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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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Thanks. Insurance paid (free oxy), is the best kind too.

I usually do have a field day on insurance oxy. But this time I need to get my tolerance down. 2 40s chewed doesn't rock my socks anymore. That's always a sign for me to slow down.

Gonna be taking em whole - not chewed or sniffed.
Idaknow...I don't share your enthusiasm. To each is own. IMO, this behavior is the very thing that prevents some CPPs from getting the medical help they desperately need. I think it's distasteful, to say the least, to post pics of your DOC. Call me old school, but I throw the BS flag on that move. This isn't the thread for advertisement, whatever the motive. I think it's insensitive, but I'm not the boss of you or anyone else.

There are folks on this specific thread who are in PAIN, yet cannot get a doctor to even schedule an appointment. There are folks like me, who have soldiered through a lifetime of pain, avoiding opiates like the plague.

Yet, at 53 I could no longer "soldier" without some help through chemistry. Even upon enrolling in PM, I am constantly lectured in regard to the rampant use/abuse/diversion of scripts. I am told by my doctor "Take the Oxycodone, but I can't write for 4xday. It will attract the DEA".

SO...Common sense tells me "Don't start this stuff if I'm only going to need more as time goes by". It didn't touch my pain from day one. Neither did MS Contin or Fentanyl...but again, to each his own. I am looking for PAIN RELIEF, but not through mega doses of a highly abused opiate that (for me) is not sustainable. I don't see this ending well for me. Sadly, I don't for you either, whether you realize it or not.
RTP I'm very sorry about your dad, prayers for you and your family.

This may be slightly off topic, but if I have a toothache and take gabapentin, it goes away. Nerve pain?

On topic: As far as PM for those with neuropathy, fibromyalgia, etc. Do meds like pregabalin and gabapentin help that much? An elderly friend of mine has diabetic neuropathy and was prescribed 300mg gabapentin 3x a day but she said it doesn't help much at all. Would she need a higher dose? Something stronger like pregabalin? I'm thinking she needs Lyrica since the pain is severe. Thoughts?
Idaknow...I don't share your enthusiasm. To each is own. IMO, this behavior is the very thing that prevents some CPPs from getting the medical help they desperately need. I think it's distasteful, to say the least, to post pics of your DOC. Call me old school, but I throw the BS flag on that move. This isn't the thread for advertisement, whatever the motive. I think it's insensitive, but I'm not the boss of you or anyone else.

There are folks on this specific thread who are in PAIN, yet cannot get a doctor to even schedule an appointment. There are folks like me, who have soldiered through a lifetime of pain, avoiding opiates like the plague.

Yet, at 53 I could no longer "soldier" without some help through chemistry. Even upon enrolling in PM, I am constantly lectured in regard to the rampant use/abuse/diversion of scripts. I am told by my doctor "Take the Oxycodone, but I can't write for 4xday. It will attract the DEA".

SO...Common sense tells me "Don't start this stuff if I'm only going to need more as time goes by". It didn't touch my pain from day one. Neither did MS Contin or Fentanyl...but again, to each his own. I am looking for PAIN RELIEF, but not through mega doses of a highly abused opiate that (for me) is not sustainable. I don't see this ending well for me. Sadly, I don't for you either, whether you realize it or not.

i get em every month. I have for 5 years. never picked up a needle. not some junkie here, it's not my DOC, i have the pathology to justify it. there is no enthusiasm.... i was just stoked my insurance paid - they usually don't when I'm a few days early. only posted pic here cos had the link copied as I was showing it to some other people somewhere else.

i can see your resentment/jealousy shining through despite what you may say though... Theres quite a bit I could say to hurt you based on what you've posted but I won't.

will remove it if the consensus is that it's inappropriate but I feel people might be interested what foreign oxycontin looks like. hell i don't even mind not posting in this thread at all.

