I've tried up to 90mg, and it felt good, but yeah, sorta like a "roll" but something missing, although I could sense psychedelic activity, not much visually though.
But... One time, i'm making a capsule of 20mg of 4-Aco-MiPT, and decide, why not, throw in about 20-25mg of 5-meo-aet for good luck (well to see if they mixed at all). Well, it amplified and synergised with the mipracetin really strongly. I mean, within, i didnt keep track of the time, but half hour-hour I was at a HIGH +++ , the visuals and echoing were almost dissasociating because they were just so strong. This seems to amplify many things, if it was acting as a mao inhibitor, I don't know why it would have come on SO strong so fast? If I were to mix 75mg moclobemide (reversable mao-a inhibitor) and a tryptamine in the same capsule, would the moclobemide have time to start working enough to really boost the other drug i wonder?
Whether or not it acts as a good mao inhibitor more than any other tryptamine would, there is a unique psychedelic action, it added its own "flavor" to the experience.
If i were to get some more Methylone in the future I may try to mix these, but also try and be careful with the doses