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Opioids The Ultimate Opiate Potentiation Thread v2.0

I think 4 beers would equal 4 shots, though. Liquor has the advantage of being a small amount of stuff that the stomach has to work with, and won't dilute the opiates in your system as much as beer.
And a shot of patron silver...not heavy drinking just one shot....empty stomach...nice warm feeling is definitely affected

Liquor & opiates is always a bad idea...especially on an empty stomache, you'll get a gut-ache from hell
Nothing wrong with either, by thereself - in moderation....
Ok so I know that both diphenhydrinate and diphenhydramine exist and are readily available otc (motion sickness pills, Tylenol PM, benadryl ect...)

But is one more effective than the other in terms of potentiation or even as a drug in general? They seem like they are damnnn close in intoxicant properties to me... Too close to say that one works better than the other.

I've came to the conclusion that both are equally as effective as a sleep aid (all I use em for other than with opies) and as potentiators.

Can someone clear this up for me.. or just throw me what info you know on the subject.

Thank you..

^ Yeah, they are pretty much equal. The main difference is that Dramamine(diphenhydrinate) is less potent per mg, but this is compensated by the fact that Dramamine has 50mg per pill, vs 25mg for Benadryl. Remember that Dramamine basically is benadryl, but is chemicall altered, to add anti-emetic properties. So about 25mg out of every 50mg Dramamine is (almost) literally Benadryl.

The other difference is the aforementioned anti-emetic effects of Dramamine. This means equal doses of both can be taken, Dramamine will be a little less potent, but also cause less drowsiness. Basically which one you choose is about personal preference, and whatever drug you are taking. For example, I prefer Dramamine with Methadone(momma showed me that a LONG time ago ;) ) but Benadryl with most other things. Though if I can get hydroxyzine(Atarax/Vistirel) then it is the best, and promethazine(Phenergan) is good too.

But again, they ultimately have the same drowsiness/potentiation abilities at equinelgisic(sic) doses.
i always take xanax with oxy, not because i want to get more high but just so i can take less oxy cos the shit is so expensive here... if you are gonna do it always reduce your doses because respitory depression is fuckn scary
also if you have opis available i would just take more, just as good euphoria and safer than mixing drugs.
Although it sounds well informed, I believe this post contains some misinformation. You can definately get an oral opiate potentiator (multiple) OTC. The most common is cimetedine which comes in either the form of Tagemet (product) or in some generic store brand form (go for that one). EDIT: Cimetedine is really the best one out there.

Also as you stated diphenhyrimine and diphenhydrinate (spelling may be a bit off) work but only take a tiny bit as they can cause some unwanted effects at higher doses.

It's not talked about too much but DXM (dextrometamorphen) or something like that can potentiate your opiods at small doses like 70-100mg. Again don't go off the chain with any of these because it will do bad things to your opiate buzz. But at certain smaller doses they definately DO work and DO increases the duration and intensity of opiates.

I take 45-75 mg of DXM as well an hour before my morphine/ms contin dose, and it prolongs the duration & strength.! Also I noticed I can take less morphine.

I also like to take 50-100 mg ephedrine with my morphine, or vicodin. It makes for a nice come up, and strengthens the opiate :)
This thread could not have had better timing, lol. I needed help with hydrocodone as well. Thanks everyone! I will most likley be going with benedryl, I'll make sure to report back with the results.
I'm sure these have all been mentioned, but just in case:

- Tums
- Grapefruit juice (** Preferably fresh squeezed white grapefruit **)
- Naproxen (Aleve)
- Certain Anti-histamines
- Benzodiazepines (Be careful. Use discretion and a somewhat small (i.e. therapeutic) dose of Benzos.)

There are several others , but those are the main ones really.

My Opiate pre-dose (typically 10-15 min prior to the Opiate dose) is this:
- 8 to 16oz Grapefruit juice (Fresh squeezed white when I can find white grapefruit... Usually red (or white from concentrate) because I can rarely find white grapefruit)
- 3 1000g Tums, so 3g of Calcium Carbonate
- 660-880mg Naproxen (Either 3-4 Aleve or 1 prescription Naproxen usually). Don't use this much if you're doing it multiple times throughout the day (more than 2-3 or so I'd say). I don't recall Naproxen being a potentiator to ALL opiates though, so check that out. It definitely is for Hydrocodone.

sometimes I'll throw in the following

- 25-50mg Benadryl
- 1-2mg Klonopin

Follow that pre-dose technique (the Benadryl and Benzo aren't needed as much as the others are IMO) and you'll probably get 50-100% more effect out of the Opiates (or that's how it seems to me), and the peak will last a good deal longer. 20mg of Hydrocodone easily feels like 40mg if I do this pre-dose (minus the Benzos and Benadryl) and lasts a lot longer. It doesn't change the feel of the high either... If anything, it just adds some more warmth / floatiness.
As everyone has pointed out that to increase ones actual euphoria, potentaters and the like are not going to help out much, and so other "drugs" as in recreational drugs by themselves can be used. Many mentioned other "downers" like benzos and alcohol, but you should take it very easy with those as it can really upset the stomach and make you nauseous (alcohol in particular) or become fatal (both) due to respiratory depression.

