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UFOs & Aliens The UFO & Aliens Megathread


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Mods: I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the science forum. Personally I'd say science. Others would say pseudoscience. Not sure? I say science.

Hello and welcome. This thread is to talk about anything UFO, aliens and extra dimensional mechanical space elves

This is a space to discuss, share encounters and debunk phenomenon.


First, let's talk about UFOs and/or aliens. Whether or not you believe aliens exist, the facts are incontrovertible that UFOs are a real phenomenon. The US gov is taking them very seriously, always has been and recently announced they have a program called AATIP (Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program). The pentagon itself released 3 different videos of fighter pilots chasing UFOs and tracking them.

You can see all 3 clips (which are all longer) in this news segment.

I don't know how people can still deny the existence of UFOs. However, whether or not they are aliens from another galaxy is uncertain. We simply have no idea what they are... or if you are a true believer then you believe we have alien reproduction vehicles, we have dead alien bodies and have even made contact.

Here is one of my personal UFO sightings, the one that was extremely convincing:


I was standing outside in the San Francisco area smoking a cigarette about 8 years ago. I was completely sober, and this is before all my mental issues, so I know it wasn't a hallucination for sure.

1. I see a light in the sky. At first I thought it was a plane, because it was similar brightness and speed, however what caught my eye is it did not have the blinking navigation light that most planes have. I couldn't tell if it was moving towards me or upwards, or both, but it was moving in a line towards my general direction.
2. Then I notice what I knew was a plane, coming in from the right perpendicularly. I jokingly thought "Oh no, they might crash" because it looked like they might intersect. A second after that thought the original light made an immediate, on the dot, 90 degree turn and simultaneously accelerated to thousands of miles per hour. The acceleration and turn were both impossible.
3. The light then immediately completely disappeared and emitted a bright flash of light. There were no sounds.

I remember standing there in awe for several minutes before collecting myself and going to sleep. I also had another sighting which was weird a few years prior.

I can recommend several really good documentaries about UFOs. This is probably the best overall:

I've seen very odd stuff near the ground, like space craft that were just sitting motionless. They were so close (well below stars and clouds) and in my driveway that I thought it might be the government. I watched them all night and they were starting to fade out of my sight when I woke up the next morning

I'm not much of a skygazer but I've also seen weird things up there. I once saw this ball behind my house with craters on it. It didn't look like the moon. It was silver and I was thinking it could've been Mercury but from the little I know about it, it's rare to see without a telescope

Un/fortunately, I haven't seen anything that made me think of nonhuman lifeforms. Just supernatural stuff which is different in my mind
I've seen UFOs a couple of times in my life but I can't really say any of them was an alien spacecraft.
When I was about 4-5 years old I really thought I was from another planet. I had a whole story about coming here from very far away and being reborn as a human. My mom says I used to talk about it pretty much everyday lol, also told the story to my first best friend when we were in kindergarten.

So yeah I've always felt like we're not alone in the universe. However, as a scientist I know I can't always trust my intuition.
The truth is that being alone would actually be a very scary scenario. I don't want it to be true, but at the same time I have to accept the real possibility of us being the first intelligent lifeform in the universe.
The fermi paradox seems to indicate that it might be true (so far), but only time will tell... If it's true then we have a huge responsibility to become an interplanetary species.

I haven't seen any compelling evidence for extraterrestrial life so far, nevermind aliens coming to earth and flying their spaceships in front of us just to fuck with our minds. The first person who manages to prove the existence of aliens will change they world forever, he/she will become instantly famous and will probably make a ton of money as well.
Just show us ANY alien object (a screwdriver, a piece of alien junk, an alien meth pipe, whatever...) and that will be enough. Even a high definition photo would be pretty convincing, seems simple enough since everyone carries a HD camera in their pockets nowadays.
So yeah I'm still waiting for the evidence.

Many people think of aliens as more advanced human-like creatures, those people are arrogant and/or ignorant, they don't really understand the facts.
Many don't realize the unbelievable scale of interstellar distances, even the fastest thing in the universe (light) takes ~53 thousand years to travel across our little milkyway galaxy...
So any species capable of interstellar travel would be so fucking advanced we can't even imagine. They could easily wipe us out without ever needing to come anywhere near the earth. Same goes for studying humans and other earth's lifeforms, there's no need to get that close unless they wanted us to know.