OT: my shoulder was killing me this eve (through a ball for my dog to fetch a few times, didn't feel the pain cos of the oxy, it wearing off and I feel it now strongly. Another reason why I am starting to take less now, can't feel what damage i am doing to it when I have taken too much.

despite what some poster said I don't have the luxury of surgical intervention. My ball and socket was shattered and I am ineligible for a shoulder replacement atm, so it is makeshift held together with screws and plates at the moment , op was done last year and is redone every 2 years until I am a candidate for a shoulder replacement.
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SP...Tooth pain "could be" caused by nerve, but I'd suggest you see your dentist before self-medicating w/Gabapentin. Sadly, ask 15 different folks their feelings about effectiveness of Gabapentin...You'll get 15 widely varying opinions. It's such an individual thing. My mom (89) was at one point prescribed 2400 mg per day. She wasn't even getting out of her bed at the nursing home. In her case, she was already overmedicated, so we saw significant cognizant improvement when her dose was drastically lowered.

I personally was prescribed Neurontin 10 years ago, titrated up to 600 x 6 per day (by my Neurologist). I couldn't find my ass with a flashlight in both hands, which was not "ok" with me. I questioned why I needed the higher doses when the small dose seemed more helpful. My Neuro told me not to "ask questions" but "follow orders". No thanks, instead I tapered myself downward and eventually OFF.

Last year, upon diagnosis of SHINGLES in my eye (called suicide disease) I was forced to start low dosage once again. It was a lifesaver for the PHN. I refuse to titrate higher than 300 mg x 3 day. Many times I don't "feel" that it helps. But as the saying goes...My body debates that feeling when I miss a dose.

Whosa...I said nothing with intent to "hurt you" whether you believe that or not. I believe you when you say your use of Oxy started when you suffered a severe traumatic injury. You are very defensive, but as you stated in earlier posts on this thread..."you get grumpy on meds" (not a direct quote). I'm not judging you or anyone else. I do question your thought process/justification of pic.

No, I can assure you that I am not "jelly" of your script. Like I said, I have bottles of the stuff, prescribed by PM. Most I had the pharm techs "split" in half so I could keep dosage at a minimum. Even then, I saw early on that the slight mood lift/perception change of the Oxy was far outweighed by the rebound pain FOR ME. I don't post pics of those bottles of pills or plethora of other opiates that I was forced to "trial". Like I said, I'm old school. I don't eat in front of others who have no food.

I came to BL to get others' opinions on Oxy IR for pain relief. My time here has basically confirmed my fear. It seems that "most" if not all who started this med for legit pain (you included IMO) quickly ramped to mega doses. Some had to turn to the streets, when doctors refused to script increases. Some could not (or would not) so they had to go CT or jump to an even more dangerous street drug for pain relief. That makes me sad, not "resentful or jealous". It also makes me grateful that I didn't listen to my batshit crazy PM doctor who changes with the wind.

I saw within the first couple of doses, being opiate naïve, "WOW...This shit makes me feel like SUPERWOMAN". Then it quickly wore off and I felt like super shit again. Yes, like you...over-activity during my medicated state caused more pain when Oxy wore off. Instead of increasing dose, I ask for 4 hour vs. 6 hour intervals. My PM would only go to 100 per month OR increase mg to 30 each. No thanks...I can see where that leads.

Currently, I'm researching MMJ for pain relief, though it doesn't look promising. I'm not one to "recommend" surgery to anyone. That's a personal choice which can often result in added pain and suffering.

I am very familiar with your type of shoulder injury, as my mom had the same resulting from trauma at age 79. It is horrifically painful, and her age made her a non-candidate for replacement. You are a young man, so YOUTH would be on your side. Shoulder shatter-breaks complicate replacements, but success is possible. Truth is, even with successful joint replacement and adequate intensive physical rehab, you'll probably ALWAYS have some level of discomfort. But at least...you wouldn't be on mega doses of Oxy.

I've read your posts on other threads. Underneath that bravado beats a kind and loving heart. I realized that when you rescued your dog and struggled with "leaving her outdoors vs. allowing her to sleep inside". I can see that you struggle with pain, perception and persona. My BS flag remains on the turf for review of your "reasons" for posting pill pics...I'm just sayin'
Cool lol. Thanks for the compliment.

Stay away from oxy if you can imo. It's just too damn addictive.

Although it's a miracle drug for post operative severe, severe pain tho - made last years op okay and the rehab from it bearable, if I had just had tramadol it would have been a diff story. there are others that get the job done truth be told once the few weeks of severe pain after the op has passed and it's more moderate to moderate/severe. Just seems a bit futile getting completely off it cos Imma HAVE to be on it for weeks next year when it gets redone.

