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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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Hey Dixi, yeah, my dr had been to a conference about it and asked me to read up.

I don't take any ADs, I just feel my dopamine & serotonin could do with a boost & I've never felt any benefit from ssri's or snri's.

You mention Its good for fibro, which I don't have but it's actual meaning is just "widespread musculoskeletal pain" which I certainly do have!!

Closeau, I feel for you too, losing a parent is very difficult for anyone to understand if it hasn't yet happened to them. I lost my dad two mths ago quite suddenly & was totally unprepared for it.

I'm thirtyish, & none of my friends have had that feeling of loss yet,- I guess the natural order is when they're really getting up there in age, 80+ nowadays ppl are more likely to try to understand they will lose their loved one possibly sooner than later.

Less pain & good mojo to all ❤️

You make sense CfZrx regarding methadone, if I don't see any improvement in my pain or ability to cope with it I just might chase down the Methadone. Shame I don't have these contacts anymore, I would like to try methadone before I sign up and admit (once again) that I am a junkie scum bag who abuses any meds I get and needs methadone to live life. Not lucky enough to be struck down by lightning. Cruel cruel world.

Yeah, as per our conversation the other day RTP, 5-HTP was something I used briefly back in 2009, I remember the year cos the friend who sent a bunch of it to me died of a brain tumour, the poor darling left a 6 year old daughter behind, it was tragic.......anyway.......The main thing I noticed was I would wake up feeling great, refreshed and full of life! A far cry from me these days. It wasn't like I was high, there was no "push to euphoria" or anything like that, just a subtle "Gee I feel good, everything is fine with the world".

I doubt it would be noticeable now with all the drugs bouncing around in my system, 200mgs of oxycodone feels like paracetamol (APAP), I need 90mgs of oxazapam to take the edge off, or 20mgs of Valium and I really don't take benzos very often at all. Trying to calm my anxiety down this evening after work was a desperate attempt - 120mgs oxycodone, 5 standard Rum 'n' Cokes to wash down 600mgs Lyrica, 30mgs oxazapam (all i had left) and I stupidly thought oh fuck it and snorted 40mgs of oxycodone (which with my tolerance was a waste of nasal mucous) - and I'm still on edge. I'd catch a bullet but the Government here took our guns away rightly or wrongly........... FUCK!!!!!!!!

Fucking fast metabolism has always had me take more drugs than all my mates ever have to. If only there was some cure for tolerance apart from abstinence (dirty word it is). Still got my job thanks to drugs, thanks to drugs I can't quit my job.
Well, my mom (my literal mother, not swimming here) has been in a lot of constant pain for a while now, specifically in her back. On her record, it shows she is a cocaine/heroin user (not anymore) because she had gone to give labs and it came up in her results. Because of this, her PCP constantly tells her that she is addicted to opiates. (He also tells me that I'm addicted to benzos, as my mom & I share the same doctor)
Anyways, he tried putting her on ridiculous medications such as Flexeril, Tizanidine, SOMA, etc. Of course these didn't work.
My mom finally went in to get x-rays and they discovered she had osteoporosis. This prompted her PCP to prescribe her 7.5mg Hydrocodone. Well, one of my "friends" decided to steal my mom's script which had 70 pills left.
After filing a police report, my mom's PCP prescribed her 7.5mg Oxycodone so her insurance would cover it.
Her back is feeling great after getting the hydro & oxy. Will she keep getting a prescription for it if it's working despite her record?
This is the only medicine keeping her pain-free.
Thanks for the kind words. I'm having a rough day and really need to talk to my mom and it hit me she's not here. I think the shock is wearing off and it's hitting me. I've been real good not to isolate and stuff but This weekend I'm turning into a hermit. Just a couple days crying under my blanket. My anxiety is up today cause of various things and so my pain is worse than normal. I'll deal with it. Gotta do what I gotta do. Thanks again for y'all's support!!!
So sorry to hear your troubles! I can't imagine how you must feel. Medicine is a tricky thing. It can either hurt or help. In your case it's hurting. I'm on 11 different meds a day but they all do their job. Sometimes I want off pain meds bc of addiction and I would rather just smoke weed but in my state it's one or the other. Last month I thought I had opiod induced hyperalgesia. It's basically when you have opposite reaction to meds and become over sensitive to pain. So my dr and I started the taper down. If I had it my pain should have felt the same but when my dose was dropped the pain was unbearable. I still want off one day. I don't wanna take pain meds all life. I love weed and miss it. You should try the hash oil. I've had some but not medical grade and enjoyed it a lot. Couldn't hurt. Why are you on pain meds to begin with. I forgot. I wish you could relieve your pain in some way. I think you should go out with friends. It sounds like you're in a very dark place. Isolation will just make it worse. I hate to hear you're cutting. That's so scary and dangerous. Basically I have no advice for you but I empathize with your situation and I will pray for you. PM me anytime you want and you can vent to me. Like I said, try to get out of house and try that hash. What you're doing is gonna suck Withdrawl wise but you'll be off soon. Good luck to you and please be careful!
^Shroomy, as Closeau just said, medications can be a double edged sword. I recall a dr telling me that very early on with my pain issues.

