• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The rise and fall of an Internet sensation

i am very paranoid, but not because of camera phones.

no, i don't like camera phones because they have created an online phenomena that is detrimental to the image of young girls, because they are a tool used in online shaming, because people are constantly recording and photographing at inappropriate times (such as live concerts), and because they have fed into the desensitization of society. i also don't think they're doing anything positive for the field of fine art photography.

i agree.

Something i find bothersome and offensive would be - consider a person who only drinks or uses drugs on occasion and one of the times they do someone makes a video which creates an inaccurate and embarrassing betrayal of the individual. And of course that video would just exist online forever. I understand the typical retort "well so and so shouldn't have been drinking to begin with" i still find recording the video a disreputable action.
The only camera I own is a camera-phone, the free samsung android version. The quality seems to be as good as a dSLR, and since I don't have 5000€ to plunk down on a good Nikon/Canon dSLR system, I use this. The main lens is 33mm, I think, and the secondary lens is a wide angle 23mm. The obvious weakness is lack of additional lenses like telephoto.

The beard guy is obviously a mentally ill homeless dude who has become widely recognized in the Bay Area. His internet fame is making him a victim of gangstalking. Gangstalking was once only a modern delusion of paranoiacs that has replaced the belief that one is being followed by the CIA or tracked by satellite implants in the teeth. The fact that people are actively seeking him out and filming him, mocking him is turning this delusion into a reality for beard guy.
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The fact that people are actively seeking him out and filming him, mocking him is turning this delusion into a reality for beard guy.

I agree... If any of you made it to the last pages of the article it sounds like he just wants to be left alone tbh...

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Being Epic Beard Man had long ago lost its thrill: "I just feel like everyone wants a piece of me," he says. "I'm just so tired of it all. I wish the phone would stop ringing. All the guys I do know now, I don't know who's who when they call."

Bruso mulled his options. He said he didn't want to move back to Wisconsin to live with his sister. Actually, at his age, he didn't really want to be uprooted at all.

Pinky sat up on his seat, wagging her tail. "I know you're goin' crazy, too," he told the dog. He even thought he might have to get rid of her, because taking her out seemed an insurmountable hassle.

He looked away from the TV, where the news was playing in the background, and apologized for being so down. "This story is starting to get bad now, huh?"

Internet stars often can cash in on their fame. Tay Zonday, the singer behind the "Chocolate Rain" video, went on to star in a Dr. Pepper commercial and record an album. Obama Girl appeared on Saturday Night Live. Yet people who never intended to be famous, unwittingly plucked from anonymity and thrown into the limelight by the Internet masses, tend to fare worse. A stoned-looking Oakland guy who called himself Bubb Rubb became famous for a clip in which he told a KRON-4 reporter he was getting whistle tips installed on his exhaust pipes that would make a "Woo wooo!" sound. Though people made a documentary about him and sold Bubb Rubb thongs and mousepads online, he says he never made squat.

"We like to see people melting down," says B. Remy Cross, a Ph.D. candidate at UC Irvine who studies social media movements. "It's like America's Funniest Home Videos for the Internet generation."

"Most people are doing this in their free time when they want to be entertained," says Chris Menning, who helped write the extensive entry on Epic Beard Man for the Know Your Meme Web site. "Most users are less concerned with getting to the bottom of it than perpetuating the myth of it."

Yet in Bruso's case, the same mental problems that incited him to kick a dude's ass on a bus in the first place have made it hard for him to handle fame.

In early March, King hired Nathan Maas, an S.F. State film school grad who had made an online documentary about Bruso, and his coproducer, Aaron Curry, to return to Bruso's apartment to ask him some questions on camera for a screen test. They lobbed softball questions — What's your favorite kind of pot? Do you have any girlfriends? It was soon after Bruso had missed his mom's funeral, and he mostly gave one-word answers.

"His whole demeanor had changed; he was a completely different guy," Curry says.