So getting to a much lower dose is my goal for now. Have managed before with a lot of discomfort.
Hey all-
I've been waiting patiently for my methadone to arrive in the mail...Weird, 'cause of all the triplicate shit the USA is forcing now. Then the pharmacy mailed them..? WTFuckever.
I'm on Butrans patch. Will the bupenorphene displace the methadone ('done is much higher dose)? Will I experience any precipitated w/drawl, or any other adverse effects if I just start eating the 'done after pulling off the patch?

Many thanks, was in too much of a clusterfuck of pain/anxiety/aggravation/hurry to ask the pharmacist...Ya'all invaluable.
whosa I agree with dixi about this probably isn't the right thread to post that but having said that I've done a few inappropriate posts myself so who am I to judge.I am a former IV heroin user(serious junky) and must say it doesn't take a needle to make a junkie (not saying you are a junky I'm just stating). I have to have my wife lock my oxys up because I don't trust myself(neither dose she lol).
Anyway I digress, I can't get my dumb doctor to sign off on a referral for pm. He(my doctor) won't make me an appt until I get a pm and I can't get a pm until he faxes a referral. I run out of my oxys next fri and am starting to get pissed. My doctor has been writing my scripts for 4 years and he wants me on pain management( I understand DEA are crackin down) . The last doctor he referred me to got busted for Medicaid fraud the day before my appt and I get the feeling they are laying blame on me for not having pm doc yet.I'm very frustrated!

SuicidalNod The withdrawal works in reverse ,going from meth to bupe. Having said that it might take few days before you get any relief from your methadone until the bupe clears your system
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Will do. :| Loved your dog pic w/pork chop in paws! Dogs are the most effective AD out there IMO! Our Dalmatian just makes me smile when I feel more like bawling my eyes out! Her sissy Dal died in July. So sad.

I fell on the rocks around our pond/waterfall this past weekend, jamming my already fucked tailbone and sprained my wrist. I limped outside today w/brace and ice in tow...looking for something "positive". My Dal eagerly stretched out on the swing with me...then proceeded to take it ALL for herself. I relocated to the deck. She remained sleeping on the swing for over an hour.

My "rescue" black kitty freaked me TF out this morning. I almost fell off the front porch, FML. She came up for breakfast with a lizard (yep). The damn lizard (normally green or brown) was JET BLACK like her, because it was her "pork chop". It got loose and ran toward my crippled ass...I yelped and tried to dodge it, almost falling off the 3 ft high porch. Whew! I saved myself, but the lizard couldn't do the same. BOO KITTY pounced again...C-R-U-N-C-H, but thankfully only from the lizard's bones (not mine).

For all you cyber siblings in pain, "managed" or otherwise...I hope you find some solace tonight and maybe something to laugh at...if only yourself! Peace.
Saw my doc for my MJ script yesterday. I'm government registered and will be ordering my first batch later today. I'm still clueless on what to order. This is what the supplier has to say;

THC is responsible for the “high” felt from cannabis. Research has connected it to the immune system regulating, anti- inflammatory, and pain relieving properties of medical marijuana.

CBD has been connected to the anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, anti-nausea, anti-anxiety, and muscle relaxing functions of medical marijuana.

Their available strengths are in % amounts and are THC - CBD:


Any CP people have experience with this type of MJ scale? I think I'll post in the cannabis forum as well, but I love this thread and the honesty in it. I have not even had a sniff of weed for probably 10 years, and from some basic internet research I see that this med MJ is crazy powerful compared to the "ganja" we toyed with 30 years ago in high school and college.

For info, my base medical diagnosis is; Severe, chronic, post-traumatic thoracic back pain.

