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The Search For The Perfect Daily Drug


Oct 21, 2023
Inspired by a recent post by @gordonliddy which is linked below:

Hi folks. Many of us drug users go about our time using drugs trying to find a drug that will get us high not just once or twice a week, but once a day. Heck, some of us even try to be high all day (which I do NOT recommend). These, "daily highs" are also relatively safe when compared to other "hard" drugs, like cocaine, heroin, and meth. Here are a few drugs that I have found daily use to have little to no negative side effects/ hangovers.

Weed: Weed, it's easier than ever to consume discreetly with the advent of mass produced edibles and vape pens. On top of that, it is now legal in many states in the US and some EU countries. It has become as socially acceptable (in some cases more socially acceptable) than alcohol. The effects last for 4-5 hours when smoked, and 8-10 hours when ingested, which is good for being used during the work day or smoking before bed. Many US states and nations also have medical cannabis, which is generally a higher quality and potency than black market cannabis.

Kava: Kava is generally consumed in a tea, so it can be taken to work with you or consumed at home. It's effects are relatively mild and IMO similar to Xanax. To me, it is like if Xanax was non-hypnotic but still an anxiolytic. The effects are pretty enjoyable and I can see folks that work customer service jobs using this substance daily (maybe along with weed as well). If you can find a legit supplier of Kava powder, then you have a verry cheap way to either start your morning or end your night. There are also kava- extract containing mints, as well, but I rather prefer the effects of the tea.

Kratom: First off, I will begin this section by saying that no one should attempt to maintain daily kratom doses for more than a month or two. However, during this 1-2 month period, tolerance to kratom is relatively slow to develop and can be enjoyed most or all days of the week with only the common negative side effects of opiates (opitch, nausea, drowsiness, etc). I used this drug 3 days a week, 2 doses of 4 grams each on my "on " days. After something like 4-5 months of this, I was able to stop with no noticeable withdrawal symptoms.. The effects usually lasted 3-5 hours, sometimes up to 6 or 7 hours if I took it with a potentiator such as cimetidine or lemon juice. I used to make kratom tea in the breakroom of my old job working at a supermarket, everyone seemed cool with itand probably either didn't care or assumed it was matcha (which, you'll be able to get away with telling most people that the green sludge you're drinking is matcha, IMO they smell and taste quite similar). Getting legit, uncut kratom is a hurdle to people starting out, but once you have a good supplier and your few favorite strains picked out you are good to go. I usually get my kratom online, as there are generally better prices online than at local smoke shops. Beyond that there any many methods of kratom ingestion that are quite easy, capsules, toss n wash, making a tea, extracts, and parachuting are probably the most common.

Caffeine: Oh, caffeine. It is a wildly popular mild stimulant that has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years all around the world. It is VERY easily attainable, has mild but still noticeable stimulating effects, and many drinks made with caffeine these days taste good as well. It is legal in most countries for those under the age of 18 to consume caffeine, and it can even be found as a powder in some stores. Caffeine has long lasting stimulatory effects, but if you take a dose anywhere around or higher than 300mg, you may experience a "caffeine crash", or worsening in mood as the effects of caffeine wear off. It is probably the most widely accepted drug, and is commonly consumed in public places. Coffee/Tea shops, restaurants, gyms, workplaces, everywhere.

Anything else, BLers?

Just because you can take most or all of these substances everyday and not experience debilitating effects from withdrawals, doesn't mean that you should use some or all of these substances everyday. whether you use caffeine, weed, xanax, or heroin, always use in moderation.
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Shrooms? Safest drug...
Most plants are pretty safe to use every day with the obvious exceptions of anticholinergics, opium, iboga, salvia'd (daily) probably send you to psychosis, the real mind benders
Most supplements
I am not sure a daily psychoactive is a good idea but then I don't write nor try to rewrite the facts of nature

To say no drugs would be needed by anyone daily is to speak absent of reason for this is no Elysia

I mean honestly thinking simply cannabis is probably the least harmful if used as responsibly as possible for daily consumption
Dextroamphetamine and kratom are probably my favorite for daily use. As long as you keep use to minimum active dose, and take tolerance breaks every now and then, you stay good everyday. Doesn't affect your life negatively, if anything it helps everything, I mean especially if you have ADHD and chronic pain. At that point I'm not even using drugs recreationally, it's something beyond that. Some people smoke weed, and that's fine for them, but that stuff always just fucked my head up too much to use all the time. Kratom and dex are both perfect for me.
I disagree that these "daily highs" are "safer" than heroin.

