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Opioids The Ultimate Opiate Potentiation Thread v2.0

When I was once prescribed a stingy amount of morphine after a leg operation, even after I told them I am not sensitive and need more than an average person, I found a really powerful potentiator (most people would consider this overkill): Nozinan - levomepromazine (EU) /methotrimeprazine (US).

It's an old antipsychotic but also extremely strong as an analgesic; I wouldn't use it for recreational potentiation (or maybe a tiny amount if I specifically wanted to be immobile), but it boosts opioids a HELL of a lot. It's apparently co-administered with morphine, hydromorphone and other strong opioids in palliative care - and I can see why.

This guy speaks the truth, Nozinan is really weird and the only antipsychotic (it's very weak) I will take because of how strong of a potentiator and how strong it is by itself at killing pain, it's really weird.

They give teenagers who have serious mental problems (most just have a crazy "teen crisis", I know 2 of my ex gf were given Nozinan and a friend also but outpatient to help for sleep and cut his thirst for alcohol (and it worked). Levomepromazine is also CA as in Canada, its whats called here. Have Harper gtfo in october and we'll go back to where we were, a scandinavian like country with, at least the english canadians, a deep attachement to the US, because if we had your bill of rights we'd be really fucking happy. The Canadian Charter of Human Rights that's attached to the Constitution is in some ways better (way updated, as in written when my dad was 18), but we dont have the total free speech clause, some dudes lying in prison for writing books...yep.

I'd take a script of Nozinan right now to get rid of my clonidine script I barely use anymore, it made me waste my time with an endocrinologist who was too dumb to understand that my cortisol levels were too low, when I was taking clonidine everyday, sometimes up to 0.3. Not my fault the superior Tenex didnt exist then and now exists but as Intinuvir(sic) XR only for ADHD, I sure bet the more potent guanfanacine has the kids with H cranked up to 11 calm down. They already used clonidine for that. Anyway yeah, methadone gave me trouble with testosterone, so even 2 and a half after not having any methadone, I still have to subcutaneously shoot up some Delatestryl once a week and an anti-estrogen pill often give for breast cancer patients (it's not unusual though, he had only 2 choices, that one, anastrazole or timofixen if I remember well. While on bupe I have to continue doing the treatment,it took a while but my levels are back to normal now, so I might get back on Methadone and up the testosterone dose, the problem was when I was on methadone and testosterone supplement, the fact I had no anti-estrogens caused me some issues that are resolved 90% now at least. but that thats offtopic.

Nozinan has antihistamine properties if I remember too, so that's one hell of a kick in the ass of the time I was given a dozen of these yellow pills when I had a large 12 oz bottle of Hycodan for my then chronic bronchitis, its gone now, thanks e-cigs, and I guess bupe....I really hate bupe...makes me uneven mentally.

Anyway, a good trick is asking for a worthwhile script of tagamet, boy did that boost methadone, but also made it so that I needed little sips of my takehomes at night because it would make it pass through my body much faster. I just told the doc, I used to take something that was on the shelves and now you need a script, its the best thing, and i looked before what kinda dosages tagamets come in, 75, 150,300,600,800. I went for the 600mg ones, 800mg being overkill and only one company made it so I might have had to chase it around so yeah, he said sure gave me a script for 12 months, like for anything non-narcotic I'd ask him for. And my doc was the only one giving refills to all scripts of opiates, max 1 per the law, but still, that was great enough.

Rambled a bit here, I underestimated diclazepam's power me thinks.
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The problem with this question is, what potentiation is one really looking for?

I ask because you could be asking: what combinations potentiate the palliative effects of opiates?
Or: what combinations potentiate the euphoric effects of opiates?
Or: what combinations potentiate the depressant/intoxicating effects of opiates?

The answers are mostly different for each question...
I'm not going to get into the palliative enhancement, because we're not on this site for that.
In terms of the euphoric effects of opiates, I would say hands down, you are looking at strong stimulants (cocaine, amphetamines, etc). There is a shit load of research that shows how the two (opiates and stimulants) are extremely synergistic, and produce far more dopamine (DA) release than either one by itself.
There really is not any other drug combination that produces more DA release than that of strong opiates and either cocaine or an amphetamine.
I guess the only thing to add on top of that is nicotine, which would even further the potentiation of the euphoric (and thus addictive) properties.
NOTE: Never combine cocaine AND amphetamine, only one or the other (and in terms of absolute DA release, cocaine--while its working--is the strongest, esp if you're using it IV or smoking). Cocaine and amphetamine actually work against each other (amphetamine needs to be taken up by the autotransporter (the reuptake receptor) which cocaine is occupying, thus adding the two is not only ineffective, but reduces absolute DA release overall).

