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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??


I dont know how I'm going to get laid with that, but okay, gimme a min.
Where's Pharmakos to reverse google image , when u need him

Awesome Song-Stanley and Cantrell for the win

Thiugh can't pick between EP version, and Unplugged; both have qualities and are great songs

And wtf is everyone like a cat???
It breaks after the | and starts a new line starting with the boxs... Doesn't look terrible... If you center it and make each one a separate line that would make it look the same both ways
It's Jerry Cantrell's dog.. aic used as a cover for their self titled album

Man now I gotta rock "Over Now", probably Unplugged version

What is your favorite LP or EP, or song, etc

Alice in Chains was amazing they did everything from heavy metal to beautiful ballads and acoustic rock, and pretty much* did the beat Unplugged set, despite Staley's condition

Am disposed ATM though, still mad props-I am an eccentric fellow
It's so hard... Jar of flies and sap are just a cut above the lps.

tubbs, where's this avatar from ?
My own devices lol, it's comrade cat.

Catch any flak in the lounge about the new avatar hopey?

Agreed on the music for sure.
The EP's were magnificent, and demonstrated what they were capable of, aside from "grunge

Dirt is classic though, there are so many hits and greats, it is the best LP, it and the EP's and Unplugged, that is it man

Have contemplated changing avatar myself, though it is so difficult :

Can you guys find me a SMB3 Frog suit, or hammer suit? Then again, maybe a cat ;)