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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Harm Reduction The Safer Injecting Handbook - MUST-READ BEFORE YOU INJECT DRUGS!!!

Just sayin - homicide rate in the US around 4 times that of the UK and 76% of homicides in the US are carried out using fire-arms. Almost like the underlying rate of people who LIKE to draw out someone's demise, someone who derive PLEASURE are a different breed.

It's worth noting that their is no proof of any single killer having claimed more than 100 lives. Read up on those with higher figures and you soon learn that their isn't even much evidence.
Pedro Lopez
Luis garuito
And some other guy

So you know those higher figures have no foundation in evidence - and yet you keep stating them?

You know, the 'because I say so' isn't really a solid basis for stating facts.

Hitchens's razor applies to such statements.