The herb is variable more than just about any medicine, but the safest, easiest to titrate medication known. Sooo happy you are getting access to good medicine. Finally.
For back pain, MMj naive persons, I would suggest the 4-10% THC-CBD.
I also suggest you pick up something that can knock you on yer ass, like the 15-5%. Getting up in to the 20%+ range of THC is where hash used to be in the early 90's; that nice dark brown forien hash, that looked like chocolate, classic smell stuff.
You're going to want the CBD for inflation, nausea, nerve pain. The THC is for the stone, so you can sit comfortably, walk, maybe even sleep a solid 6hrs like you used to. THC can have a psychedelic effect for people, and that can be uncomfortable at 1st (thus titration up), and interfere w/ sleep, and make a person want to shitcan the whole idea. Be careful w/ anything over 12%, as 1-3 puffs can get you looped for hours, and is not always comfortable for social situations, or if you need any sort of use out of your brain.
I suggest going to a collective, or whatev you Canooks call legal weed dealers, and talking w/ the phar.st, getting a few different buds recommended, & u like the smell of.
The herb is variable more than just about any medicine, but the safest, easiest to titrate medication known. Sooo happy you are getting access to good medicine. Finally.
For back pain, MMj naive persons, I would suggest the 4-10% THC-CBD.
I also suggest you pick up something that can knock you on yer ass, like the 15-5%. Getting up in to the 20%+ range of THC is where hash used to be in the early 90's; that nice dark brown forien hash, that looked like chocolate, classic smell stuff.
You're going to want the CBD for inflation, nausea, nerve pain. The THC is for the stone, so you can sit comfortably, walk, maybe even sleep a solid 6hrs like you used to. THC can have a psychedelic effect for people, and that can be uncomfortable at 1st (thus titration up), and interfere w/ sleep, and make a person want to shitcan the whole idea. Be careful w/ anything over 12%, as 1-3 puffs can get you looped for hours, and is not always comfortable for social situations, or if you need any sort of use out of your brain.
I suggest going to a collective, or whatev you Canooks call legal weed dealers, and talking w/ the phar.st, getting a few different buds recommended, & u like the smell of.

So I placed my order today. I went with some 4:10 9:9 17:1 (That's THC:CBD % concentrations). I really hope to have it by the weekend. I will absolutely post a mini pain journal/report. I ordered small amounts as I really want to be sure it works before investing too much $$. My supplier only has dried herb right now, but will have injestible oils available next month.

Thanks for the info.:)
:) Shain...I'm very interested in your results with MMJ...not only pain relief, but functionality.

It's refreshing to see that you have this available to you as an option in PM. It's a crying shame that we ALL don't have that option.

I'm very hopeful that this will be the answer for you. I must admit I'm personally vested in your outcome. I want to try the ingestible oils or elixers for pain, but know little about what I'd need to try. Of course, I'd need access to product...that's a BIGGIE.

Be safe and keep us posted, okay?
Dixi, I'm guessing you live in a bit of a non-progressive state. I'm very appreciative that Canada is moving forward with MMJ accessibility and research. Of course, people are already abusing the system and it's going to be a rough ride just like opiate meds. I'm crossing my fingers that it does help without messing me up too badly. My brother is a user, and previously when I've sampled with him it has turned me into a turnip.
I just found this do no harm petition that pain patients that are having trouble finding doctors and getting their medicines are filling out http://www.petition2congress.com/52...ets-physicians-who-treat-their-patients/view/. I urge anyone that lives in the U.S. and is having these issues should at least take a look at this and decide if you should sign it. It's very easy all done electronically and they send duplicates to your state reps and Obama all by the click of one button. I did it,not sure it will do any good but it can't hurt!
It's me again...Anybody around today? Misery loves company, indeed I am fucking MISERABLE in pain. There's something serious happening in my left side front to back. It feels like a deep bruise amped x 100, sore to the touch...I cry out when I move.

My husband wants me to go to the ER, but I don't want to.

I fell hard on huge rocks around our pond last weekend. I described my injuries in ^^prior posts on this thread. I refused to go to the ER then, too. Truth is...I needed medical attention, xrays and scans with my brittle ass bones. I just didn't want to go through the horse shit that is our "healthcare" system again via ER. I know that I fell against the rocks on that side of my body, but this pain is more "inside" as though an organ is distended or about to rupture.

Before y'all FREAK and say "get to the ER you dumb bitch"...My left side has a long-standing issue (anatomically mutated) that causes flares of unbearable pain. My left kidney is sub-rotated, and referred to as "pelvic kidney". My left descending colon is "crimped" like a water hose (yep). I'm thinking the CRIPPLING CONSTIPATION has distended that section, possibly near-obstruction, where feces can't get through. I was hurting so badly last night I had to exit bed (howling) and sit up all night. I told my husband I was okay this morning, so he wouldn't panic and force me to go to ER.

