off. I got up to take a leak and for whatever reason decided to stretch a bit, doing a few deep knee bends. Just enough to get the heart rate up a bit.

Well, when I went back to bed I definitley felt the perc coming back to life! I've repeated this many times and it always works.

But not with all opiates. I use dilaudid regularly but it doesn't seem to benefit from extra blood flow.

Try this at home, kids!
Prob need a script for Proglumide no doubt.

I'm still frustrating myself over this opiate potentiation bullshit; when to take the opiates, when to take the antihistamines, what particular effects am I wanting to enhance by using these antihistamines etc.

In another thread someone posted (and don't quote me on this I'm going by on the spot memory here) "antihistamines i.e. doxylamine succinate can actually slow the conversion of codeine into morphine by the liver"

PS - I'm not 100% if he said 'doxylamine' or 'promethazine' but yeah, both antihistamines.

I read somewhere else taking promethazine 30 mins prior to taking codeine will actually help the liver convert more of the drug into morphine. Argh!

Ideally you'd probably go-
+0.00 - 50mg promethazine
+0.30 - 400mg codeine
+1.15 - doxylamine

How much doxylamine? You wouldn't need much, I know they blend the two in OTC products (Mersyndol night strength)

I'd like to to just eat all in one go and see what happens, but before I go ahead and do that I'd love ANY thoughts you guys might have on the subject.
grapefruit juice does not work with opiates! that rumor got started becuase it potentiates the phuc out of xanax and other benzos. There is absolutely no evidence that grapefruit juice does anything good for opiate, though. if there is, please post! the only evidence i've seen on this thread is anecdotal - we're talking about some serious placebo effect.

i agree
I might be getting hold of some MS Contin tabs tonight.

I'll drink grapefruit juice beforehand and let you know.
Prob need a script for Proglumide no doubt.

I'm still frustrating myself over this opiate potentiation bullshit; when to take the opiates, when to take the antihistamines, what particular effects am I wanting to enhance by using these antihistamines etc.

In another thread someone posted (and don't quote me on this I'm going by on the spot memory here) "antihistamines i.e. doxylamine succinate can actually slow the conversion of codeine into morphine by the liver"

PS - I'm not 100% if he said 'doxylamine' or 'promethazine' but yeah, both antihistamines.

I read somewhere else taking promethazine 30 mins prior to taking codeine will actually help the liver convert more of the drug into morphine. Argh!

Ideally you'd probably go-
+0.00 - 50mg promethazine
+0.30 - 400mg codeine
+1.15 - doxylamine

How much doxylamine? You wouldn't need much, I know they blend the two in OTC products (Mersyndol night strength)

I'd like to to just eat all in one go and see what happens, but before I go ahead and do that I'd love ANY thoughts you guys might have on the subject.
Proglumide is easy to find online. It isn't scheduled so it can be obtained without a script. I think every other "poteniator" is worthless and not really increasing opiates effects. Benadryl makes you drowsy on it's own so basically IMO all you are doing is adding to the effects of your opiate of choice, not necassarily making the opiate stronger. Tagamet does make it last about 15-20 minutes longer. Never tried grapefruit juice. DXM did nothing for me. Progulmide is the only true poteniator IMO. It inhibits CCK which in turns lowers tolerance. It is relatively cheap from what I am finding shopping online.

I am going to try 400mgs ED in the morning 7 days on followed by 7 off due to the tolerance build up of progulmide.

There are other CCK inhibitors out there but they are selective. I don't know much about it but researching it I see there are CCKa and CCKb inhibitors. I just can't find which one of those two are relative to opiate tolerance. If someone can find that out then it may be easier to find other CCK inhibitors that are easier obtained.
Oh yeah. Forgot to mention. Today I took 20mg of methadone and 300mg of Roxis and had a nice euphoria going. First time in a long time. Suprised me that only 20mg of methadone helped that much. Been frustrated for months not being able to get off on rediculous doses.
Cheers for the info lozgod :) let us know

Tonight I tried 120mg crushed morphine tablets (higher than normal for me), slow release tabs anyway.

Nice high! No euphoria, but the 'stoned' is wonderful . I'm smoking hash and joints as well, it definitely counters some of the negative side-effects of morphine i.e. itching and nausea and really compliments the opiate.

Opiate + Cannabis = WIN

Ive tried a great deal of potentiators, and my favorite has to be benzo.
Only certain benzos though, in low therapeutic doses, 15 mg of temazepam, 10 mg diazepam, or 30 mg oxazepam will add alot to the euphoria for me, they do not kill the opiate 'warmth' or buzz for me at all.
But benzos like alprazolam, lorazepam, and clonazepam WILL dull the buzz..

The idea behind grapefruit juice enhancing effects, is that grapefruit juices contain an MAOI, a monoanimeoxidase inhibitor. There are Rx labels that come with drugs like narcotic pain killers that stress not to take the Rx drug while or after drinking grapefruit juice. this was found after 2 minutes of googlin;

Compounds in grapefruit juice inhibits an enzyme required for metabolism of nearly half of prescription drugs on the market. If you inhibit drug metabolism, would that allow you to take a lower (and cheaper) dose of one of those drugs, especially an expensive drug?
That is the proposition of a company called Bioavailability Systems, featured in today's Wall Street Journal and alluded to on the WSJ Health Blog (yes, I cite the WSJ very often but only because they have some of the best medical and health reporting on topics well ahead of the MSM curve).

The intestines and the liver contain many drug metabolizing enzymes but the one in question here is a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase called CYP3A4. The enzyme works on drug molecules to slap on a water-soluble chemical group or remove water-insoluble groups. In most (but not all) cases, this action terminates the biological action of the drug.

In 1991, David Bailey and colleagues at the University of Western Ontario reported in The Lancet that grapefruit juice was found to increase blood levels of felodipine, a calcium channel-blocking antihypertensive drug. The precise reason was that grapefruit juice inhibited the CYP3A4 enzyme, an effect that was later ascribed to a group of compounds called furanocoumarins (bergamottin and 6',7'-dihydroxybergamottin). So, taking felodipine while drinking grapefruit juice was essentially the same as taking a higher dose of the drug because its elimination from the body was slowed. Today's WSJ article and blog post discuss the experimental and commercial approach to using CYP3A4 inhibitors as "dose boosters" to minimize the dose one needs to take of some very expensive drugs.
Do energy drinks kill an opiate high? I have a friend who swears that right after he drank a Red Bull, his high was gone.
Its proven tegamet(cimetadine) will boost h and meth also for meth is WHITE grapefruit juice not ruby red and of course promethazine andVistaril for h which is Hydroxyzine...Hope this helps oh and ketoconazole I would think boosts narcotics not sure does a good job on benzos the tablet not the cream of course
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