The productions thread - Part III!

dark energy vocal riding that dark synthwave beat. good shit man.

browsed your older tracks, impressive sounds from a wide range of styles. keep doing what ya doin =)
^ sounds like light reflecting through a prism. those are the sounds im diggin atm too.. colorful, bright... optimistic.

i checked your sc a the other day, was wondering why nothing new was up.. getting over some writers block ?
yeh i love warm sounds that make me feel fuzzy in my heart

tbh i think it might have been due to trying zoloft out again which was about 2 months ago.

i stopped taking it about a month ago, so while it was in my system i couldn't make anything creative

never taking a med that blunts my emotion again tbh, i don't know how other people can handle it
o damn... that's fucked. couldn't imagine what it would be like. good to hear some new stuff and that ya feel like creating again.

so you have an actual korg wavestation ? a guy that use to post here hooked me up with the korg legacy vst bundle that had it but the "license" expired couple months ago.
ya i copped it off a guy in my city who was selling it for like $250.

i like that its touch sensitive and has after touch as well, its fun playing with the vector knob aswell

weird to think it was like 2k in the early 90's, now i just need to find some artists who want to start an electronic goth band with me
getting over some writers block ?

there's a theory that goes "there's no such thing as writer's block". a google search will bring up a lot of hits, but here's a good one:

"Why there’s no such thing as writer’s block"

ever since I've taken this to heart (and stopped watching tv), I've been producing ALOT more music! :)

i mean not EVERYTHING you write will be perfect. just soldier on until you hit a good groove (and then go back and edit out the crap, lol...)

some other useful producing tidbits? they did studies on people's music skipping habits, and people skip over nearly 50% of songs within the first 20 seconds, with a sharp decline thereafter, even if the song sucks, lol. and something like 25% are skipped within the first 5 seconds! (talk about a short attention span!) I guess BE SURE the first 20 seconds of your tracks are phreakin AWESOME, if not then at least the first 5 seconds, lol. (just recently found out about this one, but I'll probably put it to use. lot's on google). :)

hmmm...and another one, given the choice, and all else being equal, people prefer music with dynamic range. again, they did's a good read...

Here’s something you might not expect to hear from me:

The Loudness War is your friend

Why ? Because it offers an easy opportunity to let your music stand out from the crowd.

Here’s how
Turn it down

If that sounds like nonsense to you, keep reading.

So don't squash your music just to stay competitive. I've always refused to oversquash as there's a noticeable difference even before a limiter starts to distort it. Music IS dynamic. Play it as you wrote it/intended it. If people like it they'll turn it up! I mean to each his own, but it's producers and engineers making this decision in the Loudness War, not listeners. I mean when's the last time you heard a song and thought "Oh WOW, thank god this music is SO PERCEIVEABLY LOUD! And NOT dynamic!"...right? and again, they did

just a few bit's of possibly helpful info. lot's more. maybe next time...

peace! :)
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I made another decent one, if interested. More uplifting in a sense.

Enjoy :)

there's a theory that goes "there's no such thing as writer's block". a google search will bring up a lot of hits, but here's a good one:
hey, good lookin on the link. didn't think of that before but i do dig what it says and can def relate. tis something to keep in mind. i have brian eno's ObliqueStrategies/ fav'd and was thinking of aquiring the ableton book on producing. can't hurt.

A track me and a friend made:

A cover/remix we made of Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams

Feedback is welcome.


And a brand new song:

Electro Jar - I Know Human Being And Fish Can Coexist Peacefully
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(Sorry for the double post,it seems like I hit Quote instead of Edit, and now the forum won't let me Delete it)
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Here's a drum n bass track I wrote.
It's a super long mix and will probably be edited more. I just mastered it and am moving on to other work. I need some like minded heads to collaborate with and bounce ideas off of so if any of u guys check this out and think u might be into similar shit I'd love to hear what u put down.
Artist Portfolio - Newport News

This is my work, I have dedicated the last year to developing my sound, techniques, and arsenal. I hope you enjoy, let me know if you want a download link for any of these.


First up is Memetic Transmission:

This project was played and recorded on my patio, where I spend a great deal of my time. Intended to promote relaxation, while sharing a bit of my own thought process with the world. This was my first audio project since high school, and production is rough around the edges, so please bear that in mind.