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taco dude... I usually take 100mg followed by a 50mg booster later on. Today I wasn't planning on doing it though it happened to be around me and I railed a lot, probably a couple hundred milligrams.

I haven't used it in a year so I'm in for a long night, I'm still pretty floored. Hard to function... rolling around in bed listening to good stuff. The peak was extreme, most euphoric I've been ever off molly. I'm after the peak now and it's more relaxed but I can tell I did a lot and I definitely should not take anymore.
That's what I read, I used to enjoy a bit of Molly here and there, doesn't interest me too much anymore.
I used to do a lot of mdma back in 2010. I stopped for a long time, and find myself a very occasional user now (like, once a year or so). It's always random and like never at a rave. And yeah, the high off Mdma today has been one hell of a ride. This is very very good Mdma. I'm still going strong and wondering if I'm ever even going to come down at this point... not that I want to all that much but I think it will be a relief to feel normal again after all this. High dose Mdma is the craziest shit to me.

I've been through so much... it's been hardcore. A lot of introspection in fact, and the extreme euphoria and serenity of course... getting rocked by the peak and then taking hours to come down in any way at all. The stuff hits me harder than ever these days.
lol jeez shroomy... I'm bout to take a lil boost once I get home after picking up some more herb while also getting a free gram of purple deisel blueberry hash I thought I missed out on, but ended up coming up on that as a little bit was found.
Man I bet that hash is scrumptious... but I am curious what flavours pull through. This M was my own little surprise for today. I did not expect to be rolling today haha.

And yeah man since I don't do it often I tend to go hard with the Mdma. This time I couldn't leave my place for very long. I have been thoroughly rocked by it... fucking sick! I didn't know if I was drinking too much water or not enough for a while. The peak was beyond words I mean I guess heavenly bliss but that's beyond words too so. Damn good stuff, still no sign of coming down.
I wouldn't comprehend if you could lol, have never done either, call me old fashioned... I'll stick with the tried and true hard drugs.

They built an entire church around DPT though (taco's version is a prodrug)! A DPT sacrament would be my first RC choice if I ever trusted crypto-currency.
My one rc vice was u-47700 mmm can feel the caustic hellfire, then opiate bliss just thinking about it.
They built an entire church around DPT though (taco's version is a prodrug)! A DPT sacrament would be my first RC choice if I ever trusted crypto-currency.

Why crypto currency? Just checked the trusty RC vendor site that I'm s member of and they accept any kind of payment for anything (and stock DPT)..A pre-paid credit card is most people's payment method of choice....fat nore convenient than crypto which seems a bit pointless for RCs anyway
Being able to buy stuff online via credit card is becoming rare. There are more and more places reluctant to even accept things like WU or bank transfers. More and more places are only accepting crypto currency it seems...
Agree on the pointlessness. Double when I actually tried to actually buy some and they all asked for ID.

Had never thought about a pre-paid before . . . . I like cash, personally. and i've been writing two sentences different here for twenty minutes, my brain is cldearly done and I should stop.

ETA: but no gotta say, tryptamines seem a better deal--it might all just be the same shroom extract but, you've still got 'shroom extract. Fucking that up isnt lethal.

ETA: but DPT has some weird calling, like, no bells and whistles, hard to figure out which hole to stick it in, by which I mean ROA> She's dark and alluring and knows it and beckons into her gothy bedroom but has issues and cuts. You want to ask whats up and explore her roa holes but not sure what else she cuts.
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Being able to buy stuff online via credit card is becoming rare. There are more and more places reluctant to even accept things like WU or bank transfers. More and more places are only accepting crypto currency it seems...

depends....mine accepts back transfers, credit cards, crypto.....everything
I've made the lounge listen to my music all night.. od's turn..


Indeed it does, we've got pretty similar taste man. Love defines. Like I said we have a 90s music thread. Join in and spread the rock