• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Recovery The Recovery Thread (2022)

i was going to post in the recovery thread. this looks active though.

i'm fighting right now not to take my last three norco's

not all at once but not to take them at all. i had a headache from quitting several days worth.

but i didn't have much anyway.

my pain in my left leg was so bad it was almost parallelized.before it was my right stiff. my own fault. i just can't live like I want to right now.

i used a heating pad and it worked. still have to take the MELOXICAM everyday because dissolves the bad inflammation but not all of it.

i thing when i stop taking the norco i sweat really bad for two days. and it's Summer and sad with a cast. just slowed down my fun for the season a bit.

maybe the stress from always quitting norco's is so draing that it is weakening my immune system badly. . !
omg. i just need two or three days but i don't want to start counting NOW.
I can just sleep because I can't do anything else but I know I am just going to
wake up at around three a.m. and take one. i kindled.
Yay. I made it through the night with out a norco. I think feel better than yesterday. Of course I have my damn anti inflammatory, MELOXICAM, to relieve the damn pain AND all over stiffness. I am going to go raw today and maybe just take a zyrtec in three days or so if I have little struggles with sleeping if I ever do while eliminating the norco usage. The less med's in my metabolism the better for cleaning up my weakened immune system. My co worker's husband went through this type of pain and being incapacitated this same way. The pc md that recommended him to a rheumatologist that completely cured him with real strong steroids will be my pc md also. This pain isn't fake and I need relief and help fighting through.
Fuck sake. I’m trying to go back to detox and then I am going to follow through with a longer term rehab.

I’ve been feeling so hopeless. I called my gp to book an appointment to get a referral. Then called the place I went to in February and they won’t take me because I’m using intravenously which I was back then??? They told me to call another place and they are booked until September. I called another place where a mate of mine is currently (who uses intravenously!) and they said they don’t have a programs suitable for me???

I feel so disillusioned. Fuck this I don’t know where to try next.
Fuck sake. I’m trying to go back to detox and then I am going to follow through with a longer term rehab.

I’ve been feeling so hopeless. I called my gp to book an appointment to get a referral. Then called the place I went to in February and they won’t take me because I’m using intravenously which I was back then??? They told me to call another place and they are booked until September. I called another place where a mate of mine is currently (who uses intravenously!) and they said they don’t have a programs suitable for me???

I feel so disillusioned. Fuck this I don’t know where to try next.
Fuck man that is so frustrating 😔 Similar thing happened to my best friend a couple of years ago. He was finally ready to go to a detox and he was gonna go to my fave place I'd been a few times but because of covid they'd temporarily closed the facility. So my friend just got disheartened and chickened out. Now he's a hundred times worse than ever :(
What are you gonna do if you can't get in to a detox?
Fuck sake. I’m trying to go back to detox and then I am going to follow through with a longer term rehab.

I’ve been feeling so hopeless. I called my gp to book an appointment to get a referral. Then called the place I went to in February and they won’t take me because I’m using intravenously which I was back then??? They told me to call another place and they are booked until September. I called another place where a mate of mine is currently (who uses intravenously!) and they said they don’t have a programs suitable for me???

I feel so disillusioned. Fuck this I don’t know where to try next.
I hope for you to keep trying. It can't get any worse. You have to keep trying to make it better. I am so very sorry that the circumstances are so terrible right now for you. Please take care, never give up too. <3
Fuck man that is so frustrating 😔 Similar thing happened to my best friend a couple of years ago. He was finally ready to go to a detox and he was gonna go to my fave place I'd been a few times but because of covid they'd temporarily closed the facility. So my friend just got disheartened and chickened out. Now he's a hundred times worse than ever :(
What are you gonna do if you can't get in to a detox?
Thanks man. I’m just gonna get the referalls from my gp anyway and get her to send it directly to the doctor that treated me there in February and hopefully he has some sway over the matter.

I’ll get her to send one to the place that reckons September and hope they have cancellations or something.

Just gotta keep trying. I’m sick of being a fuck up. My mum was really supportive. I think she is worried about me because I’m at work in the middle of nowhere camped out with one other person and I’m feeling very isolated/depressed and a bit hopeless.

My mate in rehab now is being really encouraging though which is great.

And at least I have phone reception here.

Thanks for your response.
I hope for you to keep trying. It can't get any worse. You have to keep trying to make it better. I am so very sorry that the circumstances are so terrible right now for you. Please take care, never give up too. <3
Thank you I really appreciate your support. I just have to keep trying. Hopefully I don’t OD or whatever before I get help. I have a tendency to see an obstacle and give up. I want more from my life so I have to just see this as a challenge and find a solution.
@Blankenstein sorry to hear you're having such a hard time getting help. i'm a bit confused though why you want to go back to the place you went before? you were able to score and blag them for drugs, as far as i can see you got worse while you were there. its clear that you need somewhere that will be stricter. there must be other facilities you can try. there may even be organisations that can signpost you.

@Blankenstein sorry to hear you're having such a hard time getting help. i'm a bit confused though why you want to go back to the place you went before? you were able to score and blag them for drugs, as far as i can see you got worse while you were there. its clear that you need somewhere that will be stricter. there must be other facilities you can try. there may even be organisations that can signpost you.

Thanks I guess there aren’t a lot of options in my city and i already know that one. I have found one that does a 7 day detox and they take you’re phone/internet away and no visitors so that would mean I couldn’t score. It has very limited beds but if I get a chance I’ll call them today and make some enquiries. Because I mean I have good intentions but who knows what I’ll do when I get there. Thanks for your thoughts/comments.

Yeh I’ll just keep trying to find a solution.
Next week I'm going to my first SMART Recovery meeting in a long time. Last night I used meth for the first time in a month which I planned to do to test my tolerance and see where it was at and I've realised I need to wait at least another two before I use next time. Thankfully, SMART follows harm reduction so they're supportive of me minimising my use in any way I can rather than aiming for total abstinence.
well done @Blankenstein i really hope they are helpful. honestly just try everything. have you been to drugs services?

I think I’ll go to the needle exchange/harm reduction place near my house when I get back and speak to them. They help with that sort of stuff. It’s worth a try. I’m just going to try what ever I can think. I’m sure they can point me in the right direction.