If you seriously want to get off opioids (& other meds), hopefully your mates & girlfriend will carry you.

As someone who used to go through withdrawl regularly, it's much easier with people who care about you around. Just to distract you, take you for a drive, help you find some foods you can stomach when you're feeling rough, & just generally be a shoulder to lean on.

Helps immensely!

Good luck

@cannabliss, sorry no ones replied as yet. Yes, your mum should still be able to get her scripts with the police report.

I had some meds "go missing" when a relative thought I was on addictive meds, apparently out of concern. Which I was, but it was none of their bizz. I filed a police report & as long as my dr had that on her file all was fine.

Assholes do steal meds to get high, drs know this. As long as the police have written a report & your dr has a copy, all should be cool.

I was going to pm but fired them,my pcp has taken over the unfortunate job of my chronic pain.L-1,L-2,L3,collapsed,L4 herniated bulging.I was on 100mg ir oxy,now on 40mg ir oxy and i run out two weeks early the last three times.He says this is all he can do for me,is this true?Does anyone know the limit of the dose or amount of narcotic meds a non pm doc can write?Before I get all the take them as prescribed and don't run out bullshit,I already know that and understand that,my problem is I would rather function for half the month than be in discomfort the whole month.I am getting quite good at withdrawing,sad in itself.I would like to know the maximum anyone's pcp is prescribing so I know whether to call my doctor out.This life I'm living is getting to be too fucking much for me to continue like this,I am sick of it all.I am tired of it all,there's nothing that brings any enjoyment to it,nothing at all.It's hard as hell to look forward to anything when you know withdrawl is coming sooner or later.I am sorry to vent,I just can't concern anyone in this life with these problems,it's my fault and I own that shit always have.
Sorry for all the troubles you're having. Seems to me you "need" to get back with another PM group one way or another. They are typically more "comfortable" with prescribing pain meds to pain patients in the quantity they actually need. PCP's don't have any sort of legal limit as far as I know, it's just that they are not "comfortable" prescribing the level you were at or on a continuing basis. It's not what they typically do in their practice and if anyone were to look (i.e. DEA poking around), your scripts would stick out like a sore thumb. I have heard of PCP's temporarily taking over a pain patient's needs until they can find a new PMC. However, long term continued scripts is not what they're in practice to provide. Please make an effort to secure a new PMC so you don't have to go through these ups and downs with your meds each month. That can't be doing you any good physically or mentally!
^^ there is no limit to what a dr can write scripts for, particularly, ironically, when a PM is involved in your care.

The ironic part is whether you go to a private clinic or a public group session, PM drs nowadays would rather you take zero opiates for chronic pain & instead undertake multidisciplinary options instead.

