• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Piercing Questions & Discussion Mega-Thread

Someone just told me one week also...I guess it depends on the person? Anyways I will look out for the plastic ball endings.I'm sure before I switch to the plastic I will end up banging the metal on my teeth or biting down on it.
My tongue is the next thing on my piercing agenda. But I just got my fernum done a couple weeks back and it's finally healed up. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :>
Ok so I got my nose pierced about a year and a half ago (a little more actually) and just this past week I took out the stud and put a ring in. Ive sorta been a little sloppy with it, hit it a few times forgetting it was a ring now, and it seems to feel a little raw. The piercer warned me if it felt really raw and hurt I should go back in to see if it was too snug, or if it was irritated, but idk if im feeling that yet.

Is it supposed to feel a little raw at first, even though its been over a year since its been pierced? Is this just something i need to get used to, or should I go back in and have it checked out?
Firstly, hot <3
Secondly, in my experience nose piercings are a lil temperamental like that. If it's not hot/red/sore, just wait it out. It should feel more comfortable soon. If not, then yeah go and get it checked. IF it gets worse, I would strongly recommend that you go straight to the piercer and get them to put the stud back in, rather than try to do it yourself.
The area around the piercing does look a little red. I think the ring may be a bit too snug. Im going to get my nipple barbels changed this week, I guess ill have him take a look at the nose ring again and see if a larger size would be better.
I've been trying to think of a job I'd like to do while going to school- I've thrown around the idea of doing piercings....
Does anyone know how I'd go about doing/ an apprenticeship?
I've looked online and found one place offering it but it's an hour or more away from me :\
Has anyone done this?
So my tongue has been pierced since July 10 th this year and I have the short bar in...but there is like a white ring around the bottom and it looks like my skin is trying to go around it..idk...it doesn't hurt..did it already heal wrong
^^ Nah, I think that's pretty normal for tongue piercings. I've had mine for 12 years and it's got that little white ring of scar tissue at the bottom. As long as it doesn't hurt then I guess it's all good? Also, perhaps it's too soon to have the short bar in? Is it comfortable?
Yes it is comfortable..both bars are..but It isn't just a ring..I can see skin already around it..Its like a skin tag...Idk..blahhh
Just make sure you clean the tongue ring out at least every couple months. It can get difficult to untwist the ball if you wait too long to clean it. Debris builds up in the bottom of the bar itself.


And make sure not to bite on it or play with it between your teeth.
lol @ simplylive.

I'll clean the shit out.. haha...
I have had no problem with playing with it..I see a lot of people click it on their teeth and im thinking..Ouch!

I find it funny when I am around ppl that start talking about piercings when I am at work and say tattoos and piercings are trashy etc. When I am around them and they can't notice my tongue is pierced and I take my lip ring out and all my tattoos are under my clothes and I am like telling them I have all these tattoos/piercings and their like oh really? well you're different...haha I'm like bullshit..Now you feel like an ass... haha

I just realized I just wrote a lot of likes in that short paragraph..DAMN.
I promise I don't talk that way... teehee...
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Nipple Piercing Question:

So here's my dilemma....

I got my nipples pierced in August of 2012. The piercings took about 2-3 weeks to stop hurting. I was told that for most people, they stop really hurting after about a week. I have sensitive skin, so I attributed the extra healing time that. I had my belly button pierced before, 10g, which is highly unusual; most navel piercings are 18/16 gauge. It never really healed after 6 months and continued to hurt. I was forced to take it out when I was arrested, so I never got to find out if it really would have healed or how long it really would have taken.

So back to the nipple piercings: every time a partner or I play/s with them, there is usually a light crust around the edges of the barbells, between my skin and the spherical end, the following day. Sometimes it'll bleed if the play has been especially sadistic. I got them for play, not for looks. I thought they would have been healed by now. They're not :|

Has anyone else had this problem with nipple piercings before? Prior to getting them pierced, they were NOT sensitive at all. I mean I could take a fuck ton of pain before and now they're SUPER sensitive. Should I take them out?

