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The sad state of affairs the aus xtc scene is in atm

well i will trow a couple at u ok first crude camphor contains mainly saffrole also a plant called boronia luarel has good amounts.the essential oils i think is a good alternative way now finally being relised look at shulgin he goes into great depth about this in his book a chemical love story and is proven to work.If someone tried all this serious prices would drop and dry seasons wouldnt occur it would probably eventially become legalised if everyone knew how to do this.What are they going to do out law essential oils>Dmt a powerful halluc is easily made by a certain grass.this grass grow severywhere in aust and could not be contoled if tried.The point im trying to make is that most kitchen carboards are a chest haven for alot of drugs,and your garden contains more drugs again.If pot had to be chemically altered before it was smoked people couldnt be bothered with it and would find a synthetic alternative to it>THIS IS BECAUSE WE ARE ALL LAZY MOTHERFUCKS WHO WANT OUR DRUGS MADE BY SO CALLED CHEMISTS >>???
Yeah I read about china producing and distributing MD-P2P. It's used in the fragrances/essences industry.
There ain't too many countries in this world where the average joe can go get himself all the precursors to make MDMA from down the local store.
Making MDMA in Australia is probably not a hell of a lot harder than making it in most of the countries on this planet as long as you have either a lot of knowledge or a lot of connections (or a lot of cash). Crack downs by customs make it a lot more attractive to make it local.
And in countries like China it may be easier to come by the precursors but your well and truely F*cked if they catch you with 'em.
But that being said 100 years of prohibition has, if nothing else, taught us that there's not much of a correlation between the policing of a controlled substance and its availability in the general community.
Biscuit you know your chemistry, but when John was walking through the woods an elf told him that the elves can run an amalgamation at just over 1000g. True it's a smaller scale synth than the methods you've outlined.
[ 08 January 2002: Message edited by: popper ]
I think the cops have done something right atm, there is bugger all good quality imports coming in. What they don't admit is this just makes people buy dodgy (& more dangerous) stuff, or turn to drugs they haven't tried, speed, trips, even barbituates (sp?)
I'm also finding alot of people just aren't as interested in poppin pills these days, and supply is dictated by demand after all. But thats only my personal experience, I could be very wrong.
Although i think this is logical ^^^^
I tend to disagree with the less ppl trying ecstacy, i have noticed the amount of ppl i know know popping is greater (as opposed to when i started, early 99)
Point taken Popper; i wont pretend to know the upper limits of the commonly used reactions.
But even that amount is still not enormous. Certainly enough for a decent batch of 10-20,000 pills; which would probably be localised to the particular region they were made in and not make it into every mouth of every piller across Australia.
But one has to wonder how often such people are able to turn that sort of amount out.
I think the take home message is that people should not always believe certain pills are imported if told so, as Popper is right to point out.
But people who choose to educate themselves, have a good memory and have been in the game long enough should be able to make very good guesses on whether they do have an imported pill.
I still have problems with people throwing up sources of safrole and them assuming they can be used to make big batches of MDMA.
Take yellow camphor oil; i think the safrole content is 10-20%; vaccuum distilling half a litre of an oil is an enormous task; a 10kg batch might require up to 200 litres of camphor.
Short of having access to enormous factory style distillation equipment no one in their right mind would have the patience or fortitude to even consider this.
I guess my point to all of this is i dont believe anything other than personal batches of MDMA is OTC in Australia - that is without special connections; and i dont believe anything over several kilogram batches of MDMA is made locally.
This is rough guestimates of course.
As for the sad state of the scene; Perth is the dryest its been in at least a year; those recent large busts over the last few months of IMPORTED pills speaks volumes as far as i can see.
...strike three. If this post dissappears again I'm not trying anymore.
I think the sad state of affairs the australian bikkie munchers are enduring at the moment brought about by the huge success of the Australian Police force has a negative side the police haven't quite grasped. Over the Christmas/New Years period where people tend to go out and party harder than they normally would most of the year. This MDMA drought, which became quite obvious in Perth, showed the negative effects cutting off the supply of drugs can have.