I'm taking daily regimen of Miralax and Senna, but added Dulcolax again last night, praying for bowel movement by this morning. My bowels have moved (twice) but pain in my side is still there. I've taken Toradol for inflammation, and have heat on my left quadrant front and back.

I feel like I need an ultrasound of the area, to be certain the pain isn't spleen-related. I simply cannot "stomach" the idea of dealing with the idiots who believe themselves to be gods in white coats. They are clueless at our local rural hospital. Believe me, I witness this time and time again, whether for my 89 yr. old mom, my husband whose BP spikes though on 5 meds to control it...and lastly for me.

I've gone in before with crippling kidney pain (left side again) begging for IV push Rocephin. I've been told "urine clear, no infection" and "it would be mal-practice to prescribe antibiotics without justification. I demanded "culture", but the jerk off refused antibiotics until results. Within 24 hours, I'm back at ER with positive culture about to go septic in my blood stream. I not only got the IV push of Roc, but had to complete 30 day cycle of oral Rocephin. I have "rage issues" with incompetency amongst the medical profession. So I'm going to wait this out a little longer...and obviously BITCH and rant in the meantime.

:! WHY AM I BABBLING? Who gives a fuck, huh? No one should bring this much WHINE, without cheese and fruit and crusty bread. Sorry folks. I just need a break that doesn't involve my bones!
Hey guys hope all you have had low pain days!! Well I want to start Firstly marijuana is illegal in the south parts of africa where im at but luckily lax policing makes getting the stuff easy and cheap its a dollar over here for a good 5times of smoking(joints self rolled)

So after trolling the web about how amazing mj is for pain I thought id give it a try? Now this weed not being prescribed to me aswell as no way of obtaining it legally through a pharmaceutical company or being able to grade the strength of the mj as above posters have discussed. How much do the average pain management person smoke joint wise per day for instance? And then most importantly is there a real difference in medical or street obtained marijuana? I've thought of puchasing seeds online but im kinda stupid to this are certain strains of mj better for pain perse.. Or is it all the same thing? Cause as you all know that living in pain is hectic and if I can reduce my pain even by a margin im in!! Also does it bring down daily morphine usage?

As I say the chips are down im just playing the hand ive been dealt here.. Any advice will be appreciated stef..
If you have serious pain rather go to the er... You know I had to say that!! On the other hand im a hard ass too. So take some more toradol and lie down and see if you feel better.. If you don't..

Well then suck it up and go. As you may even have fractured something hey?...
Hey guys hope all you have had low pain days!! Well I want to start Firstly marijuana is illegal in the south parts of africa where im at but luckily lax policing makes getting the stuff easy and cheap its a dollar over here for a good 5times of smoking(joints self rolled)

So after trolling the web about how amazing mj is for pain I thought id give it a try? Now this weed not being prescribed to me aswell as no way of obtaining it legally through a pharmaceutical company or being able to grade the strength of the mj as above posters have discussed. How much do the average pain management person smoke joint wise per day for instance? And then most importantly is there a real difference in medical or street obtained marijuana? I've thought of puchasing seeds online but im kinda stupid to this are certain strains of mj better for pain perse.. Or is it all the same thing? Cause as you all know that living in pain is hectic and if I can reduce my pain even by a margin im in!! Also does it bring down daily morphine usage?

As I say the chips are down im just playing the hand ive been dealt here.. Any advice will be appreciated stef..

In the Americas, where legal, we have the luxury of having the cannabis lab tested for THC/CBD percentile, as well as for forien chemicals and pollutants, like molds, fungus & mildew, as well as pesticides. Besides that, the strains do have a lot to do w/ medical quality personally, per patient, because of the subtle terpniods that are certainly active, yet uncharted territory for medical science- thus the importance of consistency of named strains.
As for you, I would say MJ is rather benign as far as "hurting" you if overindulged...Give it a go. If you have space to grow, obtaining medical seed would be best, as you would have complete control over pesticides used and fertilizer choices. Growing is not easy, and takes many seasons of patient understanding of horticulture to grow the powerful med. strains we have available in the US and Canada. But, You Can Do It!
Having problems posting...Bear with me. :!