I agree. Mine told me they have to cut back on narc scripts. Probably BS. If what they say is true the DEA is cracking down.
I know that the DEA cracked down on my pain clinic a couple years ago. My pain clinic is under the umbrella of clinics from the main hospital here which happens to be one of the best hospitals in the country. It's funny, they were in an old building years back when I first went and they would pretty much give you whatever and made it very easy to Dr shop cause they didn't keep track. Then all the sudden everything changed.. They moved into a new beautiful building and were strict as hell. They got a new Dr in charge. I've seen him once and it was like 2 hrs and he was like shrinking me. He mentioned at end of session he's also a phyciatrist. I see him in Jan. Now I just see a PA and she's really cool and has worked with me changing meds and even overlooking some THC once but if you're new it takes forever to get in and they don't give meds first couple visits. Basically you better have a dam good reason to be on pain meds and be able to prove it. I'm lucky cause all my surgeries and ER visits are at hospital so I'm in the system. They have biofeedback there and I had to go to initial session and I didn't go back. May be helpful to others but not good for my intense pain. Breathing a certain way and yoga are not gonna help my pain. I actually go Wed. They pee test every month and their tests are very very in depth. I have a thing from hospital called MyChart and I can see appts and message my providers and see test results. I see my pee tests on there and it's like 2 pages of shit they check for. My last test showed Oxy I had been prescribed earlier and made me naucous so she switched me mid month and I took 30mg of oxy one night when I was really hurting with my Dilaudid 9 days before test and that shit showed so I'm a little nervous about that cause I was supposed to stop oxy day I picked up Dilaudid script so she's gonna do the math and know. I'll admit to it. I'm very honest with her that's why she's forgiving I think. Like the times I've smoked a little weed, I tell her I did instead of keeping quiet and her seeing it in my pee so we'll see Wed. I think I'm good. I don't know what other pain clinics are like and I'm sure some are sketchy but that would still be my advice. PCP's are really conservative now with opiates. Back in 2009 when I got my blood clots they were giving me my pain meds at my PCP clinic and I would run out and go in there with every exuse in book and they'd always hook me up then I guess DEA cracked down on them cause before I got back in pain clinic ( I was kicked out for a missed appt) I went there and was in a lot of pain and she gave me 30 5mg Oxys and I had to beg for that. Then my surgeon called pain clinic and got me back in. I feel bad for you cause I really got it good right now. Anyway, that's enough from me.
Has anyone heard of this- at the methadone clinic I went to (and will go back to probably because it at least provides relief for a while and I keep relapsing on subs) the nurse said after 6 months of clean urines and if the patient has a horrible back like mine they can be switched to pain management to get their methadone.
Yea, I take Zoloft. However, I think it's run its course for me. There has to be a more effective AD, somewhere out there!

There probably are better ones, in fact it is not uncommon to be taking more than one AD apparently so this may be worth exploring as I don't think you stand to lose anything Dixi, not with all your health issues. I'm possibly looking at this option too, take car DC.

So how are my pain pals? I haven't been paying enough attention to this thread lately so I've got some reading to do! Take care folks.
hey guys/gals,

I am in some.. well, pain. I was wondering if there is a pill I could take for that?

any help is greatly appreciated.

Sorry pal, no such thing as pill for pain. :p. Just an update guys I ended up going with the oxy over the done. Doc was concerned about my family heart history and arrhythmias. Gotta say the oxy is working pretty well. He gave me 15mg roxis 4x a day (I was surprised he actually gave me a semi decent dose) and I'm managing pretty well. Brand is Activis and they seem to last long contrary to my prior experience with ir oxy. So far so good!

And to the poster above if you're being serious my apologies, it seemed like joke /sarcastic question to me.
hey guys/gals,

I am in some.. well, pain. I was wondering if there is a pill I could take for that?

any help is greatly appreciated.


Not for you scumbag, you gave up the really good painkillers for subs, now ya need 4grams of oxy just to fix a headache like me. I consider myself a Junkie scumbag not to be confused with the member called junkiescumbag, you scumbag.

So Boston, how's life on subs man? No good for pain?
15mg x4 day is pretty decent. Glad its working out bud.

Thanks man. I'm actually surprised at the legs it has. Percs always wore off quick but these 15s last a good while and do the job. Hope you're doing okay. Sorry about your mom, can only imagine what it's like to lose a parent. Glad at least pain wise you seem to be good.
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