Not to mention, heroin is also a drug that can get you high daily & even multiple times a day. Technically caffeine is harder on your body than snorting clean heroin a few times a day.

Just because a drug is "natural" or socially acceptable, doesn't mean it's "safer" to use every day than synthetic or illegal drugs.
I disagree that these "daily highs" are "safer" than heroin.

Not to mention, heroin is also a drug that can get you high daily & even multiple times a day. Technically caffeine is harder on your body than snorting clean heroin a few times a day.

With heroin (and related drugs) the problem is you build up physical dependence very fast. Most people don't want that just to get their feel-good factor.
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With heroin (and related drugs) the problem is you build up physical dependence very fast. Most people don't want that just to get their feel-good factor.
True, but this doesn't necessarily mean heroin is any less safer than drinking tons of caffeine every day. Tolerance build up is inevitable with almost every drug.

I tried to quit caffeine recently & made it 9 days & still had brain fog, dizziness & even anxiety. So I gave in & went back to drinking it so that I could focus on just doing simple tasks like driving to an appt. Yet people drink caffeine every day like it's nothing.

Kratom can cause physical dependence. And so can wine & alcohol.

I mean the objective of this post was listing drugs that you can use every day & heroin is one of those drugs. It's also relatively "safer" in the long term than getting wasted on booze or wine every day.
True, but this doesn't necessarily mean heroin is any less safer than drinking tons of caffeine every day. Tolerance build up is inevitable with almost every drug.

I tried to quit caffeine recently & made it 9 days & still had brain fog, dizziness & even anxiety. So I gave in & went back to drinking it so that I could focus on just doing simple tasks like driving to an appt. Yet people drink caffeine every day like it's nothing.

Kratom can cause physical dependence. And so can wine & alcohol.

I mean the objective of this post was listing drugs that you can use every day & heroin is one of those drugs. It's also relatively "safer" in the long term than getting wasted on booze or wine every day.

PHARMACEUTICALLY PURE heroin would indeed be safe to take, and with a guaranteed legal supply physical dependence need not even be an issue for the individual concerned.

... I doubt we'll collectively get to that point within our respective lifetimes, sadly.
PS I will add that my main trouble when I was heroin-dependent wasn't the drug itself, it was the unreliability of the drug supply forcing me to waste every waking minute on securing it, the health risks associated with an unclean product, the social stigma that got me branded as a pariah and a 'failed existence' when I was just trying my level best to continue living, the reliance on effing criminals and being automatically criminalised myself.

And I've routinely had people jump down my throat as in 'how could you advocate for legalization of this devil drug that nearly destroyed you'. I nearly destroyed myself because my ONLY model for a heroin user was somebody who has given up on life. NOBODY told me you can take this to function, much less legitimately function.
PS I will add that my main trouble when I was heroin-dependent wasn't the drug itself, it was the unreliability of the drug supply forcing me to waste every waking minute on securing it, the health risks associated with an unclean product, the social stigma that got me branded as a pariah and a 'failed existence' when I was just trying my level best to continue living, the reliance on effing criminals and being automatically criminalised myself.

And I've routinely had people jump down my throat as in 'how could you advocate for legalization of this devil drug that nearly destroyed you'. I nearly destroyed myself because my ONLY model for a heroin user was somebody who has given up on life. NOBODY told me you can take this to function, much less legitimately function.

All the downsides of heroin use can mostly be attributed to it's criminalization.

I've been called a murderer & all kinds of names for advocating for the legalization of heroin. People are so incredibly ignorant. But they've been conditioned to be by those in power.

Hell I'd argue that even smoking cannabis daily is slightly worse for your health than using clean heroin. Because you're still inhaling burning plant product & cannabis raises blood pressure temporarily.

There are so many legal & easily accessible things that do more damage to the body than heroin ever could. Yet most people don't even give it a second thought.

A lot of people also treat hard drugs as something monolithic. Like if methamphetamine is bad for you (which it is), then heroin must be too. Except that's just not true.

It actually makes me really depressed that we will probably never see heroin legalization in our lifetimes. They have effectively criminalized the very thing that has helped me the most & have kept the masses conditioned long enough to believe that this is for their own "safety" and well-being.

All the downsides of heroin use can mostly be attributed to it's criminalization.

I've been called a murderer & all kinds of names for advocating for the legalization of heroin. People are so incredibly ignorant. But they've been conditioned to be by those in power.

Hell I'd argue that even smoking cannabis daily is slightly worse for your health than using clean heroin. Because you're still inhaling burning plant product & cannabis raises blood pressure temporarily.

There are so many legal & easily accessible things that do more damage to the body than heroin ever could. Yet most people don't even give it a second thought.