But in the week after Bruso got his eviction notice, King and Moss flew up from L.A. unannounced to pitch him some good news. They wanted him to come to Southern California for three weeks to film an Internet movie in which Bruso avenges the murder of a black family member. During the meeting, Bruso seemed worried about his eviction, Curry recalls, and was fearful of talking to them without his managers present.

After King and Moss headed back to the airport, the three managers filed into Bruso's room and sat down. The place was immaculate. No weed. No cigarette smoke. Bruso said he had quit cold turkey two days earlier.

Bruso paced the room. He turned down their offer to go to Giant Burger; he could still hardly eat. "You're losin' weight, bro," Burton said. Bruso got out a tape measure to size up his quickly vanishing paunch: "Holy fuck! It's down to 39 and a half," he said. "I've lost 8 and a half inches since October. It's not because of trying; it's because of the stress."

Burton told Bruso he needed to stop worrying, and promised to help him find a new place (and in the following weeks, his managers did, indeed, scout out housing and visit Bruso regularly to try to pull him out of his funk). "They want you in L.A. in two weeks if we can get your mind right. They want you there next week if we can get your mind right. It happens when you want it to happen."

Yet there's a paradox here: Epic Beard Man is a character that happens only when Bruso's mind is not right, and Bruso is no actor. His depression must be coaxed to the right level of madness. And this may be his last chance: Views of the fight video have plateaued at four million, and Google searches for "Epic Beard Man" have flatlined. Producers have rejected as too incendiary the fight video Washington's agent was trying to sell. Turino grew tired of the managers bickering over the control of the donation Web site and shut it down.

"How are your prescriptions, Tommy?" Loughran asks.

"I'm not taking anything," Bruso answers. "I don't have a doctor right now. I don't want to take any medications."

"Are you better without it?" Loughran asks.

"Yeah, I'm better without it. If I take medication, I'm going to be like a fucking zombie. I'm not going to be able to do anything. I'm not going to have no action, no anything in me. ... That psychiatric medication is no good."

"The highs are the highs and the lows are low; that's manic depression, you know," Loughran says.

"You know, the best medication is some good weed."

"I'm not saying no," Loughran chuckles.

Bruso continues, "But I don't want to depend on that because that can get you superdepressed if you smoke too much of that, too."

Bruso says he's sick of all the prank phone calls. "These little kids telling me I'm their hero — I'm not a hero, man! You look at my prison record, I'm not nobody's hero, you know."

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recording and photographing at inappropriate times (such as live concerts)

I'm just curious what is the problem with this bit? I've been on both ends of the equation (on stage and in the audience) and didn't personally have an issue with either. Just curious what would be the problem.
People are inhibited by having cameras around all the time.
Do people party and get naked (for example) for fun much these days? Generally no, compared to like the 60s or 70s.
Because someone's got a phone around - we self censor.

The way the camera phone is used at some live shows is embarassing. Rather than have an experience watching a performance (the beauty of a live performance is its ephemeral nature, as well as the interaction between audience and artist) - but it seems like many people waste that opportunity, and experience it through the lens/small screen of their camera phone - for later (does anyone really watch the video of some band playing their hit song in shaky video and overly compressed audio?) - rather than enjoy the moment.
I feel bad for some performers looking out and seeing a see of arms holding up phones; it's not a way audiences show respect.

I like having a camera with me virtually at all times for the sake of convenience - but i can certainly relate to the argument that it is detrimental culturally as well.
The only camera I own is a camera-phone, the free samsung android version. The quality seems to be as good as a dSLR, and since I don't have 5000€ to plunk down on a good Nikon/Canon dSLR system, I use this. The main lens is 33mm, I think, and the secondary lens is a wide angle 23mm. The obvious weakness is lack of additional lenses like telephoto.
5000 euro would get you a high quality professional DSLR. A ton of decent DSLR's in the 500-1k range.
So I guess the point of all of this is the original video never would've gone viral in the first place if it wasn't for someone recording it on their phone? If so, I can see that, and how because someone was able to record the original incident that it forever changed EBM's life. A few decades ago this just would've been a crazy dude that beat up a drunk dude that started a fight he couldn't win I suppose.
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