Lastly, pretty much what everyone else has suggested is how to potentiate the depressant effects: benzos, barbituates, alcohol, antihistamines, etc.
However, SWIM honestly hate doing this. SWIM used to take H and benzos ALL the time. Thought it was nice, but that was before SWIM realized, that he could be MUCH higher and enjoy the opiate high more because he wouldn't be so tired and nodding out the whole time, which was especially the case when benzos, alcohol, or whatever was added. THEN swim learned in various college classes that in fact, these other depressant drugs actually DECREASE the amount of DA released! Yes, your are more fucked up, but you aren't as "euphorically high". This is because opiates work (in one way) by blocking GABA receptors and prevent release of GABA onto postsynaptic DA neurons (GABA release onto DA neurons acts to inhibit release). So when you take a drug that enhances the function of GABAergic neurons (alcohol, benzos, barbs, antihistamines, etc) you aren't letting the opiate do its job as well, so less DA is released.

Anyway, long story short, the question needs to be more specific. However, in SWIM's opinion, there is absolutely nothing like IV heroin + cocaine, with a cigarette afterwards for the cherry on top. (With that being said, that combo is literally the most addictive thing you could ever do. Unfortunately, it's lead to my demise time and time again, so please be careful out there guys and gals).

SWIM can into harm prevention elsewhere. Obviously everyone is speaking of adding to the narcotic, nodding effects. I have piles of Dexedrine from my script, that I continue to renew every month, 60x10mg spansules 60x5mg IR. With no tolerance anymore, I can't get any pleasure anymore from stimulants, its over, I over did it, just the thought of amphetamines or street meth pills (methbombs, no crystal here) make me shudder. Same as for smoking freebase which I wasted about 38 000 dollars on in 6 months at a point in my life, after I was done with freebase, I broke my cellphone that had all of my "friends", meaning anyone I ever hung out with just to score or to get high and go on our own way (when smoking freebase that happens so often, its not a social drug). Fuck stimulants. I'm on benzos perpetually probably because of my taking so much Dexedrine and knowing too many things most have no fucking idea about. If I was to take 10mg of a spansule right now, it would be cancelled away by my the diclazepam and clonazolam I'm on. If I try to add a couple 5mg Dexedrine IR, so 10mg IR, I will get a transient euphoria which will last 1 hour and make me want to die and eat all benzos in sight.

Most people into opiates want the world to fade away and nod in rhythmic euphoria.
Just so you all are aware Tagament used frequently will cause gynecomastia. And it really does not do a whole lot of good for me. How much better is ketoconazole? And are there any bad side effects? Also, I was at the fucking fish store in town today and they sell it there?!?!? Apparently it is used to clean fish tanks from bacteria? Can humans use this? Is it the same stuff? How strong is it?
Just so you all are aware Tagament used frequently will cause gynecomastia. And it really does not do a whole lot of good for me. How much better is ketoconazole? And are there any bad side effects? Also, I was at the fucking fish store in town today and they sell it there?!?!? Apparently it is used to clean fish tanks from bacteria? Can humans use this? Is it the same stuff? How strong is it?

So will all stomach acidity medication of its class, zantac, pepcid....you can get a script for these too so they cost way less...but yeah I wouldn't recommend taking those 600mg horsepills of tagamet that I had, but it really did make any other kind of "antacid" seem like a waste of time.

Humans are prescribed ketoconazole...it's not for bacteria though, it's an antifungal. Shampoo that really does work for dandruff contains it, you can buy it but better get a script and save you from buying 25 dollars small bottle of shampoo. Pretty much mandatory if you have dark/black hair at some point in your life, not like I convinced my mom to buy the damn shampoo advertised on tv saying it kills the mushrooms on the head that cause dandruff. I think it's also in pill form if you happen to be so unlucky your disease could be a grindcore song title.
Hi first post dont really know all the rules and dont speak english very well. In Brazil opes are dream. Nobody have, has, had or even imagine such drugs like morphine, oxy, codeine to be use recreational. Well we have promethazine, cyclobenzaprine and hydroxizyne otc. With my experience dat I belive to be like unique in my fuckin shitty country things definely* works to potentiate morphine sulfate is:
-cocoa powder, raise pH to alkaline levels in organism
-hi fat meal prior ingest
-black pepper powder or freshly grounded
-Ol Mary Janets cigs
- a lil bit of nicotine
-yerba mate and green tea right after the ingestion
- and right a bout know, ingested 0.1 clonidine pior 120mg morph sulfate just waiting....thanks and sorry for the languange
So will all stomach acidity medication of its class, zantac, pepcid....you can get a script for these too so they cost way less...but yeah I wouldn't recommend taking those 600mg horsepills of tagamet that I had, but it really did make any other kind of "antacid" seem like a waste of time.