A lot of people also treat hard drugs as something monolithic. Like if methamphetamine is bad for you (which it is), then heroin must be too. Except that's just not true.

It actually makes me really depressed that we will probably never see heroin legalization in our lifetimes. They have effectively criminalized the very thing that has helped me the most & have kept the masses conditioned long enough to believe that this is for their own "safety" and well-being.

What compounds the issue is that mental health care provision is so absolutely dismal. For instance opiate use 100% prevented me from becoming another statistic, but other help should have been available both in terms of therapy and other medications before I ever reached that point. At the same time it ought to be recognized that for some individuals who respond exceptionally well to opiates, that class of drug ALSO should be legally available as a treatment option, just as it has been in the past.
Daily caffeine is perfectly fine. Most people use it almost every day of their lives.

Nicotine is probably not too bad but it's the delivery system of smoking that makes it terrible for your health.

If you were to smoke caffeine somehow, then it too would be bad for your health.
Daily caffeine is perfectly fine. Most people use it almost every day of their lives.

Nicotine is probably not too bad but it's the delivery system of smoking that makes it terrible for your health.

If you were to smoke caffeine somehow, then it too would be bad for your health.
You're telling me I shouldn't be smoking crushed up caffeine pills in my spliff? No fair
Swiss study showing 15 years of daily heroin use resulted in no adverse health effects -

"No serious heroin-related medical complication occurred during the 15-year window of observation among inmates with heroin-assisted treatment. Their work performance was comparable to that of the reference group."

Not that I recommend anyone get a heroin habit, but for those who already have an opioid dependence & benefit from it, they should have the right to legally access diacetylmorphine & various other opioids. I also refuse to keep letting the myth that heroin is some how "unhealthy" or "damages the body" proliferate the conscious of the masses. Especially when shit like alcohol, which actually does damage your organs & shrinks your brain, is so widely available and accepted.

What compounds the issue is that mental health care provision is so absolutely dismal. For instance opiate use 100% prevented me from becoming another statistic, but other help should have been available both in terms of therapy and other medications before I ever reached that point. At the same time it ought to be recognized that for some individuals who respond exceptionally well to opiates, that class of drug ALSO should be legally available as a treatment option, just as it has been in the past.
Absolutely. I've been in and out of the mental healthcare system for about 17 years (for as long as I've been on opioids). And most of the doctors either dont' wanna listen, or they do listen but have limited options on what they can do for me thanks to arbitrary laws.

It's also insanely expensive unless you have good insurance. Mental health help shouldn't be so expensive that it becomes a luxury, everyone should have help available. And by help, I don't mean these stupid free hotlines that you call, that just end up sending law enforcement to your place, which can then just escalate or worsen your situation. I've never understood that. "If you're feeling suicidal, call our hotline, so that we can send LE to your home & have you involuntarily committed!".. Like, why would anyone call a place like that then? lol

All the downsides of heroin use can mostly be attributed to it's criminalization.

I've been called a murderer & all kinds of names for advocating for the legalization of heroin. People are so incredibly ignorant. But they've been conditioned to be by those in power.

Hell I'd argue that even smoking cannabis daily is slightly worse for your health than using clean heroin. Because you're still inhaling burning plant product & cannabis raises blood pressure temporarily.

There are so many legal & easily accessible things that do more damage to the body than heroin ever could. Yet most people don't even give it a second thought.

A lot of people also treat hard drugs as something monolithic. Like if methamphetamine is bad for you (which it is), then heroin must be too. Except that's just not true.

It actually makes me really depressed that we will probably never see heroin legalization in our lifetimes. They have effectively criminalized the very thing that has helped me the most & have kept the masses conditioned long enough to believe that this is for their own "safety" and well-being.
Slightly off topic but still relating to the main theme, people that use drugs regardless of their reasons for doing so are often seen "Druggies" or "Junkies", when in fact, most people that use drugs use them recreationally and do not abuse or become addicted to them.

Daily heroin use is seen as something that is TERRIBLE for you, while most people (I think) would say that drinking daily as an alcoholic is better for you than using heroin daily as an addict.

Drug users are often lumped in with criminals, when many of them aren't. Many people that take acid or shrooms or ketamine once or twice a month are seen as "worse" (whatever that means) than people who drink even 2 or 3 times a week.
Using serotonergic psychedelics on a daily basis is not a good idea due to 5ht2b agonism which can lead to heart valve fibrosis
Hey. I've been reading about this and would love your opinion.
So, I've never microdosed but have thought about it. Will not do that now due to the possible risk. It's not proven yet, but it is in similar compounds so it's not at all unlikely.