If anyone is an experienced piercer or has any knowledge on this whatsoever I would greatly appreciate some feedback/answers.


mine never healed even after about 6 months. I got tired of pain and bleeding and when i tore it really bad scraping it on the door of my car by accident...I had enough. took it out and put a bandaid over it. heal in about a week.
mine never healed even after about 6 months. I got tired of pain and bleeding and when i tore it really bad scraping it on the door of my car by accident...I had enough. took it out and put a bandaid over it. heal in about a week.


I would never get a nipple piercing, but yikes.... just reading that made me cringe.

Is there a scar or is it fully healed?
nipple piercing is really... umm... interesting. i've had both mine done twice. they never fully healed either time, and i kept them clean. crust is part of the experience, and a part i could honestly live with. what i can't is they're always slowly rejecting.

the sensation is unlike anything else. not better or worse, but just incomparable.
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Every piercing I've ever had has never healed, no matter how well I cleaned. My body just rejects piercings and there's nothing to be done about it. At the time I removed my eyebrow piercing, it had already started migrating to the surface (like how a body ejects a wood splinter) and the hair in my eyebrow was falling out. Never came back either, so I have a nice line on one side.

There are still some things you can try though...

You can try changing the jewelry, either the size or the type of metal. When you change it, use spectrojel (see below) to disinfect and insert it smoothly. You're not really supposed to change jewelry during healing EXCEPT if the source of the problem is the jewelry itself. Switch to a smaller gauge because sometimes the gauge is too big and it's putting pressure on the wound so that it can't drain properly. You can also try changing the jewlery to pure silver or gold because some people are allergic to stainless steel. Plus gold and silver are naturally antibiotic. In my case, after holding out for more than a year, my piercings kept crusting and getting irritated until finally keloid scar tissue started forming and I said fuck this and removed them. I didn't want to have permanent damage. Even my ear piercings did that.

For cleansing, I used plain spectrojel to clean my piercings, after trying a million different products. Spectrojel is the best unscented, hypoallergenic, disinfecting cleanser out there, even better than cetaphil. Get a shot glass and put it against your piercing with warm water in it for about 5 minutes to soften the crusties. Then apply spectrojel with a qtip, and gently move the piercing back and forth so that the jel goes inside. Then rinse thoroughly. If it's swollen, raw, or irritated, then follow this up with a shot glass of salt water. Salt water is also best if the piercing site tends to be moist and "juicy" a lot. It will astringe some of that fluid out.

Only do the spectrojel once a day (before bed is best) because more than that can be irritating. If the crust is always there then you can soften it with salt water and remove it however many times a day you need to. Do not use polysporin or any other antibiotic ointment because it contains bacitracin which does not just kill external bacteria but it also kills your body's own immune cells in the wound, and slows healing.

Stop the sexual play with your nipples because that is just going to make it worse. I love nipple play, but mouths are filled with bacteria and putting that on a raw wound is not a good idea. Likewise, don't rotate the piercing or move it back and forth unless you are cleaning it. If you wake up in the morning and the piercing feels stuck, then just leave it. Every time you move it you irritate the wound, and your hands are contaminating it.

If you try all this and it's still not healing then it means your body doesn't like its nipples pierced and you should remove them before it becomes keloid scar tissue. If a lot of scar tissue forms then you'll lose nipple sensation and you don't want that!
Got my left nipple done back in September of 2012. Worst pain ever and couldnt bear to go through it again. Mine still crusts, sometimes minor fluid comes out. Just gotta clean it daily.
Yes its super sensitive but in a good way. I only let a girl play with it in her mouth. NOTHING ELSE. Otherwise I will bleed a little bit and it hurts something awful.
I would do saline soaks and once they heal I would go to a larger gauge such as 8 or even 6 for play. For a saline solution get a jug of distilled water and add 4 heaping spoonfulls of sea salt and shake it all up. You should feel much better after soaking for 15 minutes or so. I had mine done at 14 and went down to 2. Saline soaks has always made piercings heal better and faster and feel better IME.
Got my left nipple done back in September of 2012. Worst pain ever and couldnt bear to go through it again. Mine still crusts, sometimes minor fluid comes out. Just gotta clean it daily.
Yes its super sensitive but in a good way. I only let a girl play with it in her mouth. NOTHING ELSE. Otherwise I will bleed a little bit and it hurts something awful.

Ever break a bone before? I can't imagine a piercing hurting more than breaking two bones at once.