Humans are prescribed ketoconazole...it's not for bacteria though, it's an antifungal. Shampoo that really does work for dandruff contains it, you can buy it but better get a script and save you from buying 25 dollars small bottle of shampoo. Pretty much mandatory if you have dark/black hair at some point in your life, not like I convinced my mom to buy the damn shampoo advertised on tv saying it kills the mushrooms on the head that cause dandruff. I think it's also in pill form if you happen to be so unlucky your disease could be a grindcore song title.

type in ketoconazole and fish tank into google and you will see what I mean, I dont think you need a RX because you can buy it in aquarium stores or online?
My pain management doc tells me "they" (I suppose he means the Government) is going to take Soma off the market because of its high incidence of abuse, so you better stock up for those of you who use it.

Question: will 350mg of Soma potentiate Dilaudid 4mgs and/or Methadone 10mg? What is the overdose potential with something like that? In other words, how careful do you have to be with those doses, or are they low enough that it's unlikely to be a problem? I should note, I've been one the same dose of these drugs for 8 years, without ever bumping the dose, so I have a fairly high tolerance. I'm not looking to get high - I just would like to be out of pain a little longer.
Hey.. I found this thread https://drugs-forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=260327 when I was googling around, and there's a lot of information about potential potentiators (lol) that I hadn't seen in this thread before... but also a lot of things that lead to dead ends when I googled them. Anyone have any more information on

orphanin blockers
Opiate PAMs (Positive Allosteric Modulators)
Calcium channel openers/blockers

The thread mentions proglumide but I believe that's tackled here in the thread somewhere. Hell, some of these might be, too, and I might have just skipped over 'em.

The thread also mentions BMS-986122 which I just found out I can locate... but again, google has minimal info. Anyone have experience with such?
I just wrote a long post and it cut me off when I hit post now it's gone. I'll make this quick in case it happens again. I'm on 15mg Oxycodone 6 times a day and Opana ER 20mg 3x day. I want to boost these if possible. Mostly for pain relief but who doesn't like a little euphoria? I've tried most of the usual things like Tagamet and grapefruit and nothing with that. Benadryl I've never tried. Does that work or just relieve itchies? I have a cool pcp so could prob get a script for something. Really that's it. If anybody has some tips that would be appreciated. Thanks!
Hydroxyzine- my choice antihistamine potentiator
Promethazine- runner up to hydroxyzine, can be too sedating for some opioids and can make it feel "dirty"
Methoxetamine- NMDA antagonist, dissociative; best used in low doses for potentiation
Clonidine- increases sedation and analgesia
Diazepam- with prominent muscle-relaxant properties it's the choice benzodiazepine to potentiate opioids (also heard oxazepam and tetrazepam are on point taken with opiates)
Temazepam- perfect hypnotic benzo for a nod-sesh (oxycodone + temaz being one of my most
Kratom- can go along very nicely with pharmaceutical/synthetic opioids
Coffee + Methadone = some kind of magic, esp for the come up
Carisoprodol (Soma)- not only a recreational, euphoric skeletal muscle-relaxant on it's own, but a godsend w/ opioids.
Cut your oxy 15's with a razor blade or box cutter blade into thin slivers and then further chop those slivers up into little pieces dump into your your mouth and wash down with water. Do all this on an empty stomach for max effect. Do the same for any of your oral meds/opiates. If you aren't already doing this then you are about to get the most out of fun out of your pills especially oxy as it works great!

After that then you can try all the other suggestions above.

*WARNING* - *HARM REDUCTION* - Be warned that if you aren't doing this already then be careful because it just may surprise you how much stronger the meds are when taken in this manner. You shouldn't tamper with pills and take them as directed, swallowed whole.

Take care.
Cut your oxy 15's with a razor blade or box cutter blade into thin slivers and then further chop those slivers up into little pieces dump into your your mouth and wash down with water. Do all this on an empty stomach for max effect. Do the same for any of your oral meds/opiates. If you aren't already doing this then you are about to get the most out of fun out of your pills especially oxy as it works great!

After that then you can try all the other suggestions above.