They definitely wouldn't be doing stupid shit like abducting people or crashing their ships, that's ridiculous.
Why the hell would they come here just to
fly their ships in wierd ways and pull pranks on us?
Un/fortunately, I haven't seen anything that made me think of nonhuman lifeforms. Just supernatural stuff which is different in my mind
What do you think they could be? Spirit guardians of the earth? Extradimensional entities? humans from the future?

They definitely wouldn't be doing stupid shit like abducting people or crashing their ships, that's ridiculous.
Why the hell would they come here just to
fly their ships in wierd ways and pull pranks on us?

Well abduction is fairly plausible, in my mind at least. The whole alien narrative says they're interested in our reproductive systems and biology.

But yeah, I've always had problems with UFO crashes. Like you said how can something so advanced just fall out of the sky?

And yeah the whole problem with interstellar travel. I guess if you believe in aliens you automatically believe they can create worm holes or are interdimensional.

The UFO I saw kinda looked like it went into warp drive. Went really fast then disappeared like Star Wars lol.

Again, I'm not convinced what I saw were aliens, but I am convinced there are things out there that we do not understand.

Do you guys think quantum physics and science know everything? I believe there are ways to manipulate the fundamental forces in ways science says would be impossible today.
What do you think they could be? Spirit guardians of the earth? Extradimensional entities? humans from the future?
Only once, well I talked about it on here before I had an experience with an orb of light that came towards me while I was in bed. That's something I'd consider supernatural because I don't know how to explain it but as far as seeing human-like creatures with arms and legs, I haven't. Cool topic
Do you guys think quantum physics and science know everything? I believe there are ways to manipulate the fundamental forces in ways science says would be impossible today.
Yeah we're faaar from knowing everything, we've only been studying the universe for a couple of centuries at most. Our knowledge is kinda like a drop in the ocean compared to everything that's out there, though I think we're doing pretty good so far. Wormholes are likely real and I'm sure there's some weirder stuff out there we haven't even imagined yet.

Just imagine an alien civilization capable of making wormholes, traveling within dimensions and manipulating space-time at will. You're telling me they created a portal or somehow managed to travel faster than light to get here but they can't simulate a human reproductive system without needing to kidnap a bunch of people at night? Oh and some of them also crashed their ships and got captured by the military.
I don't known man, something feels off lol.
Until science considers awareness to be an intrinsic property of the universe, then we won't get very far.

this documentary approaches UFOs from that perspective, that we are connected through consciousness, quantum awareness and we can communicate with them instantaneously and telepathically

simply 2 things of the same interpreting the universe through awareness
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this documentary approaches UFOs from that perspective, that we are connected through consciousness, quantum awareness and we can communicate with them instantaneously and telepathically

simply 2 things of the same interpreting the universe through awareness

I don't know about quantum awareness or whatever... but there are other kinds of consciousness everywhere. With some understanding of intrinsic awareness, it's clear we are all sharing the same consciousness since we are all awareness. But that's not going to make sense to people who still see the universe in a dual way.
I saw something in the night sky that moved in such a way that I can only attribute to brain damage or a UFO. Either possibility is equally concerning.
So wait.. I’m caught up on the gay aliens.. if it was just skeletal remains and they were alien species how do they know they were gay? I certainly believe in life other places in the universe but to be perfectly honest I think the thought of them secretly spying on us is rooted in the true narcissistic nature of human kind. If anything they’re swiping minerals or other natural resources and the fact that we witness them doing so is more serendipitous than anything.
I like to believe that there are aliens and that they have visited but unfortunately there is no definitive proof at this time.
One of my favorite documentaries on the subject is Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers
i believe aliens dont exist and that earth is the only planet to have life in this entire physical universe of ours.
i believe aliens dont exist and that earth is the only planet to have life in this entire physical universe of ours.
Every sun is effectively an "elemental forge", producing elements as it grows(our sun is at iron) working itself through the periodic table.
This means carbon is produced very early, and hydrogen is everywhere.
Our compounds are everywhere around space, I don't even. Also we only see a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the universe. It could be googolplex times googolplex bigger than what we see. And from our position alone we have found like 20 planets with pretty much the exact same conditions as earth.

Unless our entire reality is a test/scenario crafted by some higher power/consciousness as a sort of "sandbox for Gods", the empty universe wouldn't make sense. It doesn't make much sense from a logical angle.
I like to believe that there are aliens and that they have visited but unfortunately there is no definitive proof at this time.
One of my favorite documentaries on the subject is Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers
I don't (want to believe that). That'd be fucked up and creepy. I actually don't believe in anything, not even in my own existence. I tend to think I'm part of a world experiment =/