The question of E?


Dec 28, 1999
Today I was having a conversation with one of my buds about drugs and alcohol.(What else) She is of the mind-set to never do drugs and just drink,while I will do both, but perfer to roll.
She tried with all her might to get me to think doing E is wrong because it isn't a natural substance. She figuers alcohol is okay because it is, plus it is illegial.
She wanted to know WHY I roll, when I could drink and get the same effect. (poor, uninformed soul I thought) As we all know it isn't the same.
So I began to descibe why I roll is probably for the same reason he perfers to drink. She just didn't get it. She thinks e is wrong and drinking is the only way to go.
This conversation got me to think though. The reason I roll is not because I want to do something "bad" of for the rush of doing something illegal. I don't do E to fit in or be cool. I don't even do E to get away from reality.
The reason that I choose to roll is because I like the feeling. It is amazing!! I am the type of person who can handle myself. Reality doesn't scare me like it can others.
Even after this she says why do I need something else to make me have more fun than I can have when I am not on anything.
I replied it is the same reason she drinks.
Alas...nothing changed... she still thinks what she thinks, and I believe what I believe.
Any thoughts? Why do roll?
Zactly what you just said...its miles away from drinking
"For goodness sakes, would you look at those cakes?"
Yeah - and as opposed to alcohol; 'e' is a peace/love drug. We all love that feeling of utter unity with everything and everyone around us. Our inner emotions surface and we can be who we really are inside - decent caring human beings.
How many drinkers at a party would see another person - a total stranger - whom might be having a bit of difficulty with whatever it is that they've had that nite and totally look after them, make sure they pull through thier rough patch? We've all seen it done or done it or had it done to us. The gratitude from the person in trouble can never be stated enough, though to the 'carer', the thanks doesn't even need to be mentioned.
And what is wrong with wanting to feel that way?
PLUR...and that's what it's all about.
I am a bartender by profession and can say i have seen alcohol destory more lives than all other drugs combined. Maybe its because people think that because it is legal that it isnt that bad or maybe its just because it is so easy to get. I personal drink once in a while but never to get drunk is it just a social thing to me. The drugs i do on the other hand are so much more about the experience and insight then "getting fucked up". I think people that drink themselves stupid but talk negitive about drug use are fooled by all the anti-drug proganda in the schools and media.
The problem with alcohol is that it is the only drug that invades all the cells of your body, whereas drugs like e target specific sites in the brain. Alcohol is like using a sledgehammer when you should be using a scalpel

