The perfect organisation


Nov 9, 1999
I was wondering, when you roll, how do you plan your evening so it will feel good all night long? I mean, let's say you go to a rave, that will last at least 8 hours:
- When would you drop your first bean? while waiting outside? when you get in? an hour after being inside?
- When would you drop the second one? or maybe a half? would you wait for the first one to come down? Or would you better drop at the peak?
- Then??
Myself, I would drop after first taking some time to feel the vibes (You don't want to start rolling when everybody else is still don't want to be the only one sober when the music is getting so good)

Then I like to drop one half 1 1/2 hour after the first one and then maybe another 1/2 or 1 an hour later..
Then I would smoke some weed in the morning (I love it, makes your roll so great..)
So, tell me...
[This message has been edited by ManiE (edited 10 December 1999).]
Its all just one big adventure to me, no plans at all, what happens happens......
"The spice extends life; the spice expands conciousness;the spice is vital to space travel"
Wassup Manie? I have done this whole "plan" thing numerous different ways.
1> Take the roll b4 the club and walk in rolling. Then take another as soon as I am in and dancing. Smoke weed on the comedown.
This is good but you find yourself out of seratonin way too early in the night.
2> Take first roll after getting into the club. Wait an hour and take another one. Smoke weed in the morn. Again, out of seratonin way too early.
3> Go into the club/rave knowing you are not going to take your first roll till around three or four AM. Take your next roll about an hour after the first. Go to your favorite afterhours and have a great time. Then smoke weed on the way home (this method proves to kick my face in, especially after the weed, totally cracked the fuck out, in the best way possible)
I have found that #3 works the best. I go into the club, w/ rolls of course, and get all hyped up off of all of the other rollers. You WILL find that when you are surrounded by other rollin happy loving people it tends to rub off on you big time. I have had my happiest moments in my life sober at the club. Kinda makes you wonder about rollin anymore (Yeah, right!). no way am I quitting rolling, not for a long time anyway. But lets get back down the tangent I went off on. It is all about YOU, what is best for YOU. Experiment w/ a bunch of different ways until you hit that one method that just blows your doors off! But I like going to the club or rave and just totally feeding off of other peoples rolls, and it IS sooooo easy, you almost can't help it. And feeling that happy when you aren't on any drugs is really, really, really rewarding. I mean to know that that level of happiness is attainable is a really big hurdle for someone to get over (at least for me it is a great hurdle to get over). Don't go in there thinking about just do it *USE THE FORCE, MANIE*! Try it and let me know how you like it. Happy rolling!
well... it all depends on how certain you are about rolling.
usualy, I'll see if the music and vibe is allright before I take my roll. If I'm sure that everything will be fine, I'll even take the pill in the car 1/2 hour before reaching the location, and then start rolling like crazy the second I enter the rave.
Thestepper69 is right - take a couple of joints for the comedown...
I agree with you, Billy bad ass :), I like #3 better, my only concern being that I don't want to be the only one still rolling in the morning when everybody else is coming down... I think that in a rave or a club, everybody should drop at the same time. Hundreds of people getting high at the exact same time...