At Science Fiction in Perth the First Aid tent had to cope with what is caused by MDMA being taken off the streets. For a lot of people when they decide their going out, that just automatically means their taking drugs. Now don't get me wrong, not all people do this. But there is a number of people who just can't go out without going to some lengths to hook something up. Now of the December period it became clear that the number of pills containing an MDMA like substance was not quite as plentiful as in previous months, therefore the dodgier of the dealers brought out the stashed K/speed bombs that no one would normally give to their worst enemy. Now over the years I have been in the scene Perth pillers have become quite obviously more educated in regards to pills, there contents and the damage they can do. With this knowledge people know to test their pills as some times a pill might not contain MDMA and people have come to understand there is some things people try to pass of as X that can be more damaging to your health. But with the shortage of MDMA based goog's the dodgy pills surface and people are left with the choice of a dodgy pill or no pill for NYE. Even some of my more educated friends went down the dodgy pill path simply because "Its new years man, I cant go it straight." Therefore we had a huge amount of people on NYE dropping pills they knew contained K/speed/unknown substances simply because they couldn't get anything else. The first aid tent at Sci Fi had to deal with the most people its ever had to treat. Simply because people were on pills with which they had no idea what was in them. Then mixing with other pills with also unknown contents. This is just asking for trouble. I'm not saying MDXX pills are completely safe but at least you can have half a guess what your taking, there was some pills floating arround on NYE that no one had any idea about. The test results were extremely confusing, but some people took them all the same. I'm so glad I had my NYE stash.
Now obviously there is no solution to this problem. The police want to clear the streets of drugs so they seize all the pills they can. The problem being there is still a demand for drugs, the rave scene has boomed in the last 10 years. If the police manage to bust all the imported MDMA this leaves only the homebakes. Now I know its been argued above that MDMA can and probably is made on our shores but the consensus is that its only a small amount. This leaves us with a huge demand for MDMA but not enough to go arround. So people start trying other things. Whether this is on purpose or because they were under the impression they were taking MDMA is not going to be clear, but this could be asking for trouble. Will we see a new designer drug? or people start producing other drugs to greater extent?
Anyway back to where I started, Hoorah! the police have cleaned up the streets and ridden it of all the nasty MDMA. Our children are now safe from the evils of this nasty drug, that could only be a good thing..... couldn't it?
[ 08 January 2002: Message edited by: Fry-d- ]
some1 needs to bring heroin into perth again. get the cops focusing back on that evil shit and let some of these round goodies in. The Federal Police will systemtically "pick" on caertain drugs. I also think september 11 may have affected the drug trade world wide. I was told a while back when we had a smorgasbord of pills to choose from that the price was gonna rise in the current conditions it seems pretty possible.
the shipment in queensland with that 400,000 size haul seems to have had pills that had our names written on it.
There are heaps of local pills around and the quality is getting better. But nothing like the cleaness of imports.
God damn interesting reading. _cooker_ takes his hat off to you smart ppl and the ppl who have taken the time to research.
I thought i would wait until i made another post on this subject..
But it appears that i may have had some basis for my original concerns..
I can tell you that in my ring of associates noone knows of any that are coming from over seas.
How bout you all ?
some1 needs to bring heroin into perth again. get the cops focusing back on that evil shit and let some of these round goodies in.
that is a pretty shit attitude. this is a board that hopefully contains intelligent discussion on recreational drug use and where applicable the harm minimisation relevant to those drugs. please don't make statements like this which advance bluelight nowhere and only ask for flames, not to mention increasing the herald-sun perspective on heroin and its apparent social stigma.
If none are coming in from overseas, then one local presser has done a damn fine job with the pink hearts... Unless of course these are the same batch that was around a while ago...
There will be more tho, the demand is high enough and the cops can't stop it...
sorry radom blondeboy.........
read my theory in the perthpills thread its should be in here sorry.
I'd like to add to this discussion that maybe the new x-ray devices installed at both the Sydney and Melbourne ports are having an impact on how ecstasy and other drugs are imported into the country. From what I read, the Melbourne device can only x-ray a small percentage of containers but by late February a second unit will be in operation in both ports which will greatly increase the number of containers scanned.
Their opertion is similar to a CAT scan whereby the container, when unloaded from the ship, is passed through and an image (of varying degrees) is viewed by the operators. Very interesting and I'm sure this must have some importers slightly worried.