I have just been diagnosed with some mild heart issues. Mild to moderate left ventricle enlargement being the biggest issue. No valve issues whatsoever. I'm nearly 69. "Not bad for a man my age.".
Anyway, what level of psychedelic use would you consider low risk? Please don't clutch pearls and play it safe and say, "none". Take into account that they have anti-addiction and other health benefits.
If a person used DMT a few times a day every week or two? Mushrooms, acid, et all every week or two? My use is definitely below that, but just to play devil's advocate what would you think of that?
Inspired by a recent post by @gordonliddy which is linked below:

Hi folks. Many of us drug users go about our time using drugs trying to find a drug that will get us high not just once or twice a week, but once a day. Heck, some of us even try to be high all day (which I do NOT recommend). These, "daily highs" are also relatively safe when compared to other "hard" drugs, like cocaine, heroin, and meth. Here are a few drugs that I have found daily use to have little to no negative side effects/ hangovers.

Weed: Weed, it's easier than ever to consume discreetly with the advent of mass produced edibles and vape pens. On top of that, it is now legal in many states in the US and some EU countries. It has become as socially acceptable (in some cases more socially acceptable) than alcohol. The effects last for 4-5 hours when smoked, and 8-10 hours when ingested, which is good for being used during the work day or smoking before bed. Many US states and nations also have medical cannabis, which is generally a higher quality and potency than black market cannabis.

Kava: Kava is generally consumed in a tea, so it can be taken to work with you or consumed at home. It's effects are relatively mild and IMO similar to Xanax. To me, it is like if Xanax was non-hypnotic but still an anxiolytic. The effects are pretty enjoyable and I can see folks that work customer service jobs using this substance daily (maybe along with weed as well). If you can find a legit supplier of Kava powder, then you have a verry cheap way to either start your morning or end your night. There are also kava- extract containing mints, as well, but I rather prefer the effects of the tea.

Kratom: First off, I will begin this section by saying that no one should attempt to maintain daily kratom doses for more than a month or two. However, during this 1-2 month period, tolerance to kratom is relatively slow to develop and can be enjoyed most or all days of the week with only the common negative side effects of opiates (opitch, nausea, drowsiness, etc). I used this drug 3 days a week, 2 doses of 4 grams each on my "on " days. After something like 4-5 months of this, I was able to stop with no noticeable withdrawal symptoms.. The effects usually lasted 3-5 hours, sometimes up to 6 or 7 hours if I took it with a potentiator such as cimetidine or lemon juice. I used to make kratom tea in the breakroom of my old job working at a supermarket, everyone seemed cool with itand probably either didn't care or assumed it was matcha (which, you'll be able to get away with telling most people that the green sludge you're drinking is matcha, IMO they smell and taste quite similar). Getting legit, uncut kratom is a hurdle to people starting out, but once you have a good supplier and your few favorite strains picked out you are good to go. I usually get my kratom online, as there are generally better prices online than at local smoke shops. Beyond that there any many methods of kratom ingestion that are quite easy, capsules, toss n wash, making a tea, extracts, and parachuting are probably the most common.

Caffeine: Oh, caffeine. It is a wildly popular mild stimulant that has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years all around the world. It is VERY easily attainable, has mild but still noticeable stimulating effects, and many drinks made with caffeine these days taste good as well. It is legal in most countries for those under the age of 18 to consume caffeine, and it can even be found as a powder in some stores. Caffeine has long lasting stimulatory effects, but if you take a dose anywhere around or higher than 300mg, you may experience a "caffeine crash", or worsening in mood as the effects of caffeine wear off. It is probably the most widely accepted drug, and is commonly consumed in public places. Coffee/Tea shops, restaurants, gyms, workplaces, everywhere.

Anything else, BLers?

Just because you can take most or all of these substances everyday and not experience debilitating effects from withdrawals, doesn't mean that you should use some or all of these substances everyday. whether you use caffeine, weed, xanax, or heroin, always use in moderation.
Ok not daily, would be my advise on Khat.

But fresh Khat is ime pretty safe and a perfect replacement of Alcohol (loosen's the tongues without impairing judgement). And if you use it max 3 times a week, that was the situation overhere 3 load's a week (like they made their own safety net against overindulgence). But it felt pretty safe and quite euphoric for a natural drug.

Like Kratom behaves pretty good as natural Opiod, this imo unfunctional stim does the same but then as nature's speed. Gets you high but is lacking on the addictive side (not for everyone i read). What also amazes me that stim tolerance doesn't really seems to occur when dosage's are kept the same. Imo it has gained its place