I used to be exactly like that about a year ago! A lot of my friends went to parties and rolled and they would always try to get me to do it with them. But I just would not.
Then one of my friends explained to me that rolling is not about doing something illegal, but it is more about being with friends and experinecing a love between each other that you never knew existed. Rolling is about the feeling you get when you are completely united with everyone and around, and being in complete unity with the world. Sharing this experience of rolling together or at a party is listening to the music and feeling this amazing spiritual high.
Its not about just getting fucked up.
I dont know of what I told you is any help, its just what my friends, my boyfriend, and I feel when we are rolling and at parties.
Hope I helped!
"The vibes that go through you are like bolts of energy, vibrating your entire body."
i used to be a mad drinker until last march. it was ridiculous. it was to a point to where i was drinking everyday just so i could ease the stress from school and work. i never realized i had a problem. then e found me. i couldn't afford to drink like i did and still have money left for e. so i chose e. i chose it for two reasons: 1)rolling feels a lot better than being drunk, and 2) everyone seems to be so much nicer at a rolling party. my relationship to my brother and his wife have become so much stronger since we started rolling together. we became so much more open with eachother about our feelings. that's just my 2 cents.
jesus raves
I'm not really on topic, but I just have to say this.
The fact that alcohol is legal is the biggest crock of bullshit I have ever heard.
How many excuses have I come across from people who are reserved strictly for drinking that claim it's a better drug because it's legal. (and these excuses are even funnier, let me tell you, when they come from minors)
Let's look at the legalized drugs in America:
alcohol & cigarettes.
Yeah. Those are great drugs to improve your health. Alcohol gives you liver diseases among other things (um - how many people have died as a result of drunk driving?) And cigarettes.. well, who doesn't know how many ways those things can kill you?
Ok so I smoke. And I drink (but not much - I hate drinking something that tastes like it has already come out of me) I just think it's absurd that these things are legal.
In 3,000 years of pot smoking not one person has died as a direct result of the drug. And e? Check out the New to XTC board -- E is practically harmless (practically...) And why are these things illegal? Beats me.
In actuality though, I prefer the illegalization of my favorite drugs. It keeps them good. For instance, if marijuana were to be legalized we'd have a huge rush of the shwagiest herb in cigarettes with people walking around high all day. And I can't stand a lot of people when they're sober, let alone when they're stoned and wont shut up. For my sake, I couldn't live in a world like that. (How's it work in Amsterdam???)
Look what happened to cigarettes once them came commercialized. Those explorers in Virginia were smoking pure shit. And now we stuff our lungs with carbon manoxide amongst other chemicals and smoke our lives away.
ok.. I just lost my train of though... oh wait. it's back.
Whether or not something is legal has no influence on how good it is (for you or for your high).
ok I am done now.
"the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude" --> Ralph Waldo Emerson
***Much LOVE***
My g/f is the same way she thinks 'e' kills brain cells (im not sure if it does or not? maybe someone can answer that) but she thinks and thinks nothing of it, then whenever i try to convince her to come party with me and my friends she always makes excuses like she feels all deperesed when she comes down and last time she did e she had severe memory loss for the next month... grrr, makes me mad cuz i know rolling is such a spritual event that SHOULD be share between 2 loved ones.
oh well, anyone know how i can convince her?

Jungle Is Meth For The Soul
but she DRINKS <- (supposed to be drinks) and thinks nothing of it
Jungle Is Meth For The Soul
all i have to say is that i've never seen anybody come home and beat the shit outta their kids or wife b/c they had too much e that night. don't get me wrong, i do drink (not all that much though), but i don't understand the logic in having alcohol be legal and pot and e not. god i love america
[This message has been edited by jbug (edited 16 January 2000).]
No one's ever more honest and open then while on E. The feeling and energy it gives can't compete with anything else
I spent the weekend with a bunch of "flaming hippies" (not to generalize, just so you get an idea of who I'm talking about)who gave me every type of reason for why they didn't do e. It's not natural. It's not mellow. "I like a more spiritual, intellectual high, not something that's so sensory oriented." THis they told me as they smoked the tenth bowl of the *day* and drank yet another beer. This all made me a little confused and sad. Well, to be more accurate, I wasn't the confused one, but I just couldn't see how they could make such objections to e. It's not mellow like pot, but its not meth either. It's not "natural", but unlike alcohol, at least your tripping off your own brain chemicals. And how can it not be enjoyed as an intellectual, spiritual and physical high? My sadness came from the fact that while everyone was sitting around getting stoned, listening to phish and not talking to eachother, they could've been dancing and massaging and connecting like I wanted to be. I like e.
Everyone on this board obviously understands where I am coming from, but try to get a person to understand what e is like without them doing it. That is an impossible task.
Before I did e, my friends used to try to tell me what it felt like, but I didn't understand until I had my first roll.
I don't think my bud is ever going to change her mind until she has her first roll, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
Evey, you are so right. I too had a friend who had tried to explain the feeling while on E. It sounded cool but I had absolutely no idea the intensity of the feeling until I tried it.
Explanations of the feelings while on E can not do it justice. It simply must be experienced to be understood and appreciated.
My God, how is it possible to feel this good?
hehe I'm Evey's friend... the one who set her rollin'... not that I want to claim responcibility.... or brag, or anything of the sort... But I love my Evey... and I am glad this is something we share.
"Like a shooting star,
Accross the midnight sky!
Wherever you are,
Yer gunna see me FLY!!"
PaRaDoX -and PLUR for all!
PaRaDoX...the one who tried to explain, and then let me experience...
Friends for life...