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The Small & Handy 5-MeO-AET Thread

Anyone else have any info on this one yet? I have been interested in it for a very long while, and recently finally acquired some.

I would love to write a trip report on it, but that will have to wait until I actually have a trip from it. :) I have smoked 10 mgs. twice, two weeks apart, both experiements yielded no results whatsoever. Then I smoked 20 mgs. last night, still nothing, so I followed it about an hour later with another 20 mgs. then another 20 mgs. right after bringing the total to about 50~60 mgs. (some residue left over in the smoking device). At most, there was a VERY MILD stimulation and perhaps a slight psychedelic tinge to everything, perhaps not.

I was just going to continue until I ran it up to an active dose, but I abandonded the experiment and went to a party instead. At least I can say there is no hang-over day after from it at this dose! ;)

I am thinking I may start trying other routes of ingestion in hopes that I one day soon find an active level. So far, not terribly impressed! Anyone else want to share their experiences???
130mg of this stuff produced an experience with a body high similar to 25mg of 5-MeO-MiPT with NONE of the visuals.

Not worth it, IMHO.

True, it felt like a "roll" but its too expensive to have a dose that high. :/
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Thats a bummer. I had higher hopes for this one. You said 230 milligrams. How did you take it? How was it spaced? What route? etc ....
Sorry, I meant 130mg. Post was fixed.

And I'm not really giving it any credit, I have a tolerance thats next to impossible to circumvent and this particular materialization wasn't from someone I trust.

But effectually, I'd say the euphoria was a bit more than an average roll, but without the roll. Something was missing, but I'm not sure what.

It seems like it would go with almost anything else in combination though. I might play with that a bit once I obtain some for myself.
I've tried up to 90mg, and it felt good, but yeah, sorta like a "roll" but something missing, although I could sense psychedelic activity, not much visually though.

But... One time, i'm making a capsule of 20mg of 4-Aco-MiPT, and decide, why not, throw in about 20-25mg of 5-meo-aet for good luck (well to see if they mixed at all). Well, it amplified and synergised with the mipracetin really strongly. I mean, within, i didnt keep track of the time, but half hour-hour I was at a HIGH +++ , the visuals and echoing were almost dissasociating because they were just so strong. This seems to amplify many things, if it was acting as a mao inhibitor, I don't know why it would have come on SO strong so fast? If I were to mix 75mg moclobemide (reversable mao-a inhibitor) and a tryptamine in the same capsule, would the moclobemide have time to start working enough to really boost the other drug i wonder?

Whether or not it acts as a good mao inhibitor more than any other tryptamine would, there is a unique psychedelic action, it added its own "flavor" to the experience.

If i were to get some more Methylone in the future I may try to mix these, but also try and be careful with the doses
I'd be curious of anyone has sampled this material, as well as AET. I managed to get 5-MeO-AET a while ago, but never tried it. I am very curious how it compares with AET.
I'll bump this ancient thread because there is very little. I did end up trying the 5-MeO-AET in 2010. I used it during a time of narcotic WD, so I was not primed for psychedelia, but basically this was a boring substance (as was a-ET). a-ET had *some* MDMA-like things doing for it, but it never shined and 5-MeO-AET was more of the same, less potent and even less MDMA-like action.

Doses I used were 50mg and 70mg orally according to notes.

Anyone else?
Isn't aET quite toxic? I'd be concerned about the who's aET series personally.
And tbh, ever since the N-Benzyl phens hit the scene nothing new has come out. If you had rarely contacted this compound, I'd be willing to be the new generation of bl'ers has.
Were those doses for 5-MeO or plain aET? If it was plain aET, then that's a pretty low dose from what I remember and could explain lack luster effects. Also from what I remember it was fairly toxic.
Isn't aET quite toxic? I'd be concerned about the who's aET series personally.
And tbh, ever since the N-Benzyl phens hit the scene nothing new has come out. If you had rarely contacted this compound, I'd be willing to be the new generation of bl'ers has.

Well, as the thread already noted....I obtained my 5-MeO-aMT way back in 2006 or so, and did not try it until 2010. I guess you will have to just take it on trust that it was the real thing.

I have not seen it or AET , in 7 years or longer. I'm not even sure AET was ever commercially available, certainly not for me here in the US.

AET does seem to have (according to wiki) "idiosyncratic agranulocytosis." associated with it, which I understand is leukemia? That issue has been discussed in the AET thread, maybe I'll see what I can dig up. I am not aware of it being associated with any of AET analogue...though I am not sure any others have been tasted.

Edit: dose for AET was 100-150mg...and the 5-MeO-AET was twice as potent.
Never had any problems with AET and my friends and I did quite a bit. It was fun but it lacked the potency and duration of AMT. That was actually a plus for me but most of my friends preferred AMT for the aforementioned reasons.

I would love to try the 5-meo version but I doubt we will ever see it commercially available.
I have not seen it or AET , in 7 years or longer. I'm not even sure AET was ever commercially available, certainly not for me here in the US.

briefly, in the early 1990s.

Ahhh yes, those halcyon salad days of sigma Aldrich....does that certify me as a geezer? Strange back then how tryptamines were so much more available than PEA's from legit chem companies....though I do remember SA listing a few of the psi series of PEA's in the early mid nineties.....really had my head spinning.....the listing that is, not the compounds! Cost a mint too, like seriously cost prohibitive for the kind of studies I was engaged in at the time, ie nom nom studies.

I still lovingly remember the day Acros Organics had a *NEW* star next to S- ketamine......yes, I was first in that cue har har. Oh, the innocence of the 20th century!
This compound was so lackluster that I totally forgot I tried it back in 04. Wow. I don't think I've ever completely forgotten using a compound before! I don't even remotely remember the experience, just a glimmer that I know I did it that came after I read my post on it in this thread. Jeez. Haha!

MGS, I wish I could have been around when the dude in CO was selling it as an MDMA alternative... He was selling it in the 80s if I remember correctly and I believe that he was actually the reason the DEA finally scheduled it but I'm too lazy to look it up at the moment.
Yeah me too but I was still playing with lincoln logs and transformers. But for sure, an historic time (for US drug law).

Speaking of historic....that reminds me, I have found film of the first (recreational, outside of a lab) AMT trips from Ken Kesey.

I'll have to post that when the chance arrives...I had never seen it before and it's very amusing.
^ I'd be very interested in that. I don't think my love affair with aMT is ever going to go away.

And yeah, I wasn't born til 84 so when that stuff was going on, I wouldn't be anywhere near lincoln logs or transformers yet haha.