Gonna try this...Fingers crossed!

Hey Y'all...THANK YOU! I'm feeling SO VERY ALONE. Yes, I said that out loud. I can't say that IRL. I get "donkey laughs" and "lonely? I wish I could be alone". They don't have a clue, nor will I give them one. Only my husband sees the REAL ME, not the professional public persona I present.

Stef...I'm thinking my pancreas is ANGRY. I bruised and battered that whole side of my body. The Toradol is helping along with the pain meds, but I know what they'll do to my guts. Can't win for losing...FUCK, I don't need to win...I'd just like to be allowed to "play" from time to time. Truth be told, I've needed hospitalization for IV fluids for longer than I can remember. If my lifelong doctor (delivered me) were still alive, he'd have open orders for "admit as needed" for dehydration/starvation ketosis. These young buck mofos can't bother to look up from their phones.

Folks...The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Just call me DixiChickenLittle! I hate to be negative, but we are major league fucked for healthcare. Rant over for now.

Shain and Stef...Yea, I'm deep in the heart of Dixie, surrounded by illicit drug use...but denied essential avenues to fight CP. I would circumvent the powers that be, if I had a compassionate friend. My sweet hubby says "Let's move across country where you can have access to WTFever might help your pain". He's suggested selling our home/land, pulling up stakes and heading WEST.

I'm open to a change of scenery though "moving" is rather extreme at our age. We've always regretted remaining here after we graduated Ole Miss. We could have relocated anywhere then, and found success with our careers. YOUTH and IGNORANCE kept us "home".

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of my Southern heritage. I resent the incest/shine swillin'/uneducated schmuk we endure. We love Dixie. We love our SEC football and our REBELS! And hey...What's wrong with sharing some Apple Pie shine once in a while? I can get access to your everyday, run of the mill weed to smoke. I tried it, but didn't like the method.

Shain...I LOVE the "turnip" description. Me, too. :| I'm feeling more hopeful as I will live vicariously through your experience with MMJ. It will take some trial and error, but hopefully you will find the right mix...maybe feel like the pepper sauce to top off that "turnip" feeling. I, too MUST function at a high level of mental clarity, both professionally and personally. MUCH is expected (demanded) of me. There's no QUIT here. As I said, I'm listening to your experience with MMJ.

namnoc...Done and Done, my brotha from another motha. We've signed any and all PETITIONS regarding legalization of MJ in MS, and have written more letters (yep) to the powers that be.

We advocate not only for CPPs, but also for my "senior peeps" (75+). I can get ape-shit dander up when it comes to the mistreatment of our SENIOR generation. I put boots on ground where others keep asses in chair...

God, please grant me the opportunity to try sublingual MMJ...I can do great things with only a dab of pain relief. Yea, He has a sense of humor. Look at my relatives!

It's for better or forget it for me. I see how this ends for all of us, every time I walk through the nursing home. Most of those folks are existing in the perpetual reality of "Walking Dead". I do EVERYTHING I CAN to bring a smile to their faces (except my mom). She thrives on her evil ways...always has. BTW...I chuckle this time of year when I hang the door décor for her room. The sign inside the fluffy Fall wreath reads FREE BROOM RIDES HERE--->

=D Thank y'all for typing to me. I appreciate it more than you know. Though my body is wrecked, my spirit wishes we could all gather round our fire pit out back, roast some hot dogs w/sauerkraut (optional) and make some s'mores while we laugh and talk and share some local made shine. Laughter is such a fine medicine. It requires no PM docs, no contracts or refills and definitely no DEA oversight!

I cannot get this to post, no matter how I try! Oh, Hey now SN...I need the luxury to "give it a go!" just no access. Wanna bring some Dixie Dew Drops to the bonfire?
Ey dixi sounds like your in a real pickle hey??! Damn id just move and get it over with! Or go on a "hospital" vacation in another state or country if you are able to afford it? Or sell the home and move somewhere you get help!? Its a real hard one .. But why oh why suffer if you dont need to? Best of luck!! Thanks for the reply on the mj. Appreciate. As for the pancreas? Anything is possible? Good luck Dixie
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