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The only downside I see to legalizing weed

burn out

Nov 11, 2006
I remember back in the day, when weed was weed. Every once in a while you'd get some really good buds but for the most part, the weed you smoked was pretty average. Now all of a sudden with these cannabis shops, every schmoe off the street suddenly has instant access to unlimited amounts of super potent cannabis extracts, edibles, and all different strains of freakishly strong buds. I know for me, this has lead to a drastic increase in smoking. I just wish they'd do with morphine what they've done with weed.
Even before cannabis was decriminalized or legalized in the United States I remember when high quality herb was available, and nobody wanted schwag, mids, or lower quality herb at all, and this was a good thing since you got better quality herb, and had to smoke less of it to get super high.
Oh it was out there, sure, but how many people had instant unlimited access to as much of whatever their favorite strain of crazy potent bud plus edibles plus super potent wax concentrates? Do you see my point? Before I got my med card I used to smoked weed 3-4 times per week. When I wanted weed I had to call up my buddy, drive a ways, buy my weed and then go back home. It was good weed usually, yes but it wasn't some insane 80% thc wax concentrate. Nowadays all I need to do is go down the street to the dispnesory and they will dispense the most ridiculously potent cannabis to me all day of the week. Do you now see where the problem lies? I just enjoy weed too much and having access to all these different types of such potent strains has turned me into a major stoner once again. I promised myself I had left this phase of my life behind when i was in college, but here I am 30 years old smoking weed all day every day again. I swear I didnt start doing this until the dispensory opened up. Their weed just be too good.

ANyway my point is marijuana used to be a schedule 1 drug . That means it is supposed to be very tightly controlled, which it was until all of a sudden it becomes medically legal.

My question is: Morphine is medically lega;l. but if I want to get morphine I need to go and get me a prescription, which ain't no easy task, no siree but not only that even if I do get the morphine its for a certaint amount only and only for one or two months max before I need go see my doc again see if he will even give me more and morphine ain't even a schedule one drug, it is schedule 2.

So why is it that when marijuana becomes legal, medically all of a sudden everyone and their mother can go get a cannabis card and then they can buy as much of the most strongest friggin cannabis products money can buy and bongs and pipes and even clones (if authorized to grow) for two whole years? I mean, the whole system is a joke. The doctor I went to was a doctor and a cannabis activist. He told me that as a "doctor" all he does is paperowrk, writings folks cannabis scripts.

Now why cant morphine be that way? Why cant I go down to the local opium shop and use my opium card to buy a big bottle of liquid morphine and some hypodermic needles to inject it with>? Dont get me wrong, I love weed even more than morphine but opiates is also one of my fav drugs i want to see legal and it bugs me that weed gets so muc more attention.
I looked after my father in law when he had cancer and they gave him oramorph and I enjoyed a few swigs while tending to him when he passed my brother in law poured it down the sink I was gutted watching it go down the plug hole
I can see a few downsides to legalization, but I would think most are only applicable to California. For one, you turn the sales over to the government which can be good for revenue, but bad for users as it's gonna be taxed like shit. My brother who moved to from Cali to Colorado about a year ago always bitches how he pays twice what he used to. People always rebuttle with "competition will drive prices down", and that very well may be the case and may be happening as we speak (It's not in my brothers area, but I can't speak for all legalized states), but has competition drove down the price of alcohol or cigarettes? I assume price will flatline and even start to rise as tax increases.

Another is that it's likely the smoking age will be raised to 21 years old (from California's any age, as long as children have parents approval). While this doesn't affect me it will affect many I know, and I think at 18 years old your more than responsible enough to handle purchasing and consuming pot. Something else that I fear is unwanted media attention on certain products. If full legalization is set in were gonna have parents bitching about how these products are "too strong for the children' and this will likely lead to restrictions on cannabis products...

Keep in mind this is coming from somewhere with probably the most crooked medical system in all of the US, where all it takes is 5 minutes to "discuss" a fake ailment with the equivalent of a doctor with a loose hand to get a recommendation to cheap, potent cannabis so what affects me may be a bit selfish to the rest of the country.

If medical can co-exist with legalization you would think that would solve things, but then again now the government will be in charge of this as well and the system won't be so "lenient". I should say I do have legitimate ailments to aquire cannabis, but I'd be lying if I said I don't think things are okay as of now (with the exception of DEA raids). As of now it is essentially legal over here only everything is in the hands of the people, and I prefer it stay that way...

With that said I don't think I could care any less about "the average joe" having access to potent cannabis though, good weed is always gonna be around and for almost the last decade good weed has been easier to find than stress/schwagg/brick whatever it's called in your location... and this trend is only growing. It's about time we stop buying piss weed from the cartels anyways, get that poop weed out of here for good and at least bring in low grade buds that require examination before re-sale for those who prefer a more mild smoke.

All dispenaries I've been to also stock lower grades of bud as well as high CBD low THC buds, extracts, and concentrates so if joe schmoe finds top shelf too much there's always an alternative. If someone can't handle responsible use then that's no one's fault but their own. Should we restrict vodka for those who can't drink responsibly? What about cigars for those who can't control their smoking habit? I can also think of a few positives to legalization, but this post has droned on long enough.
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