I however would like to mention mixing in some Cocaine or Crack. And this is not at all meant as a judgment but seeing as you are posting specifically about Hydrocodones this leads me to believe you may be a little less experienced with drugs in general, Cocaine/Crack maybe hard for you acquire, or you may not at all desire to try either on their own or mixed with your Hydrocodone. But i can tell you, that being high on an opiate (usually Heroin for me) and taking a nice big crack hit is pretty much one of the most euphoric sensations I know of, only sex and orgasm come to mind as something better.
As everyone has pointed out that to increase ones actual euphoria, potentaters and the like are not going to help out much, and so other "drugs" as in recreational drugs by themselves can be used. Many mentioned other "downers" like benzos and alcohol, but you should take it very easy with those as it can really upset the stomach and make you nauseous (alcohol in particular) or become fatal (both) due to respiratory depression.

I however would like to mention mixing in some Cocaine or Crack. And this is not at all meant as a judgment but seeing as you are posting specifically about Hydrocodones this leads me to believe you may be a little less experienced with drugs in general, Cocaine/Crack maybe hard for you acquire, or you may not at all desire to try either on their own or mixed with your Hydrocodone. But i can tell you, that being high on an opiate (usually Heroin for me) and taking a nice big crack hit is pretty much one of the most euphoric sensations I know of, only sex and orgasm come to mind as something better.

This IS the holy grail of potentiations. It's all downhill from here...
dlpa, l-tyrosine (dopamine precursors)
magneisum maleate, zinc picolinate (nmda antagonists, potentiators)
dxm, k, mxe (nmda antagonists)
protein (amino acids)

I think people highly underestimate a proper diet when trying to potentiate opiates. If you eat a high protein diet, your highs are going to be a lot better because your body has more stores of amino acids.
2mg dilauded crushed mixed with "1 line" of cocaine. Much stronger than either one by itself.

Interesting... the first time I consumed either of these chemicals was in combination. Now all I need to do is remember the experience ;)

25-75 mg Diphenhydramine has been my choice for opioid potentiation.
What do people think about the potentiating/synergising effect methoxetamine seems to have on opiates? From my experience, you don't need very much at all (I'm talking 10-20mg dosages for a relatively MXE tolerant person) to be nodding heavily off a mid-range dose of opiate (for example 10mg of MXE had me nodding (really fucking heavily) off 60mg of o-dt).

Pretty nifty stuff.
What do people think about the potentiating/synergising effect methoxetamine seems to have on opiates? From my experience, you don't need very much at all (I'm talking 10-20mg dosages for a relatively MXE tolerant person) to be nodding heavily off a mid-range dose of opiate (for example 10mg of MXE had me nodding (really fucking heavily) off 60mg of o-dt).

Pretty nifty stuff.

I haven't tried MXE, nor do I have any real interest in doing so. I have tried ketamine though.
I really feel like cannabis is the BEST potentiator, at least for me. It also seems (is) a much safer combination of drugs to be using at a time (safer than, for example - a bbenzodiazapine). If I smoke weed after I do some H, or oxy, or dilaudid (you get the picture) I am NODDING like a m*therf*cker.

That all being said, xanax also seems to work very very well (for me). I do not recommend combining opioids with xanax (or other benzos): esp without experience with both substance on their own, and/or a decent tolerance to each. It is quite nice, though.8o

H + some dank weed + 1mg xanax = loveliness.
What do people think about the potentiating/synergising effect methoxetamine seems to have on opiates? From my experience, you don't need very much at all (I'm talking 10-20mg dosages for a relatively MXE tolerant person) to be nodding heavily off a mid-range dose of opiate (for example 10mg of MXE had me nodding (really fucking heavily) off 60mg of o-dt).

Pretty nifty stuff.

That combo is the fucking beez, and MXE in itself has easily taken me out of opiod withdrawals more than once.
If you're not down for tripping (at all), I guess you could always go with tiltamine and narcotics. This can't be even close to safe to do, and correct me if I'm wrong.