*WARNING* - *HARM REDUCTION* - Be warned that if you aren't doing this already then be careful because it just may surprise you how much stronger the meds are when taken in this manner. You shouldn't tamper with pills and take them as directed, swallowed whole.

Take care.

With the oxy 15s you mean like the oxy IR like roxicodone right? If so that sounds like the very time consuming way to go about getting your pills into powder form, usually I just take something heavy and crush the pill and then move said object in a circular motion to insure a chalky powder consistency. Unless you are talking like those newly formulated oxycontin then ya that is about the only way to do it.
If they're IR and therefore have no coating of any kind then I'd just swallow em whole. I assumed Oxycontin 15 CR, the ones that do not crush to a powder. In Aust if you can get the sandoz generics with a paper like shell coating then they crush to powder and definitely are the superior product when compared to Oxycontin.
If they're IR and therefore have no coating of any kind then I'd just swallow em whole. I assumed Oxycontin 15 CR, the ones that do not crush to a powder. In Aust if you can get the sandoz generics with a paper like shell coating then they crush to powder and definitely are the superior product when compared to Oxycontin.

Ah okay I was confused b/c OP posted: "I'm on 15mg Oxycodone 6 times a day" and it doesn't say anything about CR or ER or Contin. So I assume he is talking about IR.
Hi does that work for mst contin as that is what I'm on but no longer has the same effect on me
I don't understand. I write a post and hit reply and it says I'm not logged in and everything I typed is gone. Pissin me off. I'm on 15mg ir so I'm just swallowing whole. Bio is very high. What about Benedryl? I'll try to get script for hydroxizine tuesday. I'll be pissed if it doesn't work. Soma intrigues me but idk how to get a script for that. Grapefruit doesn't work cause I can only have a little cause I'm on Latuda. I'm on 13 different meds a day so getting scripts for more meds will be tough. Please tell me more about hydroxizine. And Benadryl? Does it work? I could go get that today. Thanks for everyone's help.
I don't find anything that potentiates oxy to any noticeable degree except maximum time between doses and taking on an empty stomach. Taking other drugs like cannabis aren't really by definition potentiating the oxy but rather just adding its effects on top of oxy, no more of the drug is absorbed because you've added another drug.
I hear ya. I'm kinda getting that info as I research. I still keep hearing about hydroxizine and I can easily get that from my shrink. I go Tuesday so we'll see. I should be on 30mg every 4 hrs. I had surgery in June and still hurt cause they took my colon out and have blood clots in groin that are very painful. I think sheyll up my Opana if insurance covers it. It works way better than MS Contin. I'll just do best with what I got but hydroxizine may help with my itchies and nausea and anxiety. I am on Kolonopin 1mg 3 X day but I could use more relief cause my life is chaos right now and if it potentiates oxy than all the better. Thanks for the info.
Well after the shit I had been going through over the last year with regards to anxiety/depression and worst of all panic attacks, the drug sertraline literally saved my life. Before I had experienced one, the idea of a panic attack was ludicrous, how could people create this situation with their thinking and then not be able to switch it off? Why not distract oneself or simply recognise that what you are experiencing is a false alarm? These were of course the standard "off the cuff" comments from a position of ignorance. Well I certainly did not appear to have any control over my panic episodes, I was under extreme stress for a prolonged period (resulting in PTSD) so I guess it was inevitable but I had no experience with these feelings beyond the terror that a level 5 "psychedelic" drug experience can deliver but those are expected to happen under that sort of influence.

But having a panic attack when you're supposed to be in your right mind, for me, were suicide inducing episodes. The only thing I could think to do to get away from myself, to get away from the panic, stress and anxiety of what I'm feeling was/is to kill myself. I was fully aware that I did not want to kill myself for any other reason than to get away from the panic.

With respect to others who suffer these horrid things, one doesn't have to be subjected to extreme stress or to be a victim of rape or whatever extreme trauma to suffer these panic attacks, and it doesn't matter what the root cause is anyway when you're actually having one, working on the source of the illness is of course of the utmost importance. I should be a paid rep for Sertraline or Zoloft, every second post of mine, especially lately, I've been singing the praises of this drug. I'll probably be singing a different tune when I attempt to get off it after a lengthy taper, I may never get off it for all I know. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I had no chance of reducing my opiate intake with anxiety and panic attacks 24/7 - in fact that was the main reason why my tolerance to oxycodone is so high - I was medicating myself to calm down, had I got onto Sertraline a few months to a year earlier I wouldn't be in as deep a hole I find myself in now with regards to opiate tolerance/addiction and chronic pain. I forgot what the question was, was there a question